
Defines functions rename_duplicate_features trimts scalets tsfeatures

Documented in tsfeatures

#' Time series feature matrix
#' \code{tsfeatures} computes a matrix of time series features from a list of time series
#' @param tslist a list of univariate time series, each of class \code{ts} or a numeric vector.
#' Alternatively, an object of class \code{mts} may be used.
#' @param features a vector of function names which return numeric vectors of features.
#' All features returned by these functions must be named if they return more than one feature.
#' Existing functions from installed packages may be used, but the package must be loaded first.
#' Functions must return a result for all time series, even if it is just NA.
#' @param scale if \code{TRUE}, time series are scaled to mean 0 and sd 1 before features
#' are computed.
#' @param trim if \code{TRUE}, time series are trimmed by \code{trim_amount} before features
#' are computed. Values larger than \code{trim_amount} in absolute value are set to \code{NA}.
#' @param trim_amount Default level of trimming if \code{trim==TRUE}.
#' @param parallel If TRUE, multiple cores (or multiple sessions) will be used. This only speeds things up
#' when there are a large number of time series.
#' @param multiprocess The function from the \code{future} package to use for parallel processing. Either
#' \code{\link[future]{multisession}} or \code{\link[future]{multicore}}. The latter is preferred
#' for Linux and MacOS.
#' @param na.action A function to handle missing values. Use \code{na.interp} to estimate missing values.
#' @param ... Other arguments get passed to the feature functions.
#' @return A feature matrix (in the form of a tibble) with each row corresponding to
#' one time series from tslist, and each column being a feature.
#' @examples
#' mylist <- list(sunspot.year, WWWusage, AirPassengers, USAccDeaths)
#' tsfeatures(mylist)
#' @author Rob J Hyndman
#' @export
tsfeatures <- function(tslist,
                       features = c("frequency", "stl_features", "entropy", "acf_features"),
                       scale = TRUE, trim = FALSE, trim_amount = 0.1,
                       parallel = FALSE, multiprocess = future::multisession, na.action = na.pass, ...) {
  if (!is.list(tslist)) {
    tslist <- as.list(as.ts(tslist))
    tslist <- map(tslist, as.ts)
  if (scale && any(map_dbl(tslist, var, na.rm=TRUE) == 0)){
    warning("Some series are constant and cannot be scaled, so scaling has been disabled (`scale = FALSE`).")
    scale <- FALSE
  if (scale) {
    tslist <- map(tslist, scalets)
  if (trim) {
    tslist <- map(tslist, trimts, trim = trim_amount)
  # Interpolate for missing values
  tslist <- map(tslist, function(x) {
    y <- na.action(x)
    attributes(y) <- attributes(x)
    x <- y
  # Compute all features
  flist <- funlist <- list()
  # Assuming that didn't generate an error, we will proceed
  func <- lapply(features, match.fun)
  if (parallel) {
    old_plan <- future::plan(multiprocess)
  for (i in seq_along(features)) {

    if (parallel) {
      flist[[i]] <- furrr::future_map(tslist, func[[i]], ...)
    else {
      flist[[i]] <- map(tslist, func[[i]], ...)

    # Check names
    if (is.null(names(flist[[i]][[1]]))) {
      if(length(flist[[i]][[1]]) != 1L) {
        stop(paste("Function",features[i],"not returning named feature vector"))
      flist[[i]] <- map(
        function(x) {
          names(x) <- features[i]

  # Rename duplicate feature names to avoid conflicts
  flist <- rename_duplicate_features(features, flist)

  # Unpack features into a list of numeric vectors
  featurelist <- list()
  for (i in seq_along(tslist))
    featurelist[[i]] <- unlist(map(flist, function(u) u[[i]]))

  # Find feature names
  featurenames <- map(featurelist, names)

  fnames <- unique(unlist(featurenames))
  if (any(featurenames == "")) {
    stop("Some unnamed features")

  # Create feature matrix
  fmat <- matrix(NA_real_, nrow = length(tslist), ncol = length(fnames))
  colnames(fmat) <- fnames
  rownames(fmat) <- names(tslist)

  for (i in seq_along(tslist))
    fmat[i, featurenames[[i]]] <- featurelist[[i]][featurenames[[i]]]


# Scale time series
scalets <- function(x) {
  n <- length(x)
  if (forecast::is.constant(x)) {
  scaledx <- as.numeric(scale(x, center = TRUE, scale = TRUE))
  if ("msts" %in% class(x)) {
    msts <- attributes(x)$msts
    y <- forecast::msts(scaledx, seasonal.periods = msts)
  else {
    y <- as.ts(scaledx)
  tsp(y) <- tsp(x)

# Trim time series
trimts <- function(x, trim = 0.1) {
  qtl <- quantile(x, c(trim, 1 - trim), na.rm = TRUE)
  x[x < qtl[1L] | x > qtl[2L]] <- NA

# check for duplicate feature names in the feature list and rename by prepending
# the name of the function that generates them to avoid conflicts: "functionName_featureName"
# both functions' features are renamed
# processed in order of appearance in the list
# a warning is generated when conflicts are found
rename_duplicate_features <- function(fun_names, feat_list) {
  if (length(feat_list) < 2) {
  for (i in 1:(length(feat_list) - 1)) {
    for (j in (i + 1):length(feat_list)) {
      names_first_fun <- names(feat_list[[i]][[1]])
      names_sec_fun <- names(feat_list[[j]][[1]])
      # look for at least one match in the names of the features
      if (Reduce("|", names_first_fun %in% names_sec_fun)) {
        warning(paste("Conflicting feature names in functions: ", fun_names[[i]], " and ", fun_names[[j]]))
        names_first_fun <- paste(fun_names[[i]], "_", names_first_fun, sep = "")
        for (idx in seq_along(feat_list[[i]])) {
          names(feat_list[[i]][[idx]]) <- names_first_fun
        names_sec_fun <- paste(fun_names[[j]], "_", names_sec_fun, sep = "")
        for (idx in seq_along(feat_list[[j]])) {
          names(feat_list[[j]][[idx]]) <- names_sec_fun
robjhyndman/tsfeatures documentation built on Aug. 31, 2023, 3:18 p.m.