
Defines functions print.NSmodel predict.NSmodel ns

Documented in ns predict.NSmodel print.NSmodel

#' Nested Stacking for multi-label Classification
#' Create a Nested Stacking model for multilabel classification.
#' Nested Stacking is based on Classifier Chains transformation method to
#' predict multi-label data. It differs from CC to predict the labels values in
#' the training step and to regularize the output based on the labelsets
#' available on training data.
#' @family Transformation methods
#' @param mdata A mldr dataset used to train the binary models.
#' @param base.algorithm A string with the name of the base algorithm. (Default:
#'  \code{options("utiml.base.algorithm", "SVM")})
#' @param chain A vector with the label names to define the chain order. If
#'   empty the chain is the default label sequence of the dataset. (Default:
#'   \code{NA})
#' @param ... Others arguments passed to the base algorithm for all subproblems.
#' @param predict.params A list of default arguments passed to the predict
#'  algorithm. (default: \code{list()})
#' @param cores Ignored because this method does not support multi-core.
#' @param seed An optional integer used to set the seed.
#'  (Default: \code{options("utiml.seed", NA)})
#' @return An object of class \code{NSmodel} containing the set of fitted
#'   models, including:
#'   \describe{
#'    \item{chain}{A vector with the chain order}
#'    \item{labels}{A vector with the label names in expected order}
#'    \item{labelset}{The matrix containing only labels values}
#'    \item{models}{A list of models named by the label names.}
#'   }
#' @references
#'  Senge, R., Coz, J. J. del, & Hullermeier, E. (2013). Rectifying classifier
#'    chains for multi-label classification. In Workshop of Lernen, Wissen &
#'    Adaptivitat (LWA 2013) (pp. 162-169). Bamberg, Germany.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' model <- ns(toyml, "RANDOM")
#' pred <- predict(model, toyml)
#' \donttest{
#' # Use a specific chain with C5.0 classifier
#' mychain <- sample(rownames(toyml$labels))
#' model <- ns(toyml, 'C5.0', mychain)
#' # Set a specific parameter
#' model <- ns(toyml, 'KNN', k=5)
#' }
ns <- function(mdata, base.algorithm = getOption("utiml.base.algorithm", "SVM"),
               chain = NA, ..., predict.params = list(), cores = NULL,
               seed = getOption("utiml.seed", NA)) {
  # Validations
  if (!is(mdata, "mldr")) {
    stop("First argument must be an mldr object")

  labels <- rownames(mdata$labels)
  chain <- utiml_ifelse(anyNA(chain), labels, chain)
  if (!utiml_is_equal_sets(chain, labels)) {
    stop("Invalid chain (all labels must be on the chain)")

  if (!anyNA(seed)) {

  # NS Model class
  nsmodel <- list(
    labels = labels,
    chain = chain,
    call = match.call(),
    models = list(),
    labelsets = as.matrix(mdata$dataset[, mdata$labels$index])

  basedata <- mdata$dataset[mdata$attributesIndexes]
  newattrs <- matrix(nrow = mdata$measures$num.instances, ncol = 0)
  for (labelIndex in seq(length(chain))) {
    label <- chain[labelIndex]

    # Create data
    dataset <- cbind(basedata, mdata$dataset[label])
    mldCC <- utiml_prepare_data(dataset, "mldCC", mdata$name, "ns",
                                base.algorithm, chain.order = labelIndex)

    # Call dynamic multilabel model with merged parameters
    model <- utiml_create_model(mldCC, ...)
    result <- do.call(utiml_predict_binary_model,
                      c(list(model = model, newdata = basedata),

    basedata <- cbind(basedata, factor(result$bipartition, levels=c(0, 1)))
    names(basedata)[ncol(basedata)] <- label

    nsmodel$models[[label]] <- model

  class(nsmodel) <- "NSmodel"

#' Predict Method for Nested Stacking
#' This function predicts values based upon a model trained by \code{ns}.
#' The scores of the prediction was adapted once this method uses a correction
#' of labelsets to predict only classes present on training data. To more
#' information about this implementation see \code{\link{subset_correction}}.
#' @param object Object of class '\code{NSmodel}'.
#' @param newdata An object containing the new input data. This must be a
#'  matrix, data.frame or a mldr object.
#' @param probability Logical indicating whether class probabilities should be
#'  returned. (Default: \code{getOption("utiml.use.probs", TRUE)})
#' @param ... Others arguments passed to the base algorithm prediction for all
#'   subproblems.
#' @param cores Ignored because this method does not support multi-core.
#' @param seed An optional integer used to set the seed.
#'   (Default: \code{options("utiml.seed", NA)})
#' @return An object of type mlresult, based on the parameter probability.
#' @seealso \code{\link[=ns]{Nested Stacking (NS)}}
#' @export
#' @examples
#' model <- ns(toyml, "RANDOM")
#' pred <- predict(model, toyml)
#' \donttest{
#' # Predict SVM bipartitions
#' pred <- predict(model, toyml, probability = FALSE)
#' # Passing a specif parameter for SVM predict algorithm
#' pred <- predict(model, toyml, na.action = na.fail)
#' }
predict.NSmodel <- function(object, newdata,
                            probability = getOption("utiml.use.probs", TRUE),
                            ..., cores = NULL,
                            seed = getOption("utiml.seed", NA)) {
  # Validations
  if (!is(object, "NSmodel")) {
    stop("First argument must be an NSmodel object")

  if (!anyNA(seed)) {

  newdata <- utiml_newdata(newdata)
  predictions <- list()
  for (label in object$chain) {
    predictions[[label]] <- utiml_predict_binary_model(object$models[[label]],

    newdata <- cbind(newdata, factor(predictions[[label]]$bipartition, levels=c(0, 1)))
    names(newdata)[ncol(newdata)] <- label

  subset_correction(utiml_predict(predictions[object$labels], probability),
                    object$labelsets, probability)

#' Print NS model
#' @param x The ns model
#' @param ... ignored
#' @return No return value, called for print model's detail
#' @export
print.NSmodel <- function(x, ...) {
    cat("Nested Stacking Model\n\nCall:\n")
    cat("\n Chain: (", length(x$chain), "labels )\n")
rivolli/utiml documentation built on June 1, 2021, 11:48 p.m.