
Defines functions plot.rspec

Documented in plot.rspec

#' Plot spectra
#' Plots reflectance spectra in different arrangements.
#' @param x (required) a data frame, possibly an object of class `rspec`, with a
#'   column with wavelength data, named 'wl', and the remaining column
#'   containing spectra to plot.
#' @param select specification of which spectra to plot. Can be a numeric vector
#'   or factor (e.g., `sex == "male"`)
#' @param type what type of plot should be drawn. Possibilities are:
#'    * `overlay` (default) for plotting multiple spectra in a single panel with
#'      a common y-axis.
#'    * `stack` for plotting multiple spectra in a vertical arrangement.
#'    * `heatmap` for plotting reflectance values by wavelength and a third
#'      variable (`varying`).
#' @param varying a numeric vector giving values for y-axis in
#' `type = "heatmap"`.
#' @param n number of bins with which to interpolate colors and `varying` for
#'   the heatplot.
#' @param labels logical. Add labels identifying each spectrum to the outer plot
#' margin? Defaults to `FALSE`. Ignored when `type = 'heatmap'`.
#' @param labels.stack a vector of labels for spectra when `labels = TRUE`.
#'   Defaults to the column names from spectral data. Note you will likely want
#'   to adjust the plot margins to accommodate the text labels. See `?par()` for
#'   guidance on setting margins.
#' @param labels.cex  size of the text labels when `labels = TRUE`.
#' @param wl.guide logical determining whether visible light spectrum should be
#'   added to the x-axis.
#' @param ... additional arguments passed to [plot()] (or [image()] for
#'   `"heatmap"`).
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # Load angle-resolved reflectance data for a green-winged teal
#' data(teal)
#' # Create an overlay plot (default)
#' plot(teal)
#' # Create an stacked spectral plot
#' plot(teal, type = "stack")
#' # Create a reflectance heatmap
#' plot(teal, type = "heatmap")
#' @author Thomas White \email{thomas.white026@@gmail.com}
#' @author Hugo Gruson \email{hugo.gruson+R@@normalesup.org}
#' @author Chad Eliason \email{cme16@@zips.uakron.edu}
#' @seealso [spec2rgb()], [image()], [plot()]
#' @importFrom magick image_read
#' @importFrom graphics axis image lines
#' @importFrom grDevices colorRampPalette
#' @importFrom stats approx
#' @importFrom utils tail

plot.rspec <- function(x, select = NULL, type = c("overlay", "stack", "heatmap"),
                       varying = NULL, n = 100, labels = FALSE, labels.stack = NULL,
                       labels.cex = 1, wl.guide = TRUE, ...) {
  # Plot type
  type <- match.arg(type)

  # Save wl vector
  wl <- isolate_wl(x, keep = "wl")

  # Select subset of spectra, if specified
  if (is.null(select)) {
    x <- isolate_wl(x, keep = "spec")
    select <- seq_along(x)
  } else {
    x <- isolate_wl(x[, select, drop = FALSE], keep = "spec")

  arg <- list(...)

  # Set global default plot arguments
  if (is.null(arg$xlab)) {
    arg$xlab <- "Wavelength (nm)"
  arg$x <- wl

  ### --- Heat plot --- ###

  if (type == "heatmap") {
    # Set default arguments
    if (is.null(arg$ylab)) {
      arg$ylab <- "Index"

    if (is.null(varying)) {
      varying <- seq_along(x)
      message("No varying vector supplied; using arbitrary values")

    if (is.null(arg$ylim)) {
      arg$ylim <- range(varying, na.rm = TRUE)

    if (is.null(arg$col)) {
      arg$col <- grDevices::hcl.colors(n, palette = "cividis")
    } else {
      jc <- colorRampPalette(arg$col)
      arg$col <- jc(n)

    if (is.null(arg$lty)) {
      arg$lty <- 1

    Index <- approx(varying, n = n)$y

    dat <- apply(x, 1, function(z) {
        x = varying,
        y = z,
        n = n

