
Defines functions bound_intervals read_genome

Documented in bound_intervals read_genome

#' Read genome files.
#' Genome files (UCSC "chromSize" files) contain chromosome name and size
#' information. These sizes are used by downstream functions to identify
#' computed intervals that have coordinates outside of the genome bounds.
#' @param path containing chrom/contig names and sizes, one-pair-per-line,
#'   tab-delimited
#' @return [genome_df], sorted by `size`
#' @note URLs to genome files can also be used.
#' @family read functions
#' @examples
#' read_genome(valr_example("hg19.chrom.sizes.gz"))
#' \dontrun{
#' # `read_genome` accepts a URL
#' read_genome("https://genome.ucsc.edu/goldenpath/help/hg19.chrom.sizes")
#' }
#' @export
read_genome <- function(path) {
  colnames <- c("chrom", "size")
  genome <- readr::read_tsv(path, col_names = colnames, show_col_types = FALSE)
  genome <- arrange(genome, desc(size))

#' Select intervals bounded by a genome.
#' Used to remove out-of-bounds intervals, or trim interval coordinates using a
#' `genome`.
#' @param x [ivl_df]
#' @param genome [genome_df]
#' @param trim adjust coordinates for out-of-bounds intervals
#' @return [ivl_df]
#' @family utilities
#' @examples
#' x <- tibble::tribble(
#'   ~chrom, ~start, ~end,
#'   "chr1", -100,   500,
#'   "chr1", 100,    1e9,
#'   "chr1", 500,    1000
#' )
#' genome <- read_genome(valr_example("hg19.chrom.sizes.gz"))
#' # out-of-bounds are removed by default ...
#' bound_intervals(x, genome)
#' # ... or can be trimmed within the bounds of a genome
#' bound_intervals(x, genome, trim = TRUE)
#' @export
bound_intervals <- function(x, genome, trim = FALSE) {
  x <- check_interval(x)
  genome <- check_genome(genome)
  x <- ungroup(x)

  res <- left_join(x, genome, by = "chrom")
  if (trim) {
    res <- mutate(
      start = ifelse(start < 0,
        pmin(start, size - 1)
      end = ifelse(end > size,
        pmax(1, end)
    res <- select(res, -size)
  } else {
    res <- filter(res, start >= 0 & start < size & end <= size & end > 0)
    res <- select(res, -size)

  if (any(res$start == res$end)) {
    n <- sum(res$start == res$end)
      "{n} interval{?s} discarded with same start and end after bounding"

  res <- res[res$start != res$end, ]

rnabioco/valr documentation built on Aug. 31, 2024, 1:41 p.m.