
Defines functions dmvnorm .rtnorm2 .rtnorm .rnorm2 .rnorm rtnorm2

# Random numbers ----------------------------------------------------------

# main function for generate random numbers, semi-optimize for speed
rtnorm2 = function(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, lq=0.025) {
  if(length(mean)!=length(sd)) stop("mean and sd must have the same length.")
  if(length(lower)!=length(upper)) stop("upper and lower must have the same length.")
  if(length(mean)!=length(upper)) stop("mean/sd and lower/upper must have the same length.")
  if(all(lower==-Inf) & all(upper==Inf)) {
    return(.rnorm(n=n, mean=mean, sd=sd))
  output = matrix(nrow=length(mean), ncol=n)
  ind = (lower == -Inf & upper == +Inf)

  if(any(ind)) {
    output[ind, ] = .rnorm(n=n, mean=mean[ind], sd=sd[ind])
    output[!ind,] = .rtnorm2(n=n, mean=mean[!ind], sd=sd[!ind], 
                             lower=lower[!ind], upper=upper[!ind])
  } else {
    output = .rtnorm2(n=n, mean=mean, sd=sd, lower=lower, upper=upper)

# auxiliar functions for random numbers generation
.rnorm = function(n, mean=0, sd=1) {
  if(length(mean)!=length(sd)) stop("mean and sd must have the same length.")
  output = matrix(rnorm(n*length(mean), mean=mean, sd=sd), nrow=length(mean))

.rnorm2 = function(n, mean=0, sd=1, lower=-Inf, upper=Inf) {
  if(length(mean)!=length(sd)) stop("mean and sd must have the same length.")
  if(length(lower)!=length(upper)) stop("upper and lower must have the same length.")
  if(length(mean)!=length(upper)) stop("mean/sd and lower/upper must have the same length.")
  output = matrix(rnorm(n*length(mean), mean=mean, sd=sd), nrow=length(mean))
  ind1 = which(output < lower, arr.ind=TRUE)[, 1]
  if(length(ind1)>0) {
    ind2 = which(output < lower)
    output[ind2] = lower[ind1]
  ind1 = which(output > upper, arr.ind=TRUE)[, 1]
  if(length(ind1)>0) {
    ind2 = which(output > upper)
    output[ind2] = upper[ind1]

.rtnorm = function(n, mean=0, sd=1, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) {
  if(length(mean)!=length(sd)) stop("mean and sd must have the same length.")
  if(length(lower)!=length(upper)) stop("upper and lower must have the same length.")
  if(length(mean)!=length(upper)) stop("mean/sd and lower/upper must have the same length.")
  output = matrix(.rtnormx(n*length(mean), mean=mean, sd=sd, lower=lower, upper=upper), 

.rtnorm2 = function(n, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf, lq=0.025) {
  if(length(mean)!=length(sd)) stop("mean and sd must have the same length.")
  if(length(lower)!=length(upper)) stop("upper and lower must have the same length.")
  if(length(mean)!=length(upper)) stop("mean/sd and lower/upper must have the same length.")
  ind = pnorm(q=lower, mean=mean, sd=sd) - pnorm(q=upper, mean=mean, sd=sd) + 1 > lq
  if(all(!ind)) {
    output = .rnorm2(n=n, mean=mean, sd=sd, lower=lower, upper=upper)
  if(all(ind)) {
    output = .rtnorm(n=n, mean=mean, sd=sd, lower=lower, upper=upper)
  output = matrix(nrow=length(mean), ncol=n)
  output[!ind, ] = .rnorm2(n=n, mean=mean[!ind], sd=sd[!ind], 
                           lower=lower[!ind], upper=upper[!ind])
  output[ind, ]  = .rtnorm(n=n, mean=mean[ind], sd=sd[ind], 
                           lower=lower[ind], upper=upper[ind])

