dp.inputs.survey.art.coverage: Get ART coverage data entered from household surveys

View source: R/extract-dp.R

dp.inputs.survey.art.coverageR Documentation

Get ART coverage data entered from household surveys


Get ART coverage data from household surveys that have been entered into Spectrum for validation of its ART coverage estimates.


dp.inputs.survey.art.coverage(dp.raw, direction = "wide")



DemProj module data in raw format, as returned by read.raw.dp()


Request "wide" (default) or "long" format data.


A data frame.


Spectrum can store data from up to five household surveys. Data consist of ART coverage estimates by sex (male, female, both) and five-year age group (0-4, 5-9, ..., 75-79, 80+). Five statistics are stored for each group:

  1. Number - not used

  2. Coverage - ART coverage point estimate

  3. Lower - 95% confidence interval lower bound

  4. Upper - 95% confidence interval upper bound

  5. N - sample size. Countries may enter non-integral survey-weighted sample sizes

rlglaubius/SpectrumUtils documentation built on Jan. 30, 2025, 3:25 a.m.