
Defines functions simulate.fmforecast

Documented in simulate.fmforecast

# Function to simulate future sample paths of functional data
# given output from forecast.fdm
#' Simulate future sample paths from functional demographic model forecasts.
#' This function will simulate future sample paths given forecasting models
#' from a functional demographic model such as those obtained using \code{\link{forecast.fdm}} or \code{\link{forecast.fdmpr}}.
#' @param object Object of class \code{fmforecast}. Typically, this is output from \code{\link{forecast.fdm}}.
#' @param nsim Number of sample paths to simulate.
#' @param seed Either NULL or an integer that will be used in a call to set.seed before simulating the time seriers.
#'   The default, NULL will not change the random generator state.
#' @param bootstrap If TRUE, simulation uses resampled errors rather than normally distributed errors.
#' @param adjust.modelvar If TRUE, will adjust the model variance by the ratio of the empirical and theoretical variances for one-step forecasts.
#' @param ... Other arguments passed to \code{simulate.fmforecast}.
#' @return An array containing the future simulated values (in the case of a \code{fmforecast} object),
#' or a list of arrays containing the future simulated values (in the case of a \code{fmforecast2} object).
#' @author Rob J Hyndman
#' @seealso \code{\link{forecast.fdm}}, \code{\link{forecast.lca}}, \code{\link[ftsa]{forecast.ftsm}}.
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' france.fit <- fdm(fr.mort,order=2)
#' france.fcast <- forecast(france.fit,50,method="ets")
#' france.sim <- simulate(france.fcast,nsim=100)
#' france.fit2 <- coherentfdm(fr.sm)
#' france.fcast2 <- forecast(france.fit2,50)
#' france.sim2 <- simulate(france.fcast2,nsim=100)}
#' @keywords models
#' @export
simulate.fmforecast <- function(object,nsim=100,seed=NULL,bootstrap=FALSE, adjust.modelvar=TRUE,...)
  n <- length(object$model$year)
  p <- length(object$age)
  h <- length(object$year)

	# Fix lca objects to be able to use this function.
		object$model$basis <- cbind(log(object$model$jumprates), object$model$bx)
		object$model$coeff <- ts(cbind(rep(1,n),object$model$kt))
		stats::tsp(object$model$coeff) <- stats::tsp(object$model$kt)
		zval <- stats::qnorm(0.5 + 0.005*object$kt.f$level)
		# refit model using Arima so it can be simulated more easily.
		ktmod <- Arima(object$model$kt,order=c(0,1,0),include.drift=TRUE)
		# Find stdev of kt from kt.f (to include coefficient error)
		ktmod$sigma2 <- ((object$kt.f$upper[1] - object$kt.f$lower[1])/zval/2)^2
		object$coeff <- list(rwf(rep(1,n),level=object$kt.f$level),forecast(ktmod,level=object$kt.f$level))
		colnames(object$model$basis) <- c("mean","bx")
		rownames(object$model$basis) <- names(object$model$bx)
		adjust.modelvar <- FALSE

  nb <- length(object$coeff)

  ridx <- (1:n)#[!is.na(colSums(object$model$residuals$y))]
  # Set residuals to zero for the simulations
  resids <- object$model$residuals$y
  resids[is.na(resids)] <- 0

  fmean <- BoxCox(object$rate[[1]],object$lambda)

  fcoeff <- matrix(1,nrow=h,ncol=nb)
  output <- array(0,c(p,h,nsim))
  for(i in 1:nsim)
    output[,,i] <- object$model$basis[,1]
    if(nb > 1)
      for(j in 2:nb)
        mod <- object$coeff[[j]]$model
        if(inherits(mod, "forecast"))
          mod <- mod$model
        output[,,i] <- output[,,i] + object$model$basis[,j] %*% matrix(simulate(mod,nsim=h,bootstrap=bootstrap,future=TRUE),nrow=1)
    output[,,i] <- output[,,i] + resids[,sample(ridx,h,replace=TRUE)]
      output[,,i] <- fmean + sweep(output[,,i]-fmean,1,sqrt(object$var$adj.factor),"*")
  dimnames(output) <- list(object$age,object$year,1:nsim)
  output <- InvBoxCox(output,object$lambda)
  output[is.na(output)] <- 0
  if(object$type != "migration")
    output[output<0] <- 0

#' @rdname simulate.fmforecast
#' @export
simulate.fmforecast2 <- function (object, ...)
	is.mortality <- (object$ratio[[1]]$type == "mortality")
	output <- unclass(object) # Just to retain same list structure
	if(is.element("product",names(object))) # Assume coherent model
		output$product <- simulate(object$product,...)
		for(i in 1:length(object$ratio))
			output$ratio[[i]] <- simulate(object$ratio[[i]],...)
				output[[i]] <- output$product * output$ratio[[i]]
				output[[i]] <- output$product + output$ratio[[i]]
		for(i in 1:length(object))
			output[[i]] <- simulate(object[[i]],...)
robjhyndman/demography documentation built on July 31, 2023, 1:17 a.m.