
Defines functions fit_terms

Documented in fit_terms

#' @name fit_terms
#' @rdname fit_terms
#' @title Compute terms for non-parametric spatial (2d) or 
#'   spatio-temporal (3d) trends and for smooth functions of continous 
#'   non-parametric covariates in PS-SAR regression models.
#' @description The \code{fit_terms} function compute both:
#' \itemize{
#'   \item Non-parametric spatial (2d) or spatio-temporal (3d) trends 
#'     including the decomposition in main and interaction trends 
#'     when the model is ANOVA.
#'     \item Smooth functions \eqn{f(x_i)} for non-parametric covariates 
#'       in semiparametric models. It also includes standard errors and the decomposition of each non-parametric
#'       term in fixed and random parts.
#' }
#' @param sptsarfit \emph{psar} object fitted using \code{\link{psar}} function. 
#' @param variables vector including names of non-parametric covariates. 
#'   To fit the terms of non-parametric spatial (2d) or spatio-temporal (3d) trend
#'   this argument must be set equal to \emph{spttrend}. 
#' @return A list including:
#'   \tabular{ll}{
#'     \emph{fitted_terms} \tab Matrix including terms in columns. \cr
#'     \emph{se_fitted_terms} \tab Matrix including standard errors of terms in columns. \cr
#'     \emph{fitted_terms_fixed} \tab Matrix including fixed part of terms in columns. \cr
#'     \emph{se_fitted_terms_fixed} \tab Matrix including standard errors of fixed part of terms in columns. \cr
#'     \emph{fitted_terms_random} \tab Matrix including random part of terms in columns. \cr
#'     \emph{se_fitted_terms_random} \tab Matrix including standard errors of random part of terms in columns.\cr
#'  }
#'  This object can be used as an argument of \code{\link{plot_terms}} function
#'  to make plots of both non-parametric trends and smooth functions of covariates.
#'  See \emph{examples} below. 
#' @author Roman Minguez \email{roman.minguez@@uclm.es} #'
#' @seealso
#' \itemize{
#'   \item \code{\link{psar}} estimate spatial or spatio-temporal semiparametric PS-SAR
#'           regression models.
#'   \item \code{\link{plot_terms}} plot smooth functions of non-parametric
#'     covariates.
#'   \item \code{\link{plot_main_spt}} plot main non-parametric functions in
#'     ANOVA trends.
#' }
#' @references \itemize{ 
#'  \item Lee, D. and Durbán, M. (2011). P-Spline ANOVA Type Interaction 
#'         Models for Spatio-Temporal Smoothing. \emph{Statistical Modelling}, (11), 49-69.
#'   \item Wood, S.N. (2017). \emph{Generalized Additive Models. 
#'   An Introduction with \code{R}} (second edition). CRC Press, Boca Raton.
#'  } 
#' @examples
#' ################################################
#'  ###################### Examples using a panel data of rate of
#'  ###################### unemployment for 103 Italian provinces in period 1996-2014.
#' library(sptpsar)
#' data(unemp_it); Wsp <- Wsp_it
#' ######################  No Spatial Trend: PSAR including a spatial 
#' ######################  lag of the dependent variable
#' form1 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +
#'                  pspl(serv,nknots=15) +
#'                  pspl(empgrowth,nknots=20) 
#'  gamsar <- psar(form1,data=unemp_it,sar=TRUE,Wsp=Wsp_it)
#'  summary(gamsar)
#'  ######################  Fit non-parametric terms (spatial trend must be name "spttrend")
#'  list_varnopar <- c("serv","empgrowth")
#'  terms_nopar <- fit_terms(gamsar,list_varnopar)
#'  ######################  Plot non-parametric terms
#'  plot_terms(terms_nopar,unemp_it)
#'  ###############################################
#'  Examples of terms corresponding to spatial (2d) or 
#'             spatio-temporal (3d) trends
