
Defines functions get_chroncontrol.dataset get_chroncontrol.dataset_list get_chroncontrol.download_list get_chroncontrol.download get_chroncontrol.default get_chroncontrol

Documented in get_chroncontrol get_chroncontrol.dataset get_chroncontrol.dataset_list get_chroncontrol.default get_chroncontrol.download get_chroncontrol.download_list

#' Function to return chronological control tables used to build age models.
#' Using the dataset ID, return all records associated with the data.  At present,
#'    only returns the dataset in an unparsed format, not as a data table.   This function will only download one dataset at a time.
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @param x A single numeric chronology ID, a vector of numeric dataset IDs as returned by \code{\link{get_dataset}} or a \code{download} or \code{download_list} object.
#' @param chronology When \code{download} objects have more than associated chronology, which chronology do you want?  Default is \code{1}.
#' @param verbose logical, should messages on API call be printed?
#' @param add logical, should this chron control be added to the download object?
#' @author Simon J. Goring \email{simon.j.goring@@gmail.com}
#' @return This command returns either an object of class  \code{"try-error"} containing the error returned
#'    from the Neotoma API call, or a full data object containing all the relevant information required to build either the default or prior chronology for a core.
#'    When \code{download} or \code{download_list} objects are passes, the user can \code{add} the chroncontrol to the
#'    \code{download} object explicitly, in which case the function will return a download with \code{chroncontrol} embedded.
#'    This is a list comprising the following items:
#'  \item{ \code{chron.control} }{A table describing the collection, including dataset information, PI data compatable with \code{\link{get_contact}} and site data compatable with \code{\link{get_site}}.}
#'  \item{ \code{meta} }{Dataset information for the core, primarily the age-depth model and chronology.  In cases where multiple age models exist for a single record the most recent chronology is provided here.}
#'  If Neotoma returns empty content, either the control table or the associated metadata (which happens in approximately 25% of cases) then the data.frames are returned with NA content.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' #  The point of pulling chronology tables is to re-build or examine the 
#' #  chronological information that was used to build the age-depth model for 
#' #  the core.  You can do this by hand, but the `write_agefile` function works 
#' #  with `download` objects directly.
#' three_pines <- get_download(get_dataset(get_site("Three Pines Bog"), 
#'                                         datasettype = "pollen"))
#' pines_chron <- get_chroncontrol(three_pines)
#' # Spline interpolation:
#' model <- smooth.spline(x = pines_chron[[1]]$chron.control$depth,
#'                        y = pines_chron[[1]]$chron.control$age)
#' new_ages <- predict(model, x = three_pines[[1]]$sample.meta$depth)
#' }
#' @references
#' + Neotoma Project Website: http://www.neotomadb.org
#' + API Reference:  http://wnapi.neotomadb.org/doc/resources/contacts
#' @keywords IO connection
#' @export
get_chroncontrol <- function(x, chronology = 1, verbose = TRUE, add = FALSE) {

#' @title Function to return chronological control tables from a chronologic ID.
#' @description Using the chronology ID, return the chron control table as a \code{data.frame}.
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @param x A single numeric chronology ID or a vector of numeric chronology IDs as returned by \code{get_datasets}.
#' @param chronology For \code{download} methods, which chronology controls should be used?
#' @param add logical, should this chron control be added to the download object?
#' @param verbose logical; should messages on API call be printed?
#' @export
get_chroncontrol.default <- function(x, chronology = 1, verbose = TRUE, add = FALSE) {
  # Updated the processing here. There is no need to be fiddling with
  # call. Use missing() to check for presence of argument
  # and then process as per usual
  base.uri <- 'http://wnapi.neotomadb.org/v1/data/chronologies'
  if (missing(x)) {
    stop(paste(sQuote("chronologyid"), "(x) must be provided."))
  } else {
    if (!is.numeric(x)) {
      stop('chronology ID (x) must be numeric.')
  # query Neotoma for data set
  neotoma_content <- httr::content(httr::GET(paste0(base.uri, '/', x)), as = "text")
  if (identical(neotoma_content, "")) {

  aa <- jsonlite::fromJSON(neotoma_content, simplifyVector = FALSE)

