Software Issues

Our goal is to use current R software development practices in an open software environment. Users can see all of the code at and can submit suggestions and bug reports on our issue tracker at

Travis-ci Use

The application and associated website is being continuously integrated at each push to the online repository. While often new features being added are not stable or complete, it is uncommon for the application not to run and perform functions that were working before. However, make sure the build was passing by looking for a green Build Passing badge at the top of the README file at

Debug Logging

There is a logging system integrated into the package using the package futile.logger. Note the checkbox at the bottom of the side panel on the Input tab. When the Debug on checkbox is checked (it is not checked by default), the application writes to a file named nprcgenekeepr.log in the users home directory. Currently, events occurring the the server.R file are logged as that is where most errors are exposed.

Code Coverage

Code coverage reports are part of the automated build system running on We are using the testthat package for unit tests. Currently all code returning values that do not access a database or the file system have coverage with unit tests. Many of these have 100 percent of the lines covered. However, the unit tests are not exhaustive. The practice is to add further tests as errors are detected or when working on the code and a new unit test possibility is discovered. As of 20190701 94.31 percent of the lines are covered.

rmsharp/nprcmanager documentation built on April 24, 2021, 3:13 p.m.