blanking.options: Options Controlling the blanking buffer outside the polygons...

View source: R/cdtBlanking_Options_functions.R

blanking.optionsR Documentation

Options Controlling the blanking buffer outside the polygons boundaries.


Functions to handle the width of buffer outside the polygons boundaries.





using one or more arguments of the form name = value. Existing values can be retrieved by supplying the names (as character strings) of the components as unnamed arguments.


Available options are

  • bufferOption: character, options are "default" or "user".

    • "default": a buffer of 4 times of the spatial resolution of the gridded data is used

    • "user": the width of the buffer will be defined by the user in bufferWidth

  • bufferWidth: numeric, the width of the buffer outside the polygons in decimal degree

rijaf-iri/CDT documentation built on July 3, 2024, 2:54 a.m.