#' Convert BibEntry objects to BibTeX or BibLaTeX
#' toBiblatex converts a BibEntry object to character vectors with BibLaTeX markup. toBibtex will convert a BibEntry object
#' to character vectors with BibTeX markup, converting some BibLaTeX fields and all entry types that are not supported
#' by BibTeX to ones that are supported.
#' @param object an object of class BibEntry to be converted
#' @param note.replace.field a character vector of BibLaTeX fields. When converting an entry to BibTeX, the first field in the
#' entry that matches one specified in this vector will be added to the note field, \emph{if} the note field is not already
#' present
#' @param extra.fields character vector; fields that are not supported in standard BibTeX styles are by default dropped
#' in the result return by the toBibtex function.
#' Any fields specified in extra.fields will \emph{not} be dropped if present in an entry.
#' @param encoded.names.to.latex if \code{TRUE} (the default) then name list fields
#' such as \sQuote{author} and \sQuote{editor} will have non-ASCII characters
#' translated to LaTeX escape sequences.
#' @param ... ignored
#' @export
#' @return an object of class \dQuote{Bibtex} - character vectors where each element holds one line of a BibTeX or BibLaTeX file
#' @details toBiblatex converts the BibEntry object to a vector containing the corresponding BibLaTeX file, it ensures the name
#' list fields (e.g. author and editor) are formatted properly to be read by bibtex and biber and otherwise prints all fields
#' as is, thus it is similar to \code{\link{toBibtex}}.
#' toBibtex will attempt to convert BibLaTeX entries to a format that can be read by bibtex. Any fields not supported by
#' bibtex are dropped unless they are specified in \code{extra.fields}. The fields below, if they are present, are converted
#' as described and added to a bibtex supported field, unless that field is already present.
#' \itemize{
#' \item date - The \code{date} field, if present will be truncated
#' to a year and added to the \code{year} field, if it is not already present. If a month is specified with the date, it will
#' be added to the \code{month} field.
#' \item journaltitle - Will be changed to journal, if it is not already present
#' \item location - Will be changed to address
#' \item institution - Converted to \code{school} for thesis entries
#' \item sortkey - Converted to \code{key}
#' \item maintitle - Converted to \code{series}
#' \item issuetitle - Converted to \code{booktitle}
#' \item eventtitle - Converted to \code{booktitle}
#' \item eprinttype - Converted to \code{archiveprefix} (for arXiv references)
#' \item eprintclass - Converted to \code{primaryclass} (for arXiv references)
#' }
#' If no \code{note} field is present, the note.replace.field can be used to specified BibLaTeX fields that can be looked for
#' and added to the note field if they are present.
#' BibLaTeX entry types that are not supported by bibtex are converted by toBibtex as follows
#' "mvbook" = "Book", "bookinbook" = "InBook", "suppbook" = "InBook",
#' \itemize{
#' \item MvBook,Collection,MvCollection,Reference,MvReference,Proceedings,MvProceedings,Periodical - to Book
#' \item BookInBook,SuppBook,InReference,SuppPeriodical - to InBook
#' \item report,patent - to TechReport
#' \item SuppCollection - to InCollection
#' \item thesis - to MastersThesis if \code{type = mathesis}, else to PhdThesis
#' \item \emph{rest} - to Misc
#' }
#' @seealso \code{\link{toBibtex}}, \code{\link{BibEntry}}, \code{\link{print.BibEntry}}
#' @author McLean, M. W. \email{mathew.w.mclean@@gmail.com}, Andy Bunn for code for
#' translating non-ASCII characters to LaTeX.