#'  ###############################################
#'  # Spatial (2d) semiparametric ANOVA model without spatial lag
#'  # Interaction term f12 with nested basis
#' form3 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +
#'                   pspl(serv,nknots=15) + pspl(empgrowth,nknots=20) +
#'                   pspt(long,lat,nknots=c(20,20),psanova=TRUE,
#'                   nest_sp1=c(1,2),nest_sp2=c(1,2))
#' # Spatial trend fixed for period 1996-2014
#' geospanova <- psar(form3,data=unemp_it)
#' summary(geospanova)
#' ### Plot spatial trend (ANOVA)
#' spttrend <- fit_terms(geospanova,"spttrend")
#' lon <- scale(unemp_it$long); lat <- scale(unemp_it$lat)
#' ### Plot main effects
#' plot_main_spt(spttrend,sp1=lon,sp2=lat,nT=19)
#' #'  ###############################################
#'  # Spatio-temporal (3d) semiparametric ANOVA model without spatial lag
#'  # Interaction terms f12,f1t,f2t and f12t with nested basis
#'  # Remark: It is necessary to include ntime as argument
#'  # Remark: nest_sp1, nest_sp2 and nest_time must be divisors of nknots
#'  form4 <- unrate ~ partrate + agri + cons +
#'                    pspl(serv,nknots=15) + pspl(empgrowth,nknots=20) +
#'                    pspt(long,lat,year,nknots=c(18,18,8),psanova=TRUE,
#'                    nest_sp1=c(1,2,3),nest_sp2=c(1,2,3),
#'                    nest_time=c(1,2,2),ntime=19)
#'  sptanova <- psar(form4,data=unemp_it,
#'                   control=list(thr=1e-2,maxit=200,trace=FALSE))
#'  summary(sptanova)
#'  ### Plot spatial trend (ANOVA)
#'  spttrend <- fit_terms(sptanova,"spttrend")
#'  lon <- scale(unemp_it$long); lat <- scale(unemp_it$lat)
#'  time <- unemp_it$year
#'  ### Plot main effects
#'  plot_main_spt(spttrend,sp1=lon,sp2=lat,time=time,nT=19)
#'  @export

fit_terms <- function(sptsarfit,variables){
  X <- sptsarfit$X
  Z <- sptsarfit$Z
  mt <- sptsarfit$terms
  terms_mt <- attr(mt,"term.labels")
  bfixed <- sptsarfit$bfixed
  brandom <- sptsarfit$brandom
  psanova <- sptsarfit$psanova
  cov_b <-sptsarfit$vcov_b
  row_cov_fixed <- c(grepl("fixed",rownames(cov_b)))
  col_cov_fixed <- c(grepl("fixed",colnames(cov_b)))
  cov_b_fixed <- cov_b[row_cov_fixed,col_cov_fixed]
  row_cov_random <- c(grepl("random",rownames(cov_b)))
  col_cov_random <- c(grepl("random",colnames(cov_b)))
  cov_b_random <- cov_b[row_cov_random,col_cov_random]
  fitted_terms_fixed <- fitted_terms_random <- fitted_terms <- NULL
  se_fitted_terms <- se_fitted_terms_fixed <- se_fitted_terms_random <- NULL
  for (i in 1:length(variables)) {
    var_name <- variables[i]
    if (grepl("spttrend",var_name)) {
       time <- sptsarfit$time
       if (psanova){# psanova=TRUE
         if (!is.null(time)){ # 3d
           eff_spttrend_psanova <- c("Intercept","f1_main","f2_main","ft_main",
                                     "f12_int", "f1t_int", "f2t_int", "f12t_int")
         } else { # 2d
           eff_spttrend_psanova <- c("Intercept","f1_main","f2_main","f12_int")
         for (j in 1:length(eff_spttrend_psanova)) {
           eff_spttrend_psanova_j <- eff_spttrend_psanova[j]
           Xj <- as.matrix(X[,grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,colnames(X))])
           bfixed_j <- bfixed[grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,names(bfixed))]
           Zj <- as.matrix(Z[,grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,colnames(Z))])
           brandom_j <- brandom[grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,names(brandom))]
           term_fixed_j <- Xj %*% bfixed_j
           term_random_j <- Zj %*% brandom_j
           term_j <- term_fixed_j + term_random_j
