Man pages for rmsharp/nprcmanager
Genetic Tools for Colony Management

addAnimalsWithNoRelativeAdds an NA value for all animals without a relative
addBackSecondParentsAdd back single parents trimmed pedigree
addErrTxtConcatenates any errors from nprcgenekeeprErr into narrative...
addGenotypeAdd genotype data to pedigree file
addGroupOfUnusedAnimalsaddGroupOfUnusedAnimals adds a group to the saved groups if...
addIdRecordsaddIdRecords Adds Ego records added having NAs for parent IDs
addParentsAdd parents
addSexAndAgeToGroupForms a dataframe with Id, Sex, and current Age given a list...
addUIdsEliminates partial parentage situations by adding unique...
agePyramidPlotForm age pyramid plot
alleleFreqCalculates the count of each allele in the provided vector.
allTrueNoNAReturns 'TRUE' if every member of the vector is 'TRUE'.
assignAllelesAssign parent alleles randomly
calcACalculates 'a', the number of an individual's alleles that...
calcAgeCalculate animal ages.
calcFECalculates founder Equivalents
calcFEFGCalculates Founder Equivalents and Founder Genome Equivalents
calcFGCalculates Founder Genome Equivalents
calcGUCalculates genome uniqueness for each ID that is part of the...
calcRetentionCalculates Allelic Retention
calculateSexRatioCalculates the sex ratio (number of non-males / number of...
checkChangedColAndErrorLstcheckChangedColAndErrorLst examines errorLst for errors and...
checkChangedColsLstcheckChangedColsLst examines list for non-empty fields
checkErrorLstcheckErrorLst examines list for non-empty fields
checkGenotypeFileCheck genotype file
checkParentAgeCheck parent ages to be at least 'minParentAge'
checkRequiredColsExamines column names, 'cols' for required column names
chooseAllelesCombines two vectors of alleles by randomly selecting one...
chooseAllelesCharCombines two vectors of alleles when alleles are character...
chooseDateChoose date based on 'earlier' flag.
colChangecolChange internal function to describe column names...
convertAncestryConverts the ancestry information to a standardized code
convertDateConverts date columns formatted as characters to be of type...
convertFromCenterConverts the fromCenter information to a standardized code
convertRelationshipsConverts pairwise kinship values to a relationship category...
convertSexCodesConverts sex indicator for an individual to a standardized...
convertStatusCodesConverts status indicators to a Standardized code
correctParentSexSets sex for animals listed as either a sire or dam.
countFirstOrderCount first-order relatives.
countLoopsCount the number of loops in a pedigree tree.
createExampleFilesCreates a folder with CSV files containing example pedigrees...
createPedOnecreatePedOne makes the pedOne data object
createPedSixcreatePedSix makes the pedSix data object
createPedTreeCreate a pedigree tree (PedTree).
create_wkbkCreates an Excel workbook with worksheets.
dataframe2stringdataframe2string converts a data.frame object to a character...
exampleNprcgenekeeprConfigexampleNprcgenekeeprConfig is a loadable version of the...
examplePedigreeexamplePedigree is a pedigree object created by 'qcStudbook'
fillBinsfillBins Fill bins represented by list of two lists 'males'...
fillGroupMembersForms and fills list of animals groups based on provided...
fillGroupMembersWithSexRatioForms breeding group(s) with an effort to match a specified...
filterAgeRemoves kinship values where an animal is less than the...
filterKinMatrixFilters a kinship matrix to include only the egos listed in...
filterPairsFilters kinship values from a long-format kinship table based...
filterReportFilters a genetic value report down to only the specified...
filterThresholdFilters kinship to remove rows with kinship values less than...
finalRptfinalRpt is a list object created from the list object _rpt_...
findGenerationDetermines the generation number for each id.
findLoopsFind loops in a pedigree tree
findOffspringFinds the number of total offspring for each animal in the...
findPedigreeNumberDetermines the generation number for each id.
fixColumnNamesfixColumnNames changes original column names and into...
