
Defines functions plot_diff plot_sd plot_hist root_transform filter_features auto_scale pareto_scale arcsinh_transform summarize_two

Documented in arcsinh_transform auto_scale filter_features pareto_scale plot_diff plot_hist plot_sd root_transform summarize_two

#' plot differences in range
#' @param org_data the original data
#' @param log_mean should plot with log-transformed mean on x-axis?
#' @param use_title what title to add to the plot?
#' @export
#' @return plot
#' @import dplyr
#' @import ggplot2
plot_diff <- function(org_data, log_mean = log1p, use_title = "Difference vs Mean"){

  # calculate the range between lowest and highest value of each feature
  diff_values <- apply(org_data, 1, function(x){max(x) - min(x)})
  diff_frame <- data.frame(diff = diff_values, mean = rowMeans(org_data))

  # how to label the x-axis
  use_mean <- "mean"
  x_title <- use_mean

  # if using log-mean, then transform
  if (is.function(log_mean)) {
    use_mean <- "log_mean"
    x_title <- "log(mean)"
    diff_frame <- mutate(diff_frame, log_mean = log1p(mean))

  # generate and return the plot
  diff_plot <- ggplot(diff_frame, aes_string(x = use_mean, y = "diff")) +
    geom_point() + xlab(x_title)
  if (!is.null(use_title)) {
    diff_plot <- diff_plot + ggtitle(use_title)

#' sd and rsd plot
#' @param org_data the original data as matrix
#' @param log_mean should the mean on x-axis be log-transformed
#' @param sd_type plot the SD or RSD?
#' @param use_title what title to put on the plot?
#' @export
#' @return plot
#' @importFrom visualizationQualityControl summarize_data
plot_sd <- function(org_data, log_mean = log1p, sd_type = "sd", use_title = "SD vs Mean"){
  # summarize the data
  summ_data <- summarize_data(t(org_data), log_transform = log_mean)

  # choose whether to transform the mean or not
  use_mean <- "mean"
  x_title <- use_mean

  if (is.function(log_mean)) {
    use_mean <- "log_mean"
    x_title <- "log(mean)"

  # filter based on type of SD and plot
  sd_plot <- filter(summ_data, type == sd_type) %>%
    ggplot(., aes_string(x = use_mean, y = "var")) + geom_point() +
    xlab(x_title) + ylab(sd_type)

  if (!is.null(use_title)) {
    sd_plot <- sd_plot + ggtitle(use_title)

#' generate histogram
#' @param in_data original data
#' @param bins how many bins to use
#' @export
#' @return plot
plot_hist <- function(in_data, bins = 100){
  plot_frame <- data.frame(abundance = as.vector(in_data))
  ggplot(plot_frame, aes(x = abundance)) + geom_histogram(bins = bins)

#' root transform the data
#' @param in_data data to transform
#' @param root what root to use in the transformation
#' @export
#' @return matrix
root_transform <- function(in_data, root = 2){
  root_data <- in_data ^ (1/root)

#' filter data
#' @param in_data original input data
#' @param min_value what minimum value to filter out
#' @export
#' @return data.frame
filter_features <- function(in_data, min_value){
  n_rep <- ncol(in_data)
  pass_filter <- apply(in_data, 1, function(x){
    sum(x >= min_value) == n_rep
  out_data <- in_data[pass_filter, ]

#' apply auto scaling
#' auto scaling scales by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard
#' deviation
#' @param in_data the matrix of original data
#' @param sub_mean should mean subtraction be performed
#' @export
#' @return matrix
auto_scale <- function(in_data, sub_mean = FALSE){
  if (sub_mean) {
    out_val <- t(apply(in_data, 1, function(x){x - mean(x)}))
  } else {
    out_val <- in_data

  out_val <- t(apply(out_val, 1, function(x){x / sd(x)}))

#' apply pareto scaling
#' auto scaling scales by subtracting the mean and dividing by the standard
#' deviation
#' @param in_data the matrix of original data
#' @param sub_mean should mean subtraction be performed
#' @export
#' @return matrix
pareto_scale <- function(in_data, sub_mean = FALSE){

  if (sub_mean) {
    out_val <- t(apply(in_data, 1, function(x){x - mean(x)}))
  } else {
    out_val <- in_data

  out_val <- t(apply(out_val, 1, function(x){x / sqrt(sd(x))}))

#' apply arcsinh transform
#' arcsinh is similar to log, but handles zeros and negatives
#' \code{asinh(a + b * x) + c}
#' @param in_data the data to transform
#' @param a first parameter (default = 1)
#' @param b second parameter (default = 1)
#' @param c third parameter (default = 0)
#' @export
#' @return matrix
arcsinh_transform <- function(in_data, a = 1, b = 1, c = 0){
  b_data <- b * in_data
  t_data <- asinh(a + b_data)
  out_data <- t_data + c


#' get sd or rsd from two datasets
#' @param data1 the first dataset
#' @param data2 the second dataset
#' @export
#' @return data.frame
summarize_two <- function(data1, data2, sd_type = "sd", name1 = "data1",
                          name2 = "data2"){
  data1_summ <- summarize_data(t(data1)) %>% filter_(., ~type == sd_type) %>%
    mutate(., data = name1)
  data2_summ <- summarize_data(t(data2)) %>% filter_(., ~type == sd_type) %>%
    mutate(., data = name2)
  out_data <- rbind(data1_summ, data2_summ)
rmflight/error_transformation documentation built on May 27, 2019, 9:31 a.m.