           names(term_fixed_j) <- names(term_random_j) <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           names(term_j) <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           fitted_terms_fixed <- cbind(term_fixed_j, fitted_terms_fixed)
           fitted_terms_random <- cbind(term_random_j, fitted_terms_random)
           fitted_terms <- cbind(term_j, fitted_terms)
           colnames(fitted_terms_fixed)[1] <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           colnames(fitted_terms_random)[1] <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           colnames(fitted_terms)[1] <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           row_cov_j <- c(grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,rownames(cov_b)))
           col_cov_j <- c(grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,colnames(cov_b)))
           cov_b_j <- cov_b[row_cov_j,col_cov_j]
           se_term_j <- Matrix::rowSums( (cbind(Xj,Zj) %*% cov_b_j)
                                        * cbind(Xj,Zj) )^0.5
           se_fitted_terms <- cbind(se_term_j,se_fitted_terms)
           colnames(se_fitted_terms)[1] <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           #var_fitted_terms[[j]] <- cbind(Xj,Zj) %*%
           #                          (cov_b_j %*% Matrix::t(cbind(Xj,Zj)))
           #names(var_fitted_terms)[j] <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           row_cov_j_fixed <- c(grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,rownames(cov_b_fixed)))
           col_cov_j_fixed <- c(grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,colnames(cov_b_fixed)))
           cov_b_j_fixed <- cov_b_fixed[row_cov_j_fixed,col_cov_j_fixed]
           se_term_j_fixed <- Matrix::rowSums( (Xj %*% cov_b_j_fixed)
                                               * Xj )^0.5
           se_fitted_terms_fixed <- cbind(se_term_j_fixed,
           colnames(se_fitted_terms_fixed)[1] <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           #var_fitted_terms_fixed[[j]] <- Xj %*% cov_b_j_fixed %*% t(Xj)
           #names(var_fitted_terms_fixed)[j] <-
           #                   paste("fixed_",eff_spttrend_psanova_j,sep="")
           row_cov_j_random <- c(grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,rownames(cov_b_random)))
           col_cov_j_random <- c(grepl(eff_spttrend_psanova_j,colnames(cov_b_random)))
           cov_b_j_random <- cov_b_random[row_cov_j_random,col_cov_j_random]
           se_term_j_random <- Matrix::rowSums( (Zj %*% cov_b_j_random)
                                               * Zj )^0.5
           se_fitted_terms_random <- cbind(se_term_j_random,
           colnames(se_fitted_terms_random)[1] <- eff_spttrend_psanova_j
           #var_fitted_terms_random[[j]] <- Zj %*% cov_b_j_random %*% t(Zj)
           #names(var_fitted_terms_random)[j] <-
           #  paste("random_",eff_spttrend_psanova_j,sep="")
         match_fixed <- unique(grep(paste(eff_spttrend_psanova,
                                         names(bfixed), value=TRUE))
         bfixed_spt <- bfixed[match_fixed]
         match_random <- unique(grep(paste(eff_spttrend_psanova,
                                    names(brandom), value=TRUE))
         brandom_spt <- brandom[match_random]
         match_X <- unique(grep(paste(eff_spttrend_psanova,
                                    colnames(X), value=TRUE))
         X_spt <- X[,match_X]
         match_Z <- unique(grep(paste(eff_spttrend_psanova,
                                colnames(Z), value=TRUE))
         Z_spt <- Z[,match_Z]
         fitted_term_fixed_spt <- X_spt %*% bfixed_spt
         fitted_term_random_spt <- Z_spt %*% brandom_spt
         fitted_term_spt <- fitted_term_fixed_spt + fitted_term_random_spt

