#' Import bibliographic search results
#' @description Imports common bibliographic reference formats (i.e. .bib, .ris, or .txt).
#' @param filename A path to a filename or vector of filenames containing search results to import.
#' @param tag_naming Either a length-1 character stating how should ris tags be replaced (see details for a list of options), or an object inheriting from class \code{data.frame} containing user-defined replacement tags.
#' @param return_df If TRUE (default), returns a data.frame; if FALSE, returns a list.
#' @param verbose If TRUE, prints status updates (defaults to FALSE).
#' @details The default for argument \code{tag_naming} is \code{"best_guess"}, which estimates what database has been used for ris tag replacement, then fills any gaps with generic tags. Any tags missing from the database (i.e. \code{code_lookup}) are passed unchanged. Other options are to use tags from Web of Science (\code{"wos"}), Scopus (\code{"scopus"}), Ovid (\code{"ovid"}) or Academic Search Premier (\code{"asp"}). If a \code{data.frame} is given, then it must contain two columns: \code{"code"} listing the original tags in the source document, and \code{"field"} listing the replacement column/tag names. The \code{data.frame} may optionally include a third column named \code{"order"}, which specifies the order of columns in the resulting \code{data.frame}; otherwise this will be taken as the row order. Finally, passing \code{"none"} to \code{replace_tags} suppresses tag replacement.
#' @return Returns a data.frame or list of assembled search results.
#' @example inst/examples/read_refs.R
read_refs <- function(
tag_naming = "best_guess",
return_df = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
stop("filename is missing with no default")
file_check <- unlist(lapply(filename, file.exists))
stop("file not found")
if(length(filename) > 1){
result_list <- lapply(filename, function(a){
filename = a,
tag_naming = tag_naming,
return_df = return_df,
verbose = verbose
names(result_list) <- filename
# drop any unrecognized file types
null_check <- unlist(lapply(result_list, is.null))
result_list <- result_list[-which(null_check)]
result <- merge_columns(result_list)
result$filename <- unlist(
function(a, data){
rep(names(data)[a], nrow(data[[a]]))
data = result_list
result <- do.call(c, result_list)
}else{ # i.e. if only one filename given
tag_naming = tag_naming,
return_df = return_df,
verbose = verbose
# ' Internal function called by read_refs for each file
# '
# ' @description This is the underlying workhorse function that imports bibliographic files; primarily intended to be called from read_refs.
# ' @param filename A path to a filename containing search results to import.
# ' @param return_df If TRUE, returns a data.frame; if FALSE, returns a list.
# ' @param verbose If TRUE, prints status updates.
# ' @return Returns a data.frame or list of assembled search results.
# ' @example inst/examples/read_refs.R
#' @describeIn read_refs Import a single file
read_ref <- function(
tag_naming = "best_guess",
return_df = TRUE,
verbose = FALSE
invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "C"))
on.exit(invisible(Sys.setlocale("LC_ALL", "")))
# error checking for replace tags
valid_tags <- c("best_guess", "none", "wos", "scopus", "ovid", "asp", "synthesisr")
if(inherits(tag_naming, "character")){
if(!any(valid_tags == tag_naming)){
stop("tag_naming should be one of 'best_guess', 'none', 'wos', 'scopus', 'ovid', 'asp' or 'synthesisr'.")
if(inherits(tag_naming, "data.frame")){
if(any(!(c("code", "field") %in% colnames(tag_naming)))){
stop("if a data.frame is supplied to replace_tags, it must contain columns 'code' & 'field'.")
if(verbose){cat(paste0("Reading file ", filename, " ... "))}
x <- readLines(filename, warn = FALSE)
parse_function <- detect_parser(x[1:min(c(length(x), 200))])
if(parse_function != "unknown"){
# parse correctly
if(parse_function == "parse_ris"){
df <- do.call(
list(x = x, tag_naming = tag_naming)
df <- do.call(parse_function, list(x = x))
# return object in correct format
if(inherits(df, "data.frame")){
if(!return_df){df <- as.bibliography(df)}
if(return_df){df <- as.data.frame.bibliography(df)}
if(inherits(df, "data.frame")){df <- clean_df(df)}
warning(paste("file type not recognised for ", filename, " - skipping"))
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