
Defines functions ltrajDfToTrack restructureLtrajDf

# Coercion of ltraj objects

#' @import methods sp spacetime trajectories


# Function to restructure ltraj object if NA entires are dropped.
# Recalculates the data. (Internal function)
# ltrdf = data.frame from ltraj object
# legalRowsInd = indices of the rows with legal data (no NA)

restructureLtrajDf <- function(ltrdf, legalRowsInd) {
  curDf <- ltrdf[legalRowsInd, , drop = FALSE]
  # Pkg adehabitatLT imported, thus the following lines are not needed any more.
  # Originally it was not planed to import the package,
  # but it is needed for illustartion in the vignette...
  ## The suggested package adehabitatLT is needed for the following function.
  #if (!requireNamespace("adehabitatLT", quietly = TRUE))
  #  stop("Package adehabitatLT (function adehabitatLT::dl) is required 
  #       to coerce from ltraj objects having NA values in 
  #       coordinates or temporal information.")
  # Includes a recaluculaton of step characteristics!
  ltr_new_fromCurDf <- adehabitatLT::dl(curDf)
  curDf <- ltr_new_fromCurDf[[1]]
  message(paste("Information\nBurst ", attributes(ltrdf)$burst, 
                ": Relocations with missing coordinates have been excluded.",
                " Burst is definitely not regular (anymore).",
                " The step characteristics have been recalculated.\n", sep=""))
  if (!is.null(attributes(ltrdf)$infolocs)) {
    cur_info_locs <- attributes(ltrdf)$infolocs[legalRowsInd, , drop = FALSE]
    names(cur_info_locs) <- names(attributes(ltrdf)$infolocs)
    stopifnot(nrow(curDf) == nrow(cur_info_locs))
    curDf <- cbind(curDf, cur_info_locs) 


# Function that creates a Track object from a 'ltraj-data.frame'
# (Internal function)

ltrajDfToTrack <- function(ltrdf) {
  legalRowsInd <- !is.na(ltrdf$x) & !is.na(ltrdf$y) & !is.na(ltrdf$date)
  rn <- attributes(ltrdf)$row.names[legalRowsInd]
  if (FALSE %in% legalRowsInd){
    curDf <- restructureLtrajDf(ltrdf, legalRowsInd)
  } else {
    curDf <- ltrdf
    if (!is.null(attributes(curDf)$infolocs)) {
      info_locs <- attributes(curDf)$infolocs
      stopifnot(nrow(curDf) == nrow(info_locs))
      stopifnot(row.names(curDf) == row.names(info_locs))
      curDf <- cbind(curDf, info_locs)  
  # df to Track ...

  # Original row.names ...  
  attr(curDf, "row.names") <- rn
  #   # Implementation due to constructor function "Track" in package trajectories <= 0.1-3
  #   crds <- curDf[c("x","y")]
  #   time <- curDf[["date"]]
  #   sp <- SpatialPoints(crds)
  #   connData <- curDf[c("dx", "dy", "dist", "dt", "abs.angle", "rel.angle")]
  #   # Need to delete the last row
  #   connData <- connData[-(nrow(connData)), , drop = FALSE]
  #   namesCurDf <- names(curDf)
  #   varToDrop <- namesCurDf %in% c("x", "y", "date", "dx", "dy", "dist", "dt", "abs.angle", "rel.angle")
  #   curDf <- curDf[!varToDrop]
  #   #require(spacetime)
  #   stidf <- STIDF(sp, time, data = curDf)
  #   #require(trajectories)
  #   Track(stidf, df = connData)
  # Implementation due to constructor function "Track" in package trajectories >= 0.1-4
  # Updated 20170318
  # Which attribute data is NOT related to the trajectory points
  varToDrop <- names(curDf) %in% c("x", "y", "date", "dx", "dy", "dist", "dt", "abs.angle", "rel.angle")
  stidf <- STIDF(sp = SpatialPoints(curDf[c("x","y")]), 
                 time = curDf[["date"]], 
                 data = curDf[!varToDrop])
  t <- Track(stidf)
  # Hard coded: Which of the ltraj data is related to connections ...
  connData <- curDf[c("dx", "dy", "dist", "dt", "abs.angle", "rel.angle")]
  # Need to delete the last row
  connData <- connData[-(nrow(connData)), , drop = FALSE]
  # Add additional connection data to the TrackStats data (connection slot)
  slot(t, "connections") <- cbind(slot(t, "connections"), connData)
  # Return


setAs("ltraj", "Track",
      function(from) {
        stopifnot(attributes(from)$typeII && length(from) == 1)


setAs("ltraj", "Tracks",
      function(from) {
        idVec <- sapply(from, function(x) attributes(x)$id)
        if (!attributes(from)$typeII) {        
          stop("attributes(from)$typeII is not TRUE") 
        # ltraj object must be of length > 1
        if (length(from) < 2) {
          stop("length(from) > 1 is not TRUE!")
        # Expecting just one id; several trajectories from one individual
        if (length(unique(idVec)) > 1) {
          stop("length(unique(idVec)) < 2 is not TRUE!")
        trackList <- lapply(from, function(x) ltrajDfToTrack(x))
        names(trackList) <- sapply(from, function(x) attributes(x)$burst)


setAs("ltraj", "TracksCollection",
      function(from) {

        idVec <- sapply(from, function(x) attributes(x)$id)
        uniqueIdVec <- unique(idVec)
        names(uniqueIdVec) <- uniqueIdVec
        idVecWithBurstNames <- idVec 

        names(idVecWithBurstNames) <- sapply(from, function(x) attributes(x)$burst)
        if (!attributes(from)$typeII) {           
          stop("attributes(from)$typeII is not TRUE!") 
        # Expecting more than one trajectory
        if (length(from) < 2) {
          stop("length(from) > 1 is not TRUE!")
        # Expecting more than one individual
        if (length(unique(idVec)) < 2) {
          stop("length(unique(idVec)) > 1 is not TRUE!")
        namedWhichList <- lapply(uniqueIdVec, function(x)
          as.list(which(x == idVecWithBurstNames)))
        tracksList <- lapply(namedWhichList, function(x)
          Tracks(lapply(x, function(X) ltrajDfToTrack(from[[X]]))))
roland-h/trajaggr documentation built on Jan. 19, 2021, 1:02 p.m.