fixGenotypeColsReformat names of observed genotype columns
focalAnimalsfocalAnimals is a dataframe with one column (_id_) containing...
geneDropGene drop simulation based on the provided pedigree...
getAncestorsRecursively create a character vector of ancestors for an...
get_and_or_listReturns a one element character string with correct...
getAnimalsWithHighKinshipForms a list of animal Ids and animals related to them
getChangedColsTabgetChangedColsTab skeleton of list of errors
getConfigFileNamegetConfigFileName returns the configuration file name...
getCurrentAgeAge in years using the provided birthdate.
getDateColNamesVector of date column names
getDatedFilenameReturns a character vector with an file name having the date...
getDateErrorsAndConvertDatesInPedConverts columns of dates in text form to 'Date' object...
getDemographicsGet demographic data
get_elapsed_time_strReturns the elapsed time since start_time.
getEmptyErrorLstCreates a empty errorLst object
getErrorTabgetErrorTab skeleton of list of errors
getFocalAnimalPedGet pedigree based on list of focal animals
getGenoDefinedParentGenotypesAssigns parental genotype contributions to an IDs genotype by...
getGenotypesGet genotypes from file
getGVGenotypeGet Genetic Value Genotype data structure for reportGV...
getGVPopulationGet the population of interest for the Genetic Value...
getIdsWithOneParentgetIdsWithOneParent extracts IDs of animals pedigree without...
getIncludeColumnsGet the superset of columns that can be in a pedigree file.
getIndianOriginStatusGet Indian-origin status of group
getLkDirectAncestorsGet the direct ancestors of selected animals
getLkDirectRelativesGet the direct ancestors of selected animals
getLogoGet Logo file name
getMaxAxGet the maximum of the absolute values of the negative...
getMinParentAgeGet minimum parent age.
getOffspringGet offspring to corresponding animal IDs provided
getParamDefGet parameter definitions from tokens found in configuration...
getParentsGet parents to corresponding animal IDs provided
getPedigreeGet pedigree from file
getPedMaxAgeGet the maximum age of live animals in the pedigree.
getPossibleColsGet possible column names for a studbook.
getPotentialSiresProvides list of potential sires
getProbandPedigreeGets pedigree to ancestors of provided group leaving...
getProductionStatusGet production status of group
getProportionLowGet proportion of Low genetic value animals
getPyramidAgeDistGet the age distribution for the pedigree
getPyramidPlotCreates a pyramid plot of the pedigree provided.
getRecordStatusIndexReturns record numbers with selected 'recordStatus'.
getRequiredColsGet required column names for a studbook.
getSexRatioWithAdditionsgetSexRatioWithAdditions returns the sex ratio of a group.
getSiteInfoGet site information
getTokenListGets tokens from character vector of lines
getVersiongetVersion Get the version number of nprcgenekeepr
groupAddAssignAdd animals to an existing breeding group or forms groups:
groupMembersReturnForms return list of groupAddAssign function
hasBothParentshasBothParents checks to see if both parents are identified.
hasGenotypeCheck for genotype data in dataframe
headerDisplayNamesConvert internal column names to display or header names.
initializeHaremGroupsMake the initial groupMembers animal list
insertChangedColsTabinsertChangedColsTab insert a list of changed columns found...
insertErrorTabinsertErrorTab insert a list of errors found by 'qcStudbook'...
insertSeparatorsinsertSeparators inserts the character "-" between year and...
isEmptyIs vector empty or all NA values.
is_valid_date_strReturns TRUE if the string is a valid date.
kinMatrix2LongFormReformats a kinship matrix into a long-format table.
kinshipGenerates a kinship matrix.
lacy1989Pedlacy1989Ped small hypothetical pedigree
lacy1989PedAlleleslacy1989PedAlleles is a dataframe produced by 'geneDrop' on...
makeAvailableConvenience function to make the initial available animal...
makeCEPHMake a CEPH-style pedigree for each id
makeExamplePedigreeFileWrite copy of nprcgenekeepr::examplePedigree into a file
makeGroupMembersConvenience function to make the initial groupMembers animal...