  # Might as well check here for error and bail
  if (inherits(aa, "try-error")) {
  # if no error continue processing
  if (isTRUE(all.equal(aa[[1]], 0))) {
    stop(paste('Server returned an error message:\n', aa[[2]]),
         call. = FALSE)
  if (isTRUE(all.equal(aa[[1]], 1))) {
    aa <- aa[[2]]
    rep_NULL <- function(x) { 
      if (is.null(x)) { NA }
        if (is(x, "list")) {
          lapply(x, rep_NULL)
        } else {
    aa <- lapply(aa, function(x)rep_NULL(x))
    if (verbose) {
      writeLines(strwrap(paste0("API call was successful.",
                                " Returned chronology.")))
    # Here the goal is to reduce this list of lists to as
    # simple a set of matrices as possible.
    #  Some of the records do not contain a 'controls' table, so they only contain
    #  'meta':
    if (length(aa) == 0) {
      # This removes the need to make a more deeply nested if statement. . . 
      aa <- list(empty = 0) 
    if ('controls' %in% names(aa[[1]])) {
      flattened <- lapply(lapply(aa, '[[', 'controls')[[1]], data.frame)
      control.table <- do.call(rbind.data.frame, flattened)
      control.table <- control.table[, c('Depth', 'Thickness',
                                         'Age', 'AgeYoungest', 'AgeOldest',
                                         'ControlType', 'ChronControlID')]
      colnames(control.table) <- c('depth', 'thickness', 'age', 
                                   'age.young', 'age.old', 'control.type',
    } else {
      #  If there is no chron-control table, return an empty control.table element.
      control.table <- data.frame(depth = NA,
                                  thickness = NA,
                                  age = NA, 
                                  age.young = NA,
                                  age.old = NA, 
                                  control.type = NA,
                                  chron.control.id = NA)
    if ('Default' %in% names(aa[[1]])) {
      meta.table <- data.frame(default     = aa[[1]]$Default,
                               name        = aa[[1]]$ChronologyName,
                               age.type    = aa[[1]]$AgeType,
                               age.model   = aa[[1]]$AgeModel,
                               age.older   = aa[[1]]$AgeOlder,
                               age.younger = aa[[1]]$AgeYounger,
                               chron.id    = aa[[1]]$ChronologyID,
                               date        = aa[[1]]$DatePrepared)
    } else {
      # Return an empty data.frame.
      meta.table <- data.frame(default     = NA,
                               name        = NA,
                               age.type    = NA,
                               age.model   = NA,
                               age.older   = NA,
                               age.younger = NA,
                               chron.id    = NA,
                               date        = NA)
  output <- list(chron.control = control.table,
                 meta        = meta.table,
                 access.date = Sys.time(),
                 parent      = data.frame(dataset.name = NA,
                                          dataset.id = NA,
                                          dataset.type = NA))
  class(output) <- c('chroncontrol', 'list')