#' @importFrom tools parseLatex deparseLatex latexToUtf8
#' @keywords database IO utilities
#' @aliases toBibtex.BibEntry toBibtex
#' @examples
#' if (requireNamespace("bibtex")) {
#' file.name <- system.file("Bib", "biblatexExamples.bib", package="RefManageR")
#' bib <- suppressMessages(ReadBib(file.name))
#' toBiblatex(bib[70:72])
#' toBibtex(bib[70:72])
#' }
toBiblatex <- function(object, encoded.names.to.latex = TRUE, ...){
format_bibentry1 <- function(object) {
object <- unclass(object)[[1L]]
rval <- paste0("@", attr(object, "bibtype"), "{", attr(object,
"key"), ",")
if (encoded.names.to.latex) {
nl.ind <- which(names(object) %in% .BibEntryNameList)
for (i in nl.ind)
object[i] <- EncodedNameListToLaTeX(object[[i]])
rval <- c(rval, vapply(names(object), function(n) paste0(" ",
n, " = {", object[[n]], "},"), ""), "}", "")
if (length(object)) {
object$.index <- NULL
rval <- head(unlist(lapply(object, format_bibentry1)),
else rval <- character()
class(rval) <- "Bibtex"
#' Wrapper for dplr::latexify that returns original
#' text if translation to LaTeX fails
#' @noRd
#' @seealso \url{https://github.com/ropensci/RefManageR/issues/106}
EncodedNameListToLaTeX <- function(name.list, encoding = "UTF-8")
formatted.text <- format_author(name.list)
out <- latexify(formatted.text, encoding, doublebackslash = FALSE)
if (grepl("^[{]?[?]", out))
#' Modified version of dplR::latexify
#' @importFrom stringi stri_trans_nfc stri_trans_nfd stri_unescape_unicode
#' @importFrom R.utils captureOutput
#' @author Andy Bunn
latexify <- function(x,
doublebackslash = FALSE,
dashdash = TRUE,
quotes = c("straight", "curved"),
packages = c("fontenc", "textcomp"))
y <- as.character(x)
encBytes <- Encoding(y) == "bytes"
if (any(encBytes)) {
y[encBytes] <- captureOutput(cat(y[encBytes], sep = "\n"))
y <- stri_trans_nfd(y)
Letters <- paste0(c(LETTERS, letters), collapse = "")
fontenc <- "fontenc" %in% packages
textcomp <- "textcomp" %in% packages
eurosym <- "eurosym" %in% packages
straightQuotes <- match.arg(quotes) == "straight"
y <- gsub("(?![[:space:]])[[:cntrl:]]", "", y, perl = TRUE)
y <- gsub("[[:space:]]+", " ", y)
substitutions <- list(c("\\\\^", "\\\\textasciicircum{}"),
c("~", "\\\\textasciitilde{}"), c("<", "\\\\textless{}"),
c(">", "\\\\textgreater{}"), c("\\\\|", "\\\\textbar{}"),
c("([#$%&_])", "\\\\\\1"), if (isTRUE(dashdash)) {
c("-", "\\\\mbox{-}")
}, if (textcomp && straightQuotes) {
c("'", "\\\\textquotesingle{}")
}, if (textcomp && straightQuotes) {
c("`", "\\\\textasciigrave{}")
}, c("\"", if (fontenc && straightQuotes) {
} else {
}), c("/", "\\\\slash{}"))
substitutions <- substitutions[!vapply(substitutions, is.null,
substitutions <- c(substitutions, list(c("\\u0132", "\\\\IJ{}"),
c("\\u0133", "\\\\ij{}"),
c("\\u01f1", "DZ"), c("\\u01f2", "Dz"),
c("\\u01f3", "dz"), c("\\u01c4", "DZ\\u033c"),
c("\\u01c5", "Dz\\u030c"),
c("\\u01c6", "dz\\u030c"),
c("\\u01c7", "LJ"), c("\\u01c8", "Lj"),
c("\\u01c9", "lj"), c("\\u01ca", "NJ"),
c("\\u01cb", "Nj"), c("\\u01cc", "nj"),
c("\\ufb00", "ff"), c("\\ufb01", "fi"),
c("\\ufb02", "fl"), c("\\ufb03", "ffi"),
c("\\ufb04", "ffl"), c("\\ufb05", "\\u017ft"),
c("\\ufb06", "st")))
above <- list(diaeresis = c("\\u0308", "\""), acute = c("\\u0301", "'"),
dotabove = c("\\u0307", "."), macron = c("\\u0304", "="),
circumflex = c("\\u0302", "^"), grave = c("\\u0300", "`"),
tilde = c("\\u0303", "~"), doubleacute = c("\\u030b", "H"),
ringabove = c("\\u030a", "r"), breve = c("\\u0306", "u"),
caron = c("\\u030c", "v"), invbreve = c("\\u0311", "newtie"))
below <- list(macronbelow = c("\\u0331", "b"), cedilla = c("\\u0327", "c"),
dotbelow = c("\\u0323", "d"), tie = c("\\u0361", "t"),
ogonek = c("\\u0328", "k"))
accents <- c(above, below)
command <- paste0("\\\\[", Letters, "]+|\\\\.")
