



##################### Settings ###################

horizon         <- 1000
simulations     <- 1

worker_max      <- 3
#worker_max     <- 66 # Setting for Amazon EC2 c5.18xlarge instance
                      # 72 vCPU, 144 GiB of memory and 25 Gbps network

subjects        <- list(50,100,500,1000)
betas           <- list(c(1.5, 1.5),c(5, 5),c(2.5, 1.5))

do_poisson      <- list(TRUE,FALSE)
poisson_lambda  <- 7.58

# create data dir if not exists and set path
dir.create(file.path(".","data"), showWarnings = FALSE)
data_dir        <- "./data/"

##################### Set up Stan Model ##########


message("Stan Modeling phase")
rstan_options(auto_write = TRUE)
options(mc.cores = parallel::detectCores())

model           <- rstan::stan_model(file = "beta_binom_hier_model.stan",
                            save_dso = TRUE, auto_write = TRUE )

##################### Simulate ###################

# total number of evaluations: 9 x 6 x 2 x 2 = 216

ptm             <- proc.time()

# could also use expand, indeed

for (sn in subjects)   {
  for (dp in do_poisson) {
    for (beta in betas)    {

      sim_str     <- paste0("_b",beta[1],"_s",sn,"_p",as.numeric(dp),"_r",simulations)

      ##################### Bandit ####################

      bandit      <- BernoulliBandit$new( n_users = sn,
                                          arm_one_shape = beta,
                                          arm_two_shape = rev(beta),
                                          do_poisson = dp,
                                          lambda = poisson_lambda  )

      ##################### Thompson Sampling Policies ########

      agent       <- Agent$new(PartiallyPooledThompsonPolicy$new(n_subjects = sn, stan_model = model, warm_up = 10, iter = 20), bandit, name = paste0("PartialThompson",sim_str))
      history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, include_packages = "rstan", worker_max = worker_max)$run()
      Sys.sleep(1) # additional cleanup time, helps some edge cases.
#       agent       <- Agent$new(PooledThompsonPolicy$new(), bandit, name = paste0("PooledThompson",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"PooledThompson",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       agent       <- Agent$new(UnpooledThompsonPolicy$new(n_subjects = sn), bandit, name = paste0("UnpooledThompson",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"UnpooledThompson",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       ##################### Egreedy Policies #################
#       agent       <- Agent$new(PartiallyPooledEgreedyPolicy$new(epsilon = 0.1, n_subjects = sn), bandit, name = paste0("PartialEG",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"PartialEG",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       agent       <- Agent$new(PartiallyBBPooledEgreedyPolicy$new(epsilon = 0.1, n_subjects = sn), bandit, name = paste0("PartialEG",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"PartialBBEG",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       agent       <- Agent$new(UnpooledEgreedyPolicy$new(epsilon = 0.1, n_subjects = sn), bandit, name = paste0("UnpooledEG",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"UnpooledEG",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       agent       <- Agent$new(PooledEgreedyPolicy$new(epsilon = 0.1), bandit, name = paste0("PooledEG",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"PooledEG",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       ##################### UCB Policies #####################
#       agent       <- Agent$new(PartiallyPooledUCBPolicy$new(n_subjects = sn), bandit, name = paste0("PartialUCB",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"PartialUCB",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       agent       <- Agent$new(PartiallyBBPooledUCBPolicy$new(n_subjects = sn), bandit, name = paste0("PartialUCB",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"PartialBBUCB",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       agent       <- Agent$new(PooledUCBPolicy$new(), bandit, name = paste0("PooledUCB",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"PooledUCB",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)
#       agent       <- Agent$new(UnpooledUCBPolicy$new(n_subjects = sn), bandit, name = paste0("UnpooledUCB",sim_str))
#       history     <- Simulator$new(agents = agent, horizon = horizon, simulations = simulations, worker_max = worker_max)$run()
#       history$save(paste0(data_dir,"UnpooledUCB",sim_str,".RData"))
#       history$clear_data_table()
#       rm(history,agent)
#       gc()
#       Sys.sleep(1)


print(proc.time() - ptm)

# clear history
history  <- NULL
robinvanemden/contextual documentation built on Aug. 12, 2019, 9:30 p.m.