#' @title Function to return chronological control tables from a \code{download} object.
#' @description Using a \code{download}, return the default chron-control table as a \code{data.frame}.
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @param x A single \code{download} object.
#' @param chronology For \code{download} methods, which chronology controls should be used?
#' @param add Should the \code{chroncontrol} be added to the download object (default \code{FALSE})
#' @param verbose logical; should messages on API call be printed?
#' @export
get_chroncontrol.download <- function(x, chronology = 1, verbose = TRUE, add = FALSE) {
  chron_id <- x$chronologies[[chronology]]$chronology.id[1]
  if (!is.numeric(chron_id) & !is.na(chron_id)) {
    stop(paste0("The supplied chronology ID, ", chron_id, ", is not numeric.  Please pick a different `download` chronology."))
  if (is.na(chron_id)) {
    output <- list(chron.control = data.frame(depth = NA,
                                               thickness = NA,
                                               age = NA, 
                                               age.young = NA,
                                               age.old = NA, 
                                               control.type = NA,
                                               chron.control.id = NA),
                    meta   = data.frame(default     = NA,
                                            name        = NA,
                                            age.type    = NA,
                                            age.model   = NA,
                                            age.older   = NA,
                                            age.younger = NA,
                                            chron.id    = NA,
                                            date        = NA),
                    access.date = Sys.time(),
                    parent = data.frame(dataset.name = NA,
                                        dataset.id = NA,
                                        dataset.type = NA))
    class(output) <- c('chroncontrol', 'list')
    warning('The download has no assigned chronology id.  Returning an empty data.frame')
  } else {  
    output <- get_chroncontrol(x$sample.meta$chronology.id[1], verbose)
    class(output) <- c('chroncontrol', 'list')
    if (names(x$chronologies)[1] == x$sample.meta$chronology.name[1] & add == TRUE) {
      # If we're adding the chronology to the download object:
      x$chronologies[[1]] <- list(chronology = x$chronologies[[1]],
                                  chroncontrol = output)
    } else {
      output$parent <- data.frame(dataset.name = x$dataset$site.data$site.name,
                                  dataset.id = x$dataset$dataset.meta$dataset.id,
                                  dataset.type = x$dataset$dataset.meta$dataset.type,
                                  stringsAsFactors = FALSE)


#' @title Function to return chronological control tables from a \code{download_list} object.
#' @description Using a \code{download_list}, return the default chron-control table as a \code{data.frame}.
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @param x A \code{download_list} object.
#' @param chronology When \code{download} objects have more than associated chronology, which chronology do you want?  Default is \code{1}.
#' @param add Should the \code{chroncontrol} be added to the download object (default \code{FALSE})
#' @param verbose logical; should messages on API call be printed?
#' @export
get_chroncontrol.download_list <- function(x,  chronology = 1, verbose = TRUE, add = FALSE) {
  output <- lapply(x, function(y)get_chroncontrol(y, verbose, add = add))
  if (add == FALSE) {
    class(output) <- c('chroncontrol_list', 'list')
  } else {
    class(output) <- c('download_list', 'list')


#' @title Function to return chronological control tables from a \code{dataset_list}.
#' @description Using a \code{dataset_list}, return the default chron-control table.
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @param x A \code{dataset_list} object.
#' @param chronology When \code{download} objects have more than associated chronology, which chronology do you want?  Default is \code{1}.
#' @param add Should the \code{chroncontrol} be added to the download object (only accepts \code{FALSE})
#' @param verbose logical; should messages on API call be printed?
#' @export
get_chroncontrol.dataset_list <- function(x, chronology = 1, verbose = TRUE, add = FALSE) {
  output <- lapply(get_download(x), function(y)get_chroncontrol(y, verbose, add = FALSE))
  class(output) <- c('chroncontrol_list', 'list')

#' @title Function to return chronological control tables from a \code{dataset}.
#' @description Using a \code{dataset}, return the default chron-control table.
#' @importFrom jsonlite fromJSON
#' @importFrom httr GET content
#' @param x A \code{dataset}.
#' @param chronology When \code{download} objects have more than associated chronology, which chronology do you want?  Default is \code{1}.
#' @param add Should the \code{chroncontrol} be added to the download object (only accepts \code{FALSE})
#' @param verbose logical; should messages on API call be printed?
#' @export
get_chroncontrol.dataset <- function(x, chronology = 1, verbose = TRUE, add = FALSE) {
  output <- get_chroncontrol(get_download(x, verbose = verbose), 
                             verbose = verbose, add = FALSE)
  class(output) <- c('chroncontrol_list', 'list')

ropensci/neotoma documentation built on Dec. 6, 2022, 6:26 p.m.