
Defines functions get_orcid_of_person get_type_of_person person_to_schema person_has_role person_has_no_role locate_role people_with_role parse_people

# parse_people -----------------------------------------------------------------
## internal method, takes R person object and turns to codemeta / json-ld
## FIXME if @id is available, avoid replicate listing of node?
#' @importFrom utils as.person
#' @importFrom methods is
parse_people <- function(people, codemeta) {

  people <- as.person(people)

  if (length(people) == 0) {


  ## people with no role are assumed to be "Author" role
  role_mapping <- list(
    author = c("aut", NA), # NA = people without a role
    contributor = c("ctb", "com", "dtc", "ths", "trl"),
    copyrightHolder = "cph",
    funder = "fnd",
    maintainer = "cre"

  # get the names of the role entries in codemeta as given in role_mapping
  roles <- names(role_mapping)

  # call people_with_role on each element of role_mapping and assign the
  # resulting lists to the corresponding entries in codemeta
  codemeta[roles] <- lapply(role_mapping, people_with_role, people = people)

  # return codemeta

# people_with_role -------------------------------------------------------------
people_with_role <- function(people, role = "aut") {

  # If there is more than one role requested, call this function recursively
  # for each role, combine the results with c() and return
  if (length(role) > 1) {

    return(do.call(c, lapply(role, people_with_role, people = people)))

  # if role is NA, has_role is TRUE for all people without any role!
  has_role <- locate_role(people, role)

  # return NULL if there are no people with the required (or without any) role
  if (! any(has_role)) {


  # create schema for each person with the selected (or without any) role
  lapply(people[has_role], person_to_schema)

# locate_role ------------------------------------------------------------------
# role = NA returns TRUE for all people without a role
#' @importFrom purrr map_lgl
locate_role <- function(people, role = "aut") {

  if (is.na(role)) {

    purrr::map_lgl(people, person_has_no_role)

  } else {

    purrr::map_lgl(people, person_has_role, role = role)

# person_has_no_role -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
person_has_no_role <- function(person) {

  stopifnot(inherits(person, "person"))


# person_has_role --------------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
person_has_role <- function(person, role) {

  stopifnot(inherits(person, "person"))

  any(grepl(role, person$role))

# person_to_schema -------------------------------------------------------------
person_to_schema <- function(p) {

  p <- as.person(p)

  if (length(p) == 0) {


  ## assume type is Organization if family name is null
  type <- get_type_of_person(p)

  # initialise the metadata list, depending on the type of person
  codemeta <- switch(
    "Person" =   list(
      "@type" = type,
      givenName = p$given,
      familyName = p$family
    "Organization" = list(
      "@type" = type,
      name = c(p$given, p$family)

  ## add email and ORCID, if given
  codemeta <- c(codemeta, drop_null(list(
    email = p$email,
    "@id" = get_orcid_of_person(p) # may return NULL
    ## Store ORCID also in comment?


# get_type_of_person -----------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
get_type_of_person <- function(p) {

  stopifnot(inherits(p, "person"))

  if (is.null(p$family) || is.null(p$given)) {


  } else {


# get_orcid_of_person ----------------------------------------------------------
#' @noRd
get_orcid_of_person <- function(p)
  # get the comment field of the person
  comment <- p$comment

  # return NULL if there is no comment for that person
  if (is.null(comment)) {


  # return the full comment if it contains "orcid"
  if (any(grepl("orcid", comment))) {


  # return NULL if the named vector does not contain an element "ORCID"
  if (! "ORCID" %in% names(comment)) {


  # get the (unnamed) element "ORDID" from the comment vector
  id <- unname(comment["ORCID"])

  # make sure that an URL to orcid.org is returned.
  if (! grepl("^https?", id)) {

    paste0("https://orcid.org/", id)

  } else {

ropensci/codemetar documentation built on July 6, 2024, 10:41 a.m.