merging.options.netcdf: Setting options for netCDF variable.

View source: R/cdtMerging_Options_functions.R

merging.options.netcdfR Documentation

Setting options for netCDF variable.


Functions to set the netCDF variables definition used by the merging.


merging.options.netcdf(variable, values)



character, name of the climate variable to merge. Available options: "rain", "temp", "rh", "pres", "prmsl", "rad", "wspd", "ugrd", "vgrd".

  • "rain": rainfall data

  • "temp": temperature data

  • "rh": relative humidity data

  • "pres": surface pressure data

  • "prmsl": pressure at mean sea level

  • "rad": radiation data

  • "wspd": wind speed data

  • "ugrd": zonal wind components, E-W speed

  • "vgrd": meridional wind components, N-S speed


named list, giving the netCDF variable definition and data limits. The elements of the list are

  • name: character, name of the variable to be created

  • units: character, the units of the variable

  • longname: character, longer name for the variable

  • standardname: character, standard name for the variable

  • min: numeric, possible minimum value of the dataset

  • max: numeric, possible maximum value of the dataset


## Not run: 
## All elements of the list
merging.options.netcdf('rain', values = list(name = 'precip', units = 'mm/day',
                           longname = 'Daily precipitation', standardname = 'Precipitation',
                           min = 0, max = 120))

## Partial elemts
merging.options.netcdf('temp', values = list(name = 'tmax', longname = 'Daily maximum temperature'))

## End(Not run)

rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.