
x <- tibble::tribble(
 ~chrom, ~start, ~end,
 'chr1', 100,    250,
 'chr2', 250,    500

y <- tibble::tribble(
 ~chrom, ~start, ~end, ~value,
 'chr1', 100,    250,  10,
 'chr1', 150,    250,  20,
 'chr2', 250,    500,  500

bed_glyph(bed_map(x, y, value = sum(value)), label = 'value')

# summary examples
bed_map(x, y, .sum = sum(value))

bed_map(x, y, .min = min(value), .max = max(value))

# identify non-intersecting intervals to include in the result
res <- bed_map(x, y, .sum = sum(value))
x_not <- bed_intersect(x, y, invert = TRUE)
dplyr::bind_rows(res, x_not)

# create a list-column
bed_map(x, y, .values = list(value))

# use `nth` family from dplyr
bed_map(x, y, .first = dplyr::first(value))

bed_map(x, y, .absmax = abs(max(value)))

bed_map(x, y, .count = length(value))

bed_map(x, y, .vals = values(value))

# count defaults are NA not 0; differs from bedtools2 ...
bed_map(x, y, .counts = dplyr::n())

# ... but NA counts can be coverted to 0's
dplyr::mutate(bed_map(x, y, .counts = dplyr::n()), .counts = ifelse(, 0, .counts))
rnabioco/valr documentation built on April 25, 2024, 11:22 a.m.