#' Get travel times between points
#' @description This function requires OTP 1.x and the analyst
#' @param otpcon OTP connection object produced by otp_connect()
#' @param path_data Path to data used in otp_build_graph()
#' @param fromPlace Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g.
#' `c(-0.134649,51.529258)`, or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs,
#' or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326
#' @param toPlace Numeric vector, Longitude/Latitude pair, e.g.
#' `c(-0.088780,51.506383)`, or 2 column matrix of Longitude/Latitude pairs,
#' or sf data frame of POINTS with CRS 4326
#' @param fromID character vector same length as fromPlace
#' @param toID character vector same length as toPlace
#' @param mode character vector of one or more modes of travel valid values
#' TRANSIT, WALK, BICYCLE, CAR, BUS, RAIL, default CAR. Not all combinations
#' are valid e.g. c("WALK","BUS") is valid but c("WALK","CAR") is not.
#' @param date_time POSIXct, a date and time, defaults to current date and time
#' @param arriveBy Logical, Whether the trip should depart or arrive at the
#' specified date and time, default FALSE
#' @param maxWalkDistance Numeric passed to OTP in metres
#' @param routeOptions Named list of values passed to OTP use
#' `otp_route_options()` to make template object.
#' @param numItineraries The maximum number of possible itineraries to return
#' @param ncores Numeric, number of cores to use when batch processing, default
#' 1, see details
#' @param timezone Character, what timezone to use, see as.POSIXct, default is
#' local timezone
#' @export
#' @family analyst
#' @return Returns an data frame
#' @details
#' Make a travel time matrix using the analyst features in OPT 1.x
otp_traveltime <- function(otpcon = NA,
path_data = NULL,
fromPlace = NA,
toPlace = NA,
fromID = NULL,
toID = NULL,
mode = "CAR",
date_time = Sys.time(),
arriveBy = FALSE,
maxWalkDistance = 1000,
numItineraries = 3,
routeOptions = NULL,
ncores = max(round(parallel::detectCores() * 1.25) - 1,1),
timezone = otpcon$timezone) {
# Check Valid Inputs
# Back compatibility with 0.2.1
if (is.null(timezone)) {
warning("otpcon is missing the timezone variaible, assuming local timezone")
timezone <- Sys.timezone()
checkmate::assert_subset(timezone, choices = OlsonNames(tzdir = NULL))
checkmate::assert_class(otpcon, "otpconnect")
mode <- toupper(mode)
choices = c(
empty.ok = FALSE
#checkmate::assert_character(mode, len = 1)
#mode <- paste(mode, collapse = ",")
date <- format(date_time, "%m-%d-%Y", tz = timezone)
time <- tolower(format(date_time, "%I:%M%p", tz = timezone))
checkmate::assert_numeric(maxWalkDistance, lower = 0, len = 1)
checkmate::assert_numeric(numItineraries, lower = 1, len = 1)
checkmate::assert_character(fromID, null.ok = FALSE)
checkmate::assert_character(toID, null.ok = FALSE)
checkmate::assert_numeric(ncores, lower = 1, len = 1, upper = max(c(round(parallel::detectCores() * 1.25 ) - 1,1)))
#arriveBy <- tolower(arriveBy)
# Check Route Options
if (!is.null(routeOptions)) {
routeOptions <- otp_validate_routing_options(routeOptions)
# Special checks for fromPlace and toPlace
fromPlace <- otp_clean_input(fromPlace, "fromPlace")
fromPlace <- fromPlace[,2:1]
if (!is.null(fromID)) {
if (length(fromID) != nrow(fromPlace)) {
stop("The length of fromID and fromPlace are not the same")
if (!is.null(toID)) {
if (length(toID) != nrow(toPlace)) {
stop("The length of toID and toPlace are not the same")
# Make a pointset for each fromPLACE
toPlace <- sf::st_sf(data.frame(geometry = sf::st_geometry(toPlace)))
pointsetname <- paste(sample(LETTERS, 10, TRUE), collapse = "")
otp_pointset(toPlace, pointsetname, path_data)
# Make surfaces
surfaces <- otp_make_surface(otpcon = otpcon,
fromPlace = fromPlace,
mode = mode,
date_time = date_time,
arriveBy = arriveBy,
maxWalkDistance = maxWalkDistance,
routeOptions = routeOptions)
times <- otp_surface(otpcon = otpcon,
surface = surfaces,
pointsset = pointsetname,
get_data = FALSE,
ncores = ncores)
names(times) <- fromID
times <- purrr::map(times, `[[`, "times")
times <- times[lengths(times) > 0]
times <- list2df(times)
rownames(times) <- toID
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