         fitted_terms_fixed <- cbind(fitted_term_fixed_spt,
         fitted_terms_random <- cbind(fitted_term_random_spt,
         fitted_terms <- cbind(fitted_term_spt, fitted_terms)
         colnames(fitted_terms_fixed)[1] <- "spttrend"
         colnames(fitted_terms_random)[1] <- "spttrend"
         colnames(fitted_terms)[1] <- "spttrend"
         match_cov_bspt <- unique(grep(paste(eff_spttrend_psanova,
                               colnames(cov_b), value=TRUE))
         cov_b_spt <- cov_b[match_cov_bspt,match_cov_bspt]
         se_term_spt <- Matrix::rowSums( (cbind(X_spt,Z_spt) %*% cov_b_spt)
                                        * cbind(X_spt,Z_spt) )^0.5
         se_fitted_terms <- cbind(se_term_spt,
         colnames(se_fitted_terms)[1] <- "spttrend"
         # var_fitted_terms$spttrend <- cbind(X_spt,Z_spt) %*%
         #  (cov_b_spt %*% Matrix::t(cbind(X_spt,Z_spt)))
         match_cov_bspt_fixed <- unique(grep(paste(eff_spttrend_psanova,
                                       colnames(cov_b_fixed), value=TRUE))
         cov_b_spt_fixed <- cov_b[match_cov_bspt_fixed,match_cov_bspt_fixed]
         se_term_spt_fixed <- Matrix::rowSums( (X_spt %*% cov_b_spt_fixed)
                                              * X_spt )^0.5
         se_fitted_terms_fixed <- cbind(se_term_spt_fixed,
         colnames(se_fitted_terms_fixed)[1] <- "spttrend"
         #var_fitted_terms_fixed$spttrend <- X_spt %*% cov_b_spt_fixed %*% t(X_spt)
         match_cov_bspt_random <- unique(grep(paste(eff_spttrend_psanova,
                                             colnames(cov_b_random), value=TRUE))
         cov_b_spt_random <- cov_b[match_cov_bspt_random,match_cov_bspt_random]
         se_term_spt_random <- Matrix::rowSums( (Z_spt %*% cov_b_spt_random)
                                               * Z_spt )^0.5
         se_fitted_terms_random <- cbind(se_term_spt_random,
         colnames(se_fitted_terms_random)[1] <- "spttrend"
         #var_fitted_terms_random$spttrend <- Z_spt %*% cov_b_spt_random %*% t(Z_spt)
      } else { # psanova=FALSE
        Xi <- as.matrix(X[,grepl("spt",colnames(X))])
        bfixed_i <- bfixed[grepl("spt",names(bfixed))]
        Zi <- as.matrix(Z[,grepl("spt",colnames(Z))])
        brandom_i <- brandom[grepl("spt",names(brandom))]
        term_fixed_i <- Xi %*% bfixed_i
        term_random_i <- Zi %*% brandom_i
        term_i <- term_fixed_i + term_random_i
        fitted_terms_fixed <- cbind(term_fixed_i,fitted_terms_fixed)
        fitted_terms_random <- cbind(term_random_i, fitted_terms_random)
        fitted_terms <- cbind(term_i,fitted_terms)
        colnames(fitted_terms_fixed)[1] <- "spttrend"
        colnames(fitted_terms_random)[1] <- "spttrend"
        colnames(fitted_terms)[1] <- "spttrend"
        row_cov_i <- c(grepl("spt",rownames(cov_b)))
        col_cov_i <- c(grepl("spt",colnames(cov_b)))
        cov_b_i <- cov_b[row_cov_i,col_cov_i]
        se_term_i <- Matrix::rowSums( (cbind(Xi,Zi) %*% cov_b_i)
                                     * cbind(Xi,Zi) )^0.5
        se_fitted_terms <- cbind(se_term_i,
        colnames(se_fitted_terms)[1] <- "spttrend"
        #var_fitted_terms[[i]] <- cbind(Xi,Zi) %*%
        #                         (cov_b_i %*% t(cbind(Xi,Zi)))
        #names(var_fitted_terms)[i] <- "spttrend"
        row_cov_i_fixed <- c(grepl("spt",rownames(cov_b_fixed)))
        col_cov_i_fixed <- c(grepl("spt",colnames(cov_b_fixed)))
        cov_b_i_fixed <- cov_b_fixed[row_cov_i_fixed,col_cov_i_fixed]
        se_term_i_fixed <- Matrix::rowSums( (Xi %*% cov_b_i_fixed)
                                           * Xi )^0.5
        se_fitted_terms_fixed <- cbind(se_term_i_fixed,
        colnames(se_fitted_terms_fixed)[1] <- "spttrend"
