
		contains = "BaseWrapper",
		representation = representation(
				fun = "function"

#' Constructor.

		f = "initialize",
		signature = signature("PostprocWrapper"),
		def = function(.Object, learner, fun, args) {
      .Object@fun = fun
      pds = list()
      callNextMethod(.Object, learner=learner, par.set=pds, par.vals=args) 

#' Fuses a base learner with a postprocessing method. Creates a learner object, which can be
#' used like any other learner object, but which internally postprocesses the prediction as requested. 
#' @param learner [\code{\linkS4class{Learner}} or string]\cr 
#'        Learning algorithm. See \code{\link{learners}}.  
#' @param fun [function] \cr
#'        Function to postprocess a \code{\linkS4class{Prediction}} object (first argument). Must be postprocessed and subsequently returned.
#' @param ... [any] \cr
#'        Optional parameters to control the postprocessing. Passed to fun.   
#' @return \code{\linkS4class{Learner}}.
#' @title Fuse learner with postprocessing.
#' @export

makePostprocWrapper = function(learner, fun, args, ...) {
  if (is.character(learner))
    learner = makeLearner(learner)
  if (missing(args))
  if (any(names(formals(fun)) != c("pred", "args")))
    stop("Arguments in postproc function have to be: pred, args")   
	new("PostprocWrapper", learner=learner, fun=fun, args=args)

#' @rdname predictLearner

		f = "predictLearner",
		signature = signature(
				.learner = "PostprocWrapper", 
				.model = "WrappedModel", 
				.newdata = "data.frame", 
				.type = "character" 
		def = function(.learner, .model, .newdata, .type, ...) {
			p = callNextMethod(.learner, .model, .newdata, .type, ...)
      p = .learner@fun(pred=p, args=.learner@par.vals)
riebetob/mlr documentation built on May 20, 2019, 5:58 p.m.