
Defines functions multiInf.tables multiInf.default multiInf kl.tables kl.default kl interactionInf.default interactionInf mutualInf.tables mutualInf.default mutualInf entropy.tables entropy.array entropy.default entropy

Documented in entropy entropy.array entropy.default entropy.tables interactionInf interactionInf.default kl kl.default kl.tables multiInf multiInf.default multiInf.tables mutualInf mutualInf.default mutualInf.tables

##' Calculate entropy of discrete distribution
##' @param p non-negative numeric vector
##' @param ... other arguments to methods
##' @return A numeric value of the entopy, or vector of entropies.
##' @export entropy
entropy <- function(p, ...) {

##' @describeIn entropy Default method for vectors
##' @method entropy default
##' @export
entropy.default <- function(p, ...) {
  q <- p[p>0]

##' @describeIn entropy Method for arrays
##' @method entropy array
##' @export
entropy.array <- function(p, margin, ...) {
  if (!missing(margin)) p <- marginTable(p, margin)
  q <- p[p > 0]

##' @describeIn entropy Method for `tables` object
##' @param margin margin to consider
##' @method entropy tables
##' @export
entropy.tables <- function(p, margin, ...) {
  if (!missing(margin)) p <- margin.tables(p, margin)
  tmp <- p*log(p)
  tmp[is.nan(tmp)] <- 0
  if (is_rev(p)) -colSums(tmp)/colSums(p)
  else -rowSums(tmp)/rowSums(p)

##' (Conditional) mutual information
##' @param p numeric array or `tables` class
##' @param m1,m2 margins for mutual information
##' @param condition conditional margin
##' @param ... other arguments to methods
##' @return Numeric value for mutual information, or a vector of mutual 
##' information values.
##' @export mutualInf
mutualInf <- function(p, m1, m2, condition, ...) {

##' @describeIn mutualInf Default method for vectors
##' @method mutualInf default
##' @export
mutualInf.default <- function(p, m1, m2, condition, ...) {
  if (missing(condition)) condition <- integer(0)
  if (length(intersect(m1,m2)) > 0 || length(intersect(c(m1,m2),condition))) stop("Variable sets must be disjoint")
  else tmp <- margin(p, c(m1, m2, condition))/sum(p)
  d1 <- prod(dim(tmp)[seq_along(m1)])
  d2 <- prod(dim(tmp)[seq_along(m2)+length(m1)])
  d3 <- prod(dim(tmp))/(d1*d2)
  dim(tmp) <- c(d1,d2,d3)

  p13 <- conditionTable2(tmp, c(1,3), c())
  p23 <- conditionTable2(tmp, c(2,3), c())
  p3 <- conditionTable2(tmp, c(3), c())

  out <- tmp*(log(tmp) - log(p13) - log(p23) + log(p3))
  return(sum(out[tmp > 0]))

##' @describeIn mutualInf Method for `tables` object
##' @method mutualInf tables
##' @export
mutualInf.tables <- function(p, m1, m2, condition, ...) {
  if (is_rev(p)) p <- reverse(p)
  if (missing(condition)) condition <- integer(0)
  if (length(intersect(m1,m2)) > 0 || length(intersect(c(m1,m2),condition)) > 0) stop("Variable sets must be disjoint")
  tmp <- margin(p, c(m1, m2, condition))
  tmp <- tmp/rowSums(tmp)
  ds <- tdim(tmp)
  d1 <- prod(ds[seq_along(m1)])
  d2 <- prod(ds[seq_along(m2)+length(m1)])
  d3 <- prod(ds)/(d1*d2)
  tdim(tmp) <- c(d1,d2,d3)
  p13 <- conditional2(tmp, c(1,3), c())
  p23 <- conditional2(tmp, c(2,3), c())
  p3 <- conditional2(tmp, c(3), c())
  out <- tmp*(log(tmp) - log(p13) - log(p23) + log(p3))
  out[is.nan(out)] = 0

##' Interaction information
##' @param p object to find interaction information for
##' @param ... other arguments to methods
##' @return Numeric value for interaction information, or a vector of 
##' interaction information values.
##' @export interactionInf
interactionInf <- function(p, ...) UseMethod("interactionInf")

##' @describeIn interactionInf Default method for vectors
##' @param condition variables on which to condition
##' @method interactionInf default
##' @export
interactionInf.default <- function(p, ..., condition) {
  dots <- list(...)
  if (missing(condition)) condition=integer(0)
  if (length(dots) == 1) {
    return(-entropy(p, c(dots[[1]], condition)) + entropy(p, condition))
  else {
    args1 <- c(list(p=p), dots[-1], list(condition=condition))
    args2 <- c(list(p=p), dots[-1], list(condition=c(dots[[1]], condition)))
    return(do.call(Recall, args2) - do.call(Recall, args1))

##' Kullback-Leibler Divergence
##' Get the KL Divergence between two discrete distributions
##' @param x,y vectors (of probabilities)
##' @param ... other arguments to methods
##' @return a numberic value, vector or matrix of KL-divergences.
##' @export kl
kl <- function(x, y, ...) {

##' @describeIn kl Default method for vectors
##' @method kl default
##' @export
kl.default <- function(x, y, ...) {
  sum(x[y > 0]*log(x[y > 0]/y[y > 0]))

##' @describeIn kl Method for `tables` object
##' @method kl tables
##' @export 
kl.tables <- function(x, y, ...) {
  if (is_rev(x)) x <- reverse(x)
  if (is_rev(y)) y <- reverse(y)
  if (!("tables" %in% class(y))) y <- as_tables(y, tdim=tdim(x)) 
  if ((length(tdim(x)) != length(tdim(y))) || 
      (!all(tdim(x) == tdim(y)))) stop("table dimensions not equal")

  nx = ntables(x)
  ny = ntables(y)
  if (nx < ny) {
    if (ny %% nx != 0) warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    x = x[rep.int(seq_len(nx), ny),,drop=FALSE]
  else if (nx > ny) {
    if (nx %% ny != 0) warning("longer object length is not a multiple of shorter object length")
    y = y[rep.int(seq_len(ny), nx),,drop=FALSE]
  tmp <- x*log(x/y)
  tmp[is.nan(tmp)] = 0

##' Multiinformation
##' Get the multiinformation for a discrete distribution
##' @param x vectors (of probabilities)
##' @param ... other arguments to methods
##' @return a numberic value, vector or matrix of required multiinformation.
##' @export
multiInf <- function(x, ...) {

##' @describeIn multiInf Default method for vectors and arrays
##' @param margin margin to find multiinformation for
##' @method multiInf default
##' @export
multiInf.default <- function(x, margin=NULL, ...) {
  if (!is.null(margin)) {
    x <- margin(x, margin)
  if (is.null(dim(x))) return(0)
  out <- x
  out[] <- 1
  for (i in seq_along(dim(x))) {
    out <- out*margin2(x, i)

##' @describeIn multiInf Method for `tables` object
##' @method multiInf tables
##' @export 
multiInf.tables <- function(x, margin=NULL, ...) {
  if (is_rev(x)) x <- reverse(x)
  if (!is.null(margin)) x <- margin(x, margin)
  out <- x
  out[] <- 1
  for (i in seq_along(tdim(x))) {
    out <- out*margin2(x, i)
rje42/contingency documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 6:32 p.m.