combining <- paste0(vapply(accents, "[", character(1), 1),
collapse = "")
accPre <- paste0("(", command, "|.)({})?(?<![", combining,
accPost <- paste0("(?![", combining, "])")
aboveInCode <- vapply(above, "[", character(1), 1)
ijPattern <- paste0("([ij])", aboveInCode, accPost)
otherPattern <- paste0(accPre, aboveInCode, accPost)
aboveOutCode <- vapply(above, "[", character(1), 2)
ijReplacement <- paste0("\\\\", aboveOutCode, "{\\\\\\1}")
otherReplacement <- paste0("\\\\", aboveOutCode, "{\\1}")
belowInCode <- vapply(below, "[", character(1), 1)
belowPattern <- paste0(accPre, belowInCode, accPost)
belowOutCode <- vapply(below, "[", character(1), 2)
belowReplacement <- paste0("\\\\", belowOutCode, "{\\1}")
circPre <- paste0("(", command, "({([^}]|\\\\})+})?|.)({})?")
circPattern <- paste0(circPre, "\\u20dd", accPost)
circReplacement <- "\\\\textcircled{\\1}"
substitutions <- c(substitutions, lapply(lapply(mapply(list,
c(ijPattern, otherPattern,
belowPattern, circPattern),
c(ijReplacement, otherReplacement,
belowReplacement, circReplacement),
as.call), eval))
substitutions <- c(substitutions, list(c("\\u00a1", "\\\\textexclamdown{}"),
c("\\u00a3", "\\\\pounds{}"),
c("\\u00a7", "\\\\S{}"),
c("\\u00a9", "\\\\copyright{}"),
c("\\u00aa", "\\\\textordfeminine{}"), c("\\u00ae", "\\\\textregistered{}"),
c("\\u00b6", "\\\\P{}"), c("\\u00b7", "\\\\textperiodcentered{}"),
c("\\u00ba", "\\\\textordmasculine{}"), c("\\u00bf", "\\\\textquestiondown{}"),
c("\\u2013", "\\\\textendash{}"), c("\\u2014", "\\\\textemdash{}"),
c("\\u2018", "\\\\textquoteleft{}"), c("\\u2019", "\\\\textquoteright{}"),
c("\\u201c", "\\\\textquotedblleft{}"), c("\\u201d", "\\\\textquotedblright{}"),
c("\\u2020", "\\\\dag{}"), c("\\u2021", "\\\\ddag{}"),
c("\\u2022", "\\\\textbullet{}"), c("\\u2026", "\\\\dots{}"),
c("\\u2122", "\\\\texttrademark{}"), c("\\u2423", "\\\\textvisiblespace{}"),
c("\\u00c6", "\\\\AE{}"), c("\\u00e6", "\\\\ae{}"), c("\\u0152", "\\\\OE{}"),
c("\\u0153", "\\\\oe{}"), c("\\u00d8", "\\\\O{}"), c("\\u00f8", "\\\\o{}"),
c("\\u0141", "\\\\L{}"), c("\\u0142", "\\\\l{}"),
c("\\u1e9e", "\\\\ifdefined\\\\XeTeXrevision\\\\iffontchar\\\\font\"1E9E\\\\symbol{\"1E9E}\\\\else\\\\SS\\\\fi\\\\else\\\\ifdefined\\\\directlua\\\\iffontchar\\\\font\"1E9E\\\\symbol{\"1E9E}\\\\else\\\\SS\\\\fi\\\\else\\\\SS\\\\fi\\\\fi{}"),
c("\\u00df", "\\\\ss{}"), c("\\u017f", "\\\\ifdefined\\\\XeTeXrevision\\\\symbol{\"017F}\\\\else\\\\ifdefined\\\\directlua\\\\symbol{\"017F}\\\\else{\\\\fontencoding{TS1}\\\\selectfont s}\\\\fi\\\\fi{}")))
substitutions <- c(substitutions, list(c("\\u00d0", "\\\\DH{}"), c("\\u00f0", "\\\\dh{}"),
c("\\u0110", "\\\\DJ{}"), c("\\u0111", "\\\\dj{}"),
c("\\u014a", "\\\\NG{}"),
c("\\u014b", "\\\\ng{}"), c("\\u00de", "\\\\TH{}"),
c("\\u00fe", "\\\\th{}"),
c("\\u00ab", "\\\\guillemotleft{}"),
c("\\u00bb", "\\\\guillemotright{}"),
c("\\u201a", "\\\\quotesinglbase{}"),
