pipe.Alignment: Alignment Stage of DuffyNGS Pipeline workflow.

pipe.AlignmentR Documentation

Alignment Stage of DuffyNGS Pipeline workflow.


Turn FASTQ file(s) of raw reads into RiboCleared, Genomic, and SpliceJunction alignments. Encapsulates a 3 stage Bowtie alignment protocol for NGS data, to turn raw reads into alignments. First, an optional RiboClearing stage to remove ribosomal RNA and other high expression unwanted transcripts. Next the main genomic alignment stage to capture the reads of interest matching the target genome(s). Lastly, an optional splice alignment stage to capture reads spanning known splice junctions.


pipe.RNAalignment(sampleID = NULL, annotationFile = "Annotation.txt", 
	optionsFile = "Options.txt", verbose = TRUE)
pipe.DNAalignment(sampleID = NULL, annotationFile = "Annotation.txt", 
	optionsFile = "Options.txt", verbose = TRUE)
pipe.ChIPalignment(sampleID = NULL, annotationFile = "Annotation.txt", 
	optionsFile = "Options.txt", verbose = TRUE)
pipe.RIPalignment(sampleID = NULL, annotationFile = "Annotation.txt", 
	optionsFile = "Options.txt", verbose = TRUE)
pipe.Alignment(sampleID = NULL, annotationFile = "Annotation.txt", 
	optionsFile = "Options.txt", verbose = TRUE)



the SampleID for this sample. This SampleID keys for a row of annotation details in the annotation file, for getting sample-specific details. The SampleID is also used as a sample-specific prefix for all files created during the processing of this sample.


the file of sample annotation details, which specifies all needed sample-specific information about the samples under study. See DuffyNGS_Annotation.


the file of processing options, which specifies all processing parameters that are not sample specific. See DuffyNGS_Options.


Turn FASTQ file(s) of raw reads into 3 groups of alignments and a final group of 'NoHits' unaligned reads. Details affecting choice of alignment indexes and Bowtie2 runtime parameters are set in the DuffyNGS_Options file. Main pipeline components:

pipe.RiboClear Ribo clearing against an index of unwanted transcripts.

pipe.GenomicAlign Genomic alignment against an index of target genome(s).

pipe.SpliceAlign Splice junction alignment against an index of standard and alternative splice junctions.

This function is called as the alignment stage of the top level pipeline tool.


a family of BAM files, FASTQ files, and summary files, written to subfolders under the top level results.path folder.

Also, a list of alignment counts:


the number of reads in the raw FASTQ file


the number of reads that failed to align to any stage of the alignment pipeline


the number of reads that aligned to the RiboClearing stage


the number of reads that aligned to the Genomic stage of the alignment pipeline


the number of reads that aligned to the SpliceJunction stage of the alignment pipeline


Bob Morrison

robertdouglasmorrison/DuffyNGS documentation built on Sept. 1, 2024, 9:25 p.m.