        # var_fitted_terms_fixed[[i]] <- Xi %*% cov_b_i_fixed %*% t(Xi)
        # names(var_fitted_terms_fixed)[i] <-
        #   paste("fixed_","spttrend",sep="")
        row_cov_i_random <- c(grepl("spt",rownames(cov_b_random)))
        col_cov_i_random <- c(grepl("spt",colnames(cov_b_random)))
        cov_b_i_random <- cov_b_random[row_cov_i_random,col_cov_i_random]
        se_term_i_random <- Matrix::rowSums( (Zi %*% cov_b_i_random)
                                            * Zi )^0.5
        se_fitted_terms_random <- cbind(se_term_i_random,
        colnames(se_fitted_terms_random)[1] <- "spttrend"
        # var_fitted_terms_random[[i]] <- Zi %*% cov_b_i_random %*% t(Zi)
        # names(var_fitted_terms_random)[i] <-
        #   paste("random_","spttrend",sep="")
    } else { # No spttrend
      Xi <- as.matrix(X[,grepl(var_name,colnames(X))])
      bfixed_i <- bfixed[grepl(var_name,names(bfixed))]
      Zi <- as.matrix(Z[,grepl(var_name,colnames(Z))])
      brandom_i <- brandom[grepl(var_name,names(brandom))]
      term_fixed_i <- Xi %*% bfixed_i
      term_random_i <- Zi %*% brandom_i
      term_i <- term_fixed_i + term_random_i
      fitted_terms_fixed <- cbind(term_fixed_i,fitted_terms_fixed)
      fitted_terms_random <- cbind(term_random_i, fitted_terms_random)
      fitted_terms <- cbind(term_i,fitted_terms)
      colnames(fitted_terms_fixed)[1] <- var_name
      colnames(fitted_terms_random)[1] <- var_name
      colnames(fitted_terms)[1] <- var_name
      row_cov_i <- c(grepl(var_name,rownames(cov_b)))
      col_cov_i <- c(grepl(var_name,colnames(cov_b)))
      cov_b_i <- cov_b[row_cov_i,col_cov_i]
      se_term_i <- Matrix::rowSums( (cbind(Xi,Zi) %*% cov_b_i)
                                    * cbind(Xi,Zi) )^0.5
      se_fitted_terms <- cbind(se_term_i,se_fitted_terms)
      colnames(se_fitted_terms)[1] <- var_name
      # var_fitted_terms[[i]] <- cbind(Xi,Zi) %*%
      #                          (cov_b_i %*% t(cbind(Xi,Zi)))
      # names(var_fitted_terms)[i] <- var_name
      row_cov_i_fixed <- c(grepl(var_name,rownames(cov_b_fixed)))
      col_cov_i_fixed <- c(grepl(var_name,colnames(cov_b_fixed)))
      cov_b_i_fixed <- cov_b_fixed[c(row_cov_i_fixed),c(col_cov_i_fixed)]
      se_term_i_fixed <- Matrix::rowSums( (Xi %*% cov_b_i_fixed)
                                          * Xi )^0.5
      se_fitted_terms_fixed <- cbind(se_term_i_fixed,
      colnames(se_fitted_terms_fixed)[1] <- var_name
      # var_fitted_terms_fixed[[i]] <- Xi %*% cov_b_i_fixed %*% t(Xi)
      # names(var_fitted_terms_fixed)[i] <-
      #   paste("fixed_",var_name,sep="")
      row_cov_i_random <- c(grepl(var_name,rownames(cov_b_random)))
      col_cov_i_random <- c(grepl(var_name,colnames(cov_b_random)))
      cov_b_i_random <- cov_b_random[row_cov_i_random,col_cov_i_random]
      se_term_i_random <- Matrix::rowSums( (Zi %*% cov_b_i_random)
                                           * Zi )^0.5
      se_fitted_terms_random <- cbind(se_term_i_random,
      colnames(se_fitted_terms_random)[1] <- var_name
      # var_fitted_terms_random[[i]] <- Zi %*% cov_b_i_random %*% t(Zi)
      # names(var_fitted_terms_random)[i] <-
      #   paste("random_",var_name,sep="")
  } # end for (i in 1:length(variables))

  res <- list(fitted_terms = as.matrix(fitted_terms),
              se_fitted_terms = as.matrix(se_fitted_terms),
              fitted_terms_fixed = as.matrix(fitted_terms_fixed),
              se_fitted_terms_fixed = as.matrix(se_fitted_terms_fixed),
              fitted_terms_random = as.matrix(fitted_terms_random),
              se_fitted_terms_random = as.matrix(se_fitted_terms_random) )
rominsal/sptpsar documentation built on June 1, 2022, 2:03 a.m.