# borrowed from msm package, not optimized function, to be updated
.rtnormx = function (n, mean = 0, sd = 1, lower = -Inf, upper = Inf) {
  if (length(n) > 1) n = length(n)
  mean = rep(mean, length = n)
  sd = rep(sd, length = n)
  lower = rep(lower, length = n)
  upper = rep(upper, length = n)
  lower = (lower - mean)/sd
  upper = (upper - mean)/sd
  ind = seq(length = n)
  ret = numeric(n)
  alg = ifelse(lower > upper, -1, 
                ifelse(((lower < 0 & upper == Inf) | 
                          (lower == -Inf & upper > 0) | (is.finite(lower) & 
                           is.finite(upper) & (lower < 0) & (upper > 0) & (upper - lower > sqrt(2 * pi)))), 0, 
                       ifelse((lower >= 0 & 
                                 (upper > lower + 2 * sqrt(exp(1))/(lower + sqrt(lower^2 + 4))*
                                    exp((lower * 2 - lower * sqrt(lower^2 + 4))/4))),1, 
                              ifelse(upper <= 0 & (-lower > -upper + 2 * sqrt(exp(1))/(-upper + sqrt(upper^2 + 4)) * 
                                                     exp((upper * 2 - -upper * sqrt(upper^2 +4))/4)), 2, 3))))
  ind.nan = ind[alg == -1]
  ind.no = ind[alg == 0]
  ind.expl = ind[alg == 1]
  ind.expu = ind[alg == 2]
  ind.u = ind[alg == 3]
  ret[ind.nan] = NaN
  while(length(ind.no) > 0) {
    y = rnorm(length(ind.no))
    done = which(y >= lower[ind.no] & y <= upper[ind.no])
    ret[ind.no[done]] = y[done]
    ind.no = setdiff(ind.no, ind.no[done])
  stopifnot(length(ind.no) == 0)
  while(length(ind.expl) > 0) {
    a = (lower[ind.expl] + sqrt(lower[ind.expl]^2 + 4))/2
    z = rexp(length(ind.expl), a) + lower[ind.expl]
    u = runif(length(ind.expl))
    done = which((u <= exp(-(z - a)^2/2)) & (z <= upper[ind.expl]))
    ret[ind.expl[done]] = z[done]
    ind.expl = setdiff(ind.expl, ind.expl[done])
  stopifnot(length(ind.expl) == 0)
  while (length(ind.expu) > 0) {
    a = (-upper[ind.expu] + sqrt(upper[ind.expu]^2 + 4))/2
    z = rexp(length(ind.expu), a) - upper[ind.expu]
    u = runif(length(ind.expu))
    done = which((u <= exp(-(z - a)^2/2)) & (z <= -lower[ind.expu]))
    ret[ind.expu[done]] = -z[done]
    ind.expu = setdiff(ind.expu, ind.expu[done])
  stopifnot(length(ind.expu) == 0)
  while (length(ind.u) > 0) {
    z = runif(length(ind.u), lower[ind.u], upper[ind.u])
    rho = ifelse(lower[ind.u] > 0, exp((lower[ind.u]^2 - 
                                           z^2)/2), ifelse(upper[ind.u] < 0, exp((upper[ind.u]^2 - 
                                                                                    z^2)/2), exp(-z^2/2)))
    u = runif(length(ind.u))
    done = which(u <= rho)
    ret[ind.u[done]] = z[done]
    ind.u = setdiff(ind.u, ind.u[done])
  stopifnot(length(ind.u) == 0)
  return(ret * sd + mean)

# borrowed from mvtnorm::dmvnorm

dmvnorm = function(x, mean = rep(0, p), sigma = diag(p), log=FALSE, 
          checkSymmetry=TRUE) {
  if(is.vector(x)) x = matrix(x, ncol = length(x))
  p = ncol(x)
  if (!missing(mean)) {
    if (!is.null(dim(mean))) 
      dim(mean) = NULL
    if (length(mean) != p) 
      stop("x and mean have non-conforming size.")
  if (!missing(sigma)) {
    if (p != ncol(sigma)) 
      stop("x and sigma have non-conforming size.")
    if (checkSymmetry && !isSymmetric(sigma, tol = sqrt(.Machine$double.eps), 
                                      check.attributes = FALSE)) 
      stop("sigma must be a symmetric matrix")
  dec = tryCatch(chol(sigma), error = function(e) e)
  if (inherits(dec, "error")) {
    x.is.mu = colSums(t(x) != mean) == 0
    logretval = rep.int(-Inf, nrow(x))
    logretval[x.is.mu] = Inf
  else {
    tmp = backsolve(dec, t(x) - mean, transpose = TRUE)
    rss = colSums(tmp^2)
    logretval = -sum(log(diag(dec))) - 0.5*p*log(2*pi) - 0.5*rss
  names(logretval) = rownames(x)
  if(log) return(logretval)
roliveros-ramos/calibrar documentation built on March 15, 2024, 12:08 a.m.