biascoeff.options: Options Controlling the bias coefficients parameters.

View source: R/cdtBias_Coefficient_Options_functions.R

biascoeff.optionsR Documentation

Options Controlling the bias coefficients parameters.


Functions to handle settings used by the bias coefficients computation.





using one or more arguments of the form name = value. Existing values can be retrieved by supplying the names (as character strings) of the components as unnamed arguments.


Available options are

  • mulBiasFunction: character, the function to be used to compute the multiplicative bias coefficients. Options are "mean" (default), "median"

  • aggrBoxMethodStation: character, the interpolation method to use to aggregate stations data within the grid box. Options are "idw" (default), "mean"

  • aggrBoxMethodGrid: character, the interpolation method to use to aggregate gridded data within the grid box. Options are "bilinear" (default), "weightedAverage". The method "weightedAverage" is a spatially weighted averages of the pixels within the box, the weights are the area of the pixel falling inside the box

  • maxBoxNeighbor: numeric, maximum number of nearest neighbor boxes to use when fitting and interpolating a grid point.

  • rainyEventThres: numeric, the rain threshold to use when computing the occurrence of rainy event in case of Quantile Mapping with Fitted Distribution

  • blockType: character, the method to use to create the block estimation when the argument use.block from interp.method is TRUE. Available options are "gaussian" and "userdefined"

    • "gaussian": using Gaussian quadrature method

    • "userdefined": user defined block

  • blockSize: vector, the size of the block.

    • "gaussian": vector of length 2 in the form c(width_x, width_y)

    • "userdefined": vector of length 4 in the form c(width_x, by_x, width_y, by_y)

  • addCoarseGrid: logical, add a coarse grid to interpolate the bias coefficients or the parameters of the distribution for IDW and Ordinary Kriging method. The coarse grid will be created by resampling the grid of the input data. The values at the coarse grid will be set to 1 for multiplicative bias method and the values of the distribution parameters from gridded data for the fitted distribution method.

  • saveCoarseGrid: logical, save the buffer of coarse grid used to interpolate the bias coefficients or the parameters of the distribution. Default is FALSE

rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.