c("\\u201e", "\\\\quotedblbase{}"),
c("\\u2039", "\\\\guilsinglleft{}"),
c("\\u203a", "\\\\guilsinglright{}")))
substitutions <- c(substitutions, list(c("\\u00ad", "\\\\-"), c("\\u200b", "\\\\hspace{0pt}"),
c("\\u2217", "\\\\textasteriskcentered{}"),
c("\\u2016", "\\\\textbardbl{}"),
c("\\u25ef", "\\\\textbigcircle{}"),
c("\\u2422", "\\\\textblank{}"),
c("\\u00a6", "\\\\textbrokenbar{}"),
c("\\u2052", "\\\\textdiscount{}"),
c("\\u212e", "\\\\textestimated{}"),
c("\\u203d", "\\\\textinterrobang{}"),
c("\\u2e18", "\\\\textinterrobangdown{}"),
c("\\u2116", "\\\\textnumero{}"),
c("\\u25e6", "\\\\textopenbullet{}"),
c("\\u2030", "\\\\textperthousand{}"),
c("\\u2031", "\\\\textpertenthousand{}"),
c("\\u211e", "\\\\textrecipe{}"),
c("\\u203b", "\\\\textreferencemark{}"),
c("\\u02f7", "\\\\texttildelow{}"),
c("\\u2190", "\\\\textleftarrow{}"),
c("\\u2191", "\\\\textuparrow{}"),
c("\\u2192", "\\\\textrightarrow{}"),
c("\\u2193", "\\\\textdownarrow{}"),
c("\\u3008", "\\\\textlangle{}"),
c("\\u3009", "\\\\textrangle{}"),
c("\\u301a", "\\\\textlbrackdbl{}"),
c("\\u301b", "\\\\textrbrackdbl{}"),
c("\\u2045", "\\\\textlquill{}"),
c("\\u2046", "\\\\textrquill{}"),
c("\\u2117", "\\\\textcircledP{}"),
c("\\u2120", "\\\\textservicemark{}"),
c("\\u2103", "\\\\textcelsius{}"),
c("\\u2127", "\\\\textmho{}"),
c("\\u00b5", "\\\\textmu{}"),
c("\\u03a9", "\\\\textohm{}"),
c("\\u0e3f", "\\\\textbaht{}"),
c("\\u00a2", "\\\\textcent{}"),
c("\\u20a1", "\\\\textcolonmonetary{}"),
c("\\u00a4", "\\\\textcurrency{}"),
c("\\u20ab", "\\\\textdong{}"),
c("\\u20ac", "\\\\texteuro{}"),
c("\\u20b2", "\\\\textguarani{}"),
c("\\u20a4", "\\\\textlira{}"),
c("\\u20a6", "\\\\textnaira{}"),
c("\\u20b1", "\\\\textpeso{}"),
c("\\u20a9", "\\\\textwon{}"),
c("\\u00a5", "\\\\textyen{}"),
c("\\u02dd", "\\\\textacutedbl{}"),
c("\\u00b4", "\\\\textasciiacute{}"),
c("\\u00b8", "\\\\c{}"),
c("\\u02d8", "\\\\textasciibreve{}"),
c("\\u02c7", "\\\\textasciicaron{}"),
c("\\u00a8", "\\\\textasciidieresis{}"),
c("\\u00af", "\\\\textasciimacron{}"),
c("\\u00b0", "\\\\textdegree{}"),
c("\\u00f7", "\\\\textdiv{}"),
c("\\u00bc", "\\\\textonequarter{}"),
c("\\u00bd", "\\\\textonehalf{}"),
c("\\u00be", "\\\\textthreequarters{}"),
c("\\u00d7", "\\\\texttimes{}"),
c("\\u00b1", "\\\\textpm{}"),
c("\\u00b9", "\\\\textonesuperior{}"),
c("\\u00b2", "\\\\texttwosuperior{}"),
c("\\u00b3", "\\\\textthreesuperior{}"),
c("\\u2044", "\\\\textfractionsolidus{}"),
c("\\u221a", "\\\\textsurd{}"),
c("\\u00ac", "\\\\textlnot{}"),
c("\\u2212", "\\\\textminus{}")))
tmp <- paste0("(\\\\[", Letters, "]+){}")
substitutions <- c(substitutions, list(c(paste0(tmp, "(?=$|[[:digit:],.?!;:\\\\}+*/-])"),
"\\1"), c(paste0(tmp, "(?! )"), "\\1 ")))
for (subst in substitutions) {
y <- gsub(stri_unescape_unicode(subst[1]), subst[2], y, perl = TRUE)
if (isTRUE(doublebackslash)) {
y <- gsub("\\", "\\\\", y, fixed = TRUE)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.