
Defines functions datetime_fn get.doy is.weekend is.holiday

Documented in datetime_fn

#' A simpler, faster mungebit that takes Postgresql CreatedAt statements in the format of YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS.SSSS and convert them into the choice of...
#'    days since 1970 (default)
#'    the hour of day (0-23, use mode="hod")
#'    the day of week (Mon-Sun, use mode="dow")
#'    the day of month (1-31, use mode="dom")
#'    the day of year (1-365, use mode="doy")
#'    the month of year (1-12 corresponding to Jan-Dec, use mode="moy") 
#'    if the output is a holiday (\code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, use mode="holiday")
#'    if the output is a weekend (\code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, use mode="weekend")
#'    if the output is a business day (\code{TRUE} or \code{FALSE}, use mode="bizday")

#' @param date contains the date to be formatted
#' @param mode gives the desired output format (see above)
#' @param permissive logical. If false, will error with an improper type.  If true, will just warn.
datetime_fn <- function(createdat, mode = "since", permissive = FALSE) {
  # track which records are NA before the mungebit
  if (length(createdat) == 0) return(numeric(0))
  if (is.factor(createdat)) { createdat <- as.character(createdat) }
  originally_NA <- is.na(createdat)
  if (sum(originally_NA) > 0) {
    new_values <- Recall(createdat[!originally_NA], mode = mode, permissive = permissive)
    createdat <- vector(class(new_values), length(createdat))
    createdat[originally_NA]  <- NA
    createdat[!originally_NA] <- new_values
  # do the conversion
  datetime <- suppressWarnings(lubridate::ymd_hms(createdat))
  if (any(is.na(datetime))) {
    if (mode == 'hod') { stop('Cannot extract hour from date-only.') }
    datetime <- suppressWarnings(lubridate::parse_date_time2(createdat, 'Ymd'))
  # check to see if any records are converted to NA
  if (any(is.na(datetime[!originally_NA]))) {
    error_method <- if (isTRUE(permissive)) warning else stop
    error_method('Improper date format.')

    "since" = as.numeric(as.Date(datetime)),
    "hod" = lubridate::hour(datetime),
    "dow" = weekdays(datetime),
    "dom" = lubridate::day(datetime),
    "doy" = syberiaMungebits:::get.doy(datetime),
    "moy" = lubridate::month(datetime),
    "holiday" = syberiaMungebits:::is.holiday(datetime),
    "weekend" = syberiaMungebits:::is.weekend(datetime),
    "bizday" = !syberiaMungebits:::is.holiday(datetime) & !syberiaMungebits:::is.weekend(datetime),

get.doy <- function(dates) { as.integer(strftime(as.Date(dates), "%j")) }

is.weekend <- function(date) {
  weekdays(date) %in% c('Saturday', 'Sunday')

is.holiday <- function(date) {
  year <- lubridate::year(date)
  holidays_fun <- list(ChristmasDay, USNewYearsDay, USMemorialDay, LaborDay, USThanksgivingDay)
  fun <- function(f, ...) { f(...) }
  holidays <- lapply(lapply(holidays_fun, fun, year), as.Date)
  as.Date(date) %in% unlist(holidays)

#' @export
parse_datetime <- column_transformation(syberiaMungebits:::datetime_fn, mutating = TRUE)
robertzk/syberiaMungebits documentation built on July 30, 2019, 3:37 p.m.