    arg$y <- Index
    arg$z <- t(dat)

    do.call(image, arg)
  } else {
    # Default arguments for overlay and stacked plot
    if (length(arg$col) < ncol(x)) {
      arg$col <- rep(arg$col, ncol(x))
      arg$col <- arg$col[seq_along(x)]

    if (any(names(arg$col) %in% names(x))) {
      arg$col <- arg$col[select - 1]

    if (length(arg$lty) < ncol(x)) {
      arg$lty <- rep(arg$lty, ncol(x))
      arg$lty <- arg$lty[seq_along(x)]

    if (any(names(arg$lty) %in% names(x))) {
      arg$col <- arg$lty[select - 1]

    arg$type <- "l"

    ### --- Overlay plot --- ###

    if (type == "overlay") {
      if (is.null(arg$ylim)) {
        arg$ylim <- range(x, na.rm = TRUE)

      if (is.null(arg$ylab)) {
        arg$ylab <- "Reflectance (%)"

      # TW: the heck is this?
      arg$y <- x[, 1]
      col <- arg$col
      arg$col <- col[1]
      lty <- arg$lty
      arg$lty <- lty[1]

      # Plot first spectrum
      do.call(plot, arg)

      # Add remaining spectra
      if (ncol(x) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:ncol(x)) {
          arg$col <- col[i]
          arg$lty <- lty[i]
          arg$y <- x[, i]
          do.call(lines, arg)

      if (labels) {
        # Calculate the y position of labels, by combining their ymin with the last
        # y value of each spec
        yend <- tail(x, 1)
        yloc <- yend

        # Generate default labels if none specified
        if (is.null(labels.stack)) {
          labels.stack <- names(x)

        # Add labels
        mtext(labels.stack, side = 4, at = yloc, las = 1, line = 0.5, cex = labels.cex)

    ### --- Stacked plot --- ###

    if (type == "stack") {
      if (is.null(arg$ylab)) {
        arg$ylab <- "Cumulative reflectance (arb. units)"

      # Create a copy of the spectral data in reversed order
      x_rev <- as.data.frame(x[, c(rev(seq_along(x)))])

      # Calculate maximum reflectance value from each sample
      if (length(select) == 1) {
        y <- max(x_rev)
      } else {
        y <- apply(x_rev, 2, max)

      # Calculate cumulative maximum reflectance across samples
      ym <- cumsum(y)

      # Calculate cumulative minimum reflectance across samples
      ymins <- c(0, ym[-length(ym)])

      # Specify first spectrum
      arg$y <- x_rev[, 1]

      # Set ylim to be cumulative max reflectance
      if (is.null(arg$ylim)) {
        arg$ylim <- c(0, sum(y))

      col <- rev(arg$col)
      arg$col <- col[1]

      # Plot first spectrum
      do.call(plot, arg)

      # Add remaining spectra
      if (ncol(x_rev) > 1) {
        for (i in 2:ncol(x_rev)) {
          arg$y <- x_rev[, i] + ymins[i]
          arg$col <- col[i]
          do.call(lines, arg)

      if (labels) {
        # Calculate the y position of labels, by combining their ymin with the last
        # y value of each spec
        yend <- tail(x_rev, 1)
        yloc <- ymins + yend

        # Generate default labels if none specified
        if (is.null(labels.stack)) {
          labels.stack <- names(x_rev)
        } else {
          labels.stack <- rev(labels.stack) # Reverse if user-supplied

        # Add labels
        mtext(labels.stack, side = 4, at = yloc, las = 1, line = 0.5, cex = labels.cex)

    # Add wavelength guide
    if (wl.guide) {
      vislight <- image_read(system.file("linear_visible_spectrum.png", package = "pavo"))
        grconvertY(0, from = "npc", to = "user"),
        grconvertY(0.03, from = "npc", to = "user")
rmaia/pavo documentation built on Aug. 3, 2024, 1:49 p.m.