cdtDataset_readData_multiDim: Create CDT dataset format.

View source: R/cdtCreateDataset_NCmultiDim.R

cdtDataset_readData_multiDimR Documentation

Create CDT dataset format.


Create CDT dataset from a multidimensional netCDF data.


  extra_ncdim = NULL,
  conversion_fun = NULL,
  bbox = NULL,
  chunk = list(size = 100, fac = 5)



named list, providing the information about the CDT dataset.

  • dir: character, full path to the directory to save the created CDT dataset.

  • name: character, name of the dataset to use.


named list, providing the input netCDF data to be converted to a CDT dataset format.

  • timestep: character, the time step of the netCDF data.

  • dir: character, full path to the directory containing the netCDF files.

  • format: character, format of the netCDF file names. Example: ''


named list, providing the name of the variable and longitude, latitude, time of the netCDF data.

  • varid: character, the name of the variable to be converted.

  • lon_dim: character, the name of the longitude dimension.

  • lat_dim: character, the name of the latitude dimension.

  • time_dim: character, the name of the time dimension.


named list, providing the values of the dimensions other than the longitude, latitude and time to be extracted if the netCDF data contains more than 3 dimensions. For example, if the data has a pressure level (dimension name level) and from ensemble data (dimension name member), to extract the data at 1000 hPa and for member 5: extra_ncdim = list(level = 1000, member = 5). Default NULL, the data does not have extra dimension.


a function to transform the data or to convert the units.


named list, providing the region to be extracted in the form list(minlon, maxlon, minlat, maxlat). Example: bbox = list(minlon = 33, maxlon = 48, minlat = 3, maxlat = 15) Default NULL.


named list containing the size of the chunk size and the number of chunk to be used for each computation fac.


A directory named after the element name of cdtdata_info, containing the CDT dataset.


## Not run: 

cdtdata_info <- list(dir = "~/CDTDATASET/MERRA2", name = "PRECIP")
netcdf_data <- list(timestep = 'daily', dir = "~/DATA/MERRA2/daily_precip", format = '')
ncvar_info <- list(varid = 'precip', lon_dim = 'lon', lat_dim = 'lat', time_dim = 'time')
convert_units <- function(x){
   # kg m-2 s-1 to mm day-1
   x * 86400

CDT::cdtDataset_readData_multiDim(cdtdata_info, netcdf_data, ncvar_info, conversion_fun = convert_units)

## End(Not run)

rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.