
Defines functions param_check

Documented in param_check

#' @title Internal function to check passed parameters.
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @description Functions \code{\link{get_site}}, \code{\link{get_dataset}} and others pass parameters to \code{param_check}, which tells them if there's a problem.
#' @param cl Contact ID is a numerical value associated with the Neotoma
#'    Contact table's numerical Contact ID.
#' @author Simon J. Goring \email{simon.j.goring@@gmail.com}
#' @return A list with two components:
#'  \item{flag}{Returns a 0 if everything's fine, a 1 if there's a problem.}
#'  \item{message}{A list of error messages.}
#' @references
#' Neotoma Project Website: http://www.neotomadb.org
#' API Reference:  http://wnapi.neotomadb.org/doc/resources/contacts
#' @keywords internal misc
#' @export
param_check <- function(cl) {
  #  A long list of proper parameter formatting so that it's not stuck in all
  #  the basic functions.

  error <- list(flag = 0,
                message = list())

  if ('ageof' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!cl$ageof %in% c('sample', 'taxon', 'dataset')) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'ageof parameter must be one of: sample, taxon or dataset'
    } else {
      if (any(c('taxonid', 'taxonname') %in% names(cl)) & !cl$ageof == 'taxon') {
        error$flag <- 1
        error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'When taxonid or taxonname is invoked, ageof must be taxon'
    if (!any(c('ageyoung', 'ageold') %in% names(cl))) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- paste0('When ageof in invoked you also need to provide ',
                                                           'an age range using ageyounger or ageolder.')

  # Parameter check on ages:
  if (all(c('ageold', 'ageyoung') %in% names(cl))) {
    # If the user defines a minimum and maximum age, make sure that the
    # minimum is smaller than the max.
    if (cl$ageyoung > cl$ageold) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- paste0('ageyoung must be smaller than ageold, ',
                                                           'values were switched in call.')

  # Parameter check on altitudes.  This gets reused, we could turn it into a
  # higher level function to save reading lame code:
  if (all(c('altmin', 'altmax') %in% names(cl))) {
    # If the user defines a minimum and maximum altitude, make sure that the
    # minimum is smaller than the max.
    if (cl$altmin > cl$altmax) {
      error$flag = 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'altmin must be smaller than altmax.'

  # Parameter check on contactid:
  if ('contactid' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.numeric(cl$contactid)) {
      error$flag = 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The contactid must be numeric.'

  # Parameter check on contactname:
  if ('contactname' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.character(cl$contactname)) {
      error$flag = 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The contactname must be a character string.'

  #  Parameter check on contactstatus:
  if ('contactstatus' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.character(cl$contactstatus)) {
      error$flag = 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The contactstatus must be a character string.'
    } else {
      if (!cl$contactstatus %in% c('active', 'deceased', 'defunct',
                                   'extant', 'inactive', 'retired', 'unknown')) {
        error$flag = 1
        error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] = paste0('status must be an accepted term.  ',
                                                            'Use get_table(\'ContactStatuses\')')

  # Parameter check for the datasettype, make sure
  # it's one of the accepted types:
  if ('datasettype' %in% names(cl)) {
    settypes <- c('biochemistry', 'biomarker', 'charcoal', 'charcoal surface sample', 
                  'chironomid', 'cladocera', 'diatom', 'diatom surface sample', 
                  'diatom top-bottom', 'energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS/EDX)', 
                  'geochemistry', 'geochronologic', 'insect', 'insect modern', 
                  'loss-on-ignition', 'macroinvertebrate', 'modern biochemistry', 
                  'modern plant biomarker', 'organic carbon', 'ostracode', 
                  'ostracode surface sample', 'paleomagnetic', 'physical sedimentology', 
                  'phytolith', 'plant macrofossil', 'pollen', 'pollen surface sample', 
                  'specimen stable isotope', 'stable isotope', 'testate amoebae', 
                  'testate amoebae surface sample', 'vertebrate fauna', 'water chemistry', 
                  'X-ray diffraction (XRD)', 'X-ray fluorescence (XRF)')
    set <- pmatch(cl$datasettype, settypes, nomatch = NA)
    if (is.na(set)) {
      warning(paste0('datasettype is not within the known set of records:: \n* ',paste0(settypes, collapse = '\n* '), ''))
  # Parameter check on familyname:
  if ('familyname' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.character(cl$familyname)) {
      error$flag = 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The familyname must be a character string.'

  #  Test the geographic identification against the Geopolitical name table.
  if ('gpid' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (is.character(cl$gpid)) {
      gprow <- match(x = cl$gpid, table = gp.table$GeoPoliticalName)
      if (any(is.na(gprow))) {
        error$flag <- 1
        message <- paste0('Cannot find a match for the gpid provided. Missing: ', cl$gpid[which(is.na(gprow))])
        error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- message
      cl$gpid <- gp.table$GeoPoliticalID[gprow]
    } else {
      if (!is.numeric(cl$gpid)) {
        error$flag <- 1
        error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The gpid must be either a character string or an integer.'

  # Parameter check on 'loc', ought to be a comma separated list of
  # lonW, latS, lonE, latN when it is passed out, but it's probably
  # better to pass in a vector.  Although it might be better to associate
  # it with a spatial object existing in R like an extent or bbox.
  if ('loc' %in% names(cl)) {
    cl$loc <- eval(cl$loc)

    if (is(cl$loc, 'numeric') & length(cl$loc == 4)) {

      # The latitudes must be from -90 to 90
      # The longitudes must be from -180 to 180
      if (all(cl$loc[c(2,4)] >= -90 & cl$loc[c(2,4)] <= 90) &&
          all(cl$loc[c(1,3)] >= -180 & cl$loc[c(2,4)] <= 180)) {
        cl$loc <- paste(cl$loc, collapse = ',')
      } else {
        error$flag <- 1
        error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- paste0('loc must be in the form c(lonW, latS, lonE, latN).',
                    '\nLongitudes from -180 to 180, latitudes from -90 to 90.')
    } else {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The loc must be a numeric vector: lonW, latS, lonE, latN.\n'

  #  Test the PI identification.
  if ('piid' %in% names(cl)) {
    # piid must be the numeric PI id number in the Neotoma database.
    if (!is.numeric(cl$piid)) {
      error$flag = 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] = 'piid must be a numeric value.'

  # Parameter check on siteid:
  if ('siteid' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.numeric(cl$siteid)) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'siteid must be numeric.'

  if ('taxonname' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is(cl$taxonname, 'character')) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The taxonname must be a character.'
  # Parameter check on author:
  if ('search' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.character(cl$search)) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The search string must be a character string.'
  if ('year' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.numeric(cl$year)) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The year used must be numeric.'
  if ('pubtype' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.character(cl$pubtype)) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- paste0('The pubtype must be a character string. Use get.table',
                  '(\'PublicationTypes\') to find acceptable tables.')
  # Parameter check on pubid:
  if ('pubid' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.numeric(cl$pubid)) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The pubid must be numeric.'
  # Parameter check on contactid:
  if ('contactid' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.numeric(cl$contactid)) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The contactid must be numeric.'
  # Parameter check on datasetid:
  if ('datasetid' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.numeric(cl$datasetid)) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The datasetid must be numeric.'
  # Parameter check on author:
  if ('author' %in% names(cl)) {
    if (!is.character(cl$author)) {
      error$flag <- 1
      error$message[[length(error$message) + 1]] <- 'The author name must be a character string.'

ropensci/neotoma documentation built on Dec. 6, 2022, 6:26 p.m.