makeGrpNumConvenience function to make the initial grpNum list
makeRelationClassesTableMake relation classes table from 'kin' dataframe.
makeRoundUpRound up the provided integer vector 'int' according to the...
makesLoop'makesLoop' tests for a common ancestor.
mapIdsToObfuscatedMap IDs to Obfuscated IDs
meanKinshipCalculates the mean kinship for each animal in a kinship...
nprcgenekeeprGenetic Management Functions
obfuscateDateobfucateDate adds a random number of days bounded by plus and...
obfuscateIdobfucateId creates a vector of ID aliases of specified length
obfuscatePedobfuscatePed takes a pedigree object and creates aliases for...
offspringCountsFinds the total number of offspring for each animal in the...
orderReportOrder the results of the genetic value analysis for use in a...
ped1Allelesped1Alleles is a dataframe created by the geneDrop function
pedDuplicateIdspedDuplicateIds is a dataframe with 9 rows and 5 columns...
pedFemaleSireMaleDampedFemaleSireMaleDam is a dataframe with 8 rows and 5 columns...
pedGoodpedGood is a dataframe with 8 rows and 5 columns (ego_id,...
pedInvalidDatespedInvalidDates is a dataframe with 8 rows and 5 columns...
pedMissingBirthpedMissingBirth is a dataframe with 8 rows and 5 columns...
pedOnepedOne is a loadable version of a pedigree file fragment used...
pedSameMaleIsSireAndDampedSameMaleIsSireAndDam is a dataframe with 8 rows and 5...
pedSixpedSix is a loadable version of a pedigree file fragment used...
pedWithGenotypepedWithGenotype is a dataframe produced from qcPed by adding...
pedWithGenotypeReportpedWithGenotypeReport is a list containing the output of...
printprint.summary.nprcgenekeepr print.summary.nprcgenekeeprGV
qcBreedersqcBreeders is a list of 29 baboon IDs that are potential...
qcPedqcPed is a dataframe with 277 rows and 6 columns
qcPedGvReportqcPedGvReport is a genetic value report
qcStudbookQuality Control for the Studbook or pedigree
rankSubjectsRanks animals based on genetic value.
rbindFillAppend the rows of one dataframe to another.
readExcelPOSIXToCharacterRead in Excel file and convert POSIX dates to character
removeDuplicatesRemove duplicate records from pedigree
removeEarlyDatesremoveEarlyDates removes dates before a specified year
removeGroupIfNoAvailableAnimalsRemove group numbers when all available animals have been...
removePotentialSiresRemoves potential sires from list of Ids
removeSelectedAnimalFromAvailableAnimalsUpdates list of available animals by removing the selected...
removeUninformativeFoundersRemove uninformative founders.
removeUnknownAnimalsremoveUnknownAnimals Removes unknown animals added to...
reportGVGenerates a genetic value report for a provided pedigree.
resetGroupUpdate or add the "group" field of a Pedigree.
rhesusGenotypesrhesusGenotypes is a dataframe with two haplotypes per animal
rhesusPedigreerhesusPedigree is a pedigree object
runGeneKeepRAllows running 'shiny' application with...
saveDataframesAsFilesWrite copy of dataframes to either CSV, TXT, or Excel file.
setExitSets the exit date, if there is no exit column in the table
setPopulationPopulation designation function
set_seedWork around for unit tests using sample() among various...
smallPedsmallPed is a hypothetical pedigree
smallPedTreesmallPedTree is a pedigree tree made from 'smallPed'
str_detect_fixed_allReturns a logical vector with results of stri_detect() for...
summarysummary.nprcgenekeeprErr Summary function for class...
toCharacterForce dataframe columns to character
trimPedigreeTrim pedigree to ancestors of provided group by removing...
unknown2NARemoving IDs having "UNKNOWN" regardless of case
withinIntegerRangeGet integer within a range
rmsharp/nprcmanager documentation built on April 24, 2021, 3:13 p.m.