# Developer argument functions
# Private ----
#' @name to_basename
#' @title Reduce to filepaths to basename
#' @description Return return a vector where all valid filepaths are converted
#' to file basenames. E.g. "dir1/dir2/text.file" is converted to "text.file"
#' @param x Character vector
#' @return Character vector
#' @family private
to_basename <- function(x) {
files_and_folders <- is_filepath(x)
x[files_and_folders] <- basename(x[files_and_folders])
#' @name is_filepath
#' @title Is a filepath?
#' @description Return TRUE or FALSE for whether character(s) is a valid
#' filepath.
#' @param x Character vector
#' @return Logical
#' @family private
is_filepath <- function(x) {
unname(vapply(X = x, FUN = function(x) file.exists(x) ||
dir.exists(x), FUN.VALUE = logical(1)))
# Public ----
#' @name arglist_get
#' @title Generate vector of arguments
#' @description Convert all the arguments passed to this function, including
#' those contained in '...', into character vector.
#' @param ... Any number of arguments
#' @return Character vector
#' @example examples/arglist_get.R
#' @export
arglist_get <- function(...) {
arglist <- as.list(substitute(list(...)))[-1L]
arglist <- lapply(X = arglist, FUN = eval)
arglist <- vapply(X = arglist, FUN = as.character, FUN.VALUE = character(1))
#' @name filestosend_get
#' @title Determine which arguments are filepaths
#' @description Return filepaths from arguments. These filepaths can then be
#' used to identify files/folders for sending to the Docker container.
#' @param arglist Character vector of arguments
#' @param wd Working directory in which to look for files
#' @return Character vector
#' @example examples/filestosend_get.R
#' @export
filestosend_get <- function(arglist, wd = NULL) {
if (length(arglist) == 0) {
# Check whether any arglist are filepaths
if (!is.null(wd)) {
arglist <- arglist[arglist != wd]
bool_1 <- is_filepath(arglist)
res <- arglist[bool_1]
if (!is.null(wd)) {
# Add to list, any wd + arglist that are filepaths
wd_args <- file.path(wd, arglist)
bool_2 <- is_filepath(wd_args)
res <- c(res, wd_args[bool_2])
#' @name wd_get
#' @title Return working directory
#' @description Utility function for determining the working directory from
#' arglist. The working directory can be determined from the arglist either by
#' a key:value or an index. For example, the working directory may be determined
#' by the key \code{-wd} in which case this function will identify whether this
#' key exists in the arglist and will return its corresponding value.
#' Alternatively, the working directory may be determined by the first argument
#' (e.g. an input file), in which case setting \code{i=1} will return the first
#' argument in the arglist.
#' If an input file is returned, a user can use \code{\link{dirpath_get}} to
#' convert the file path to a directory path.
#' If both \code{key} and \code{i} are provided, \code{key} takes precedence.
#' If no \code{key} or \code{i} is provided and/or no working directory is
#' found in the arguments, the function will return the R session's working
#' directory.
#' If no arguments are provided, returns empty character vector.
#' @param arglist Arguments as character vector
#' @param key Argument key identifying the working directory, e.g. -wd
#' @param i Index in the arglist that determines the working directory, e.g. 1.
#' @return Character
#' @example examples/wd_get.R
#' @export
wd_get <- function(arglist, key = NULL, i = NULL) {
if (length(arglist) == 0) {
wd <- getwd()
if (!is.null(key) && key %in% arglist) {
wd_i <- which(arglist == key)
wd <- arglist[wd_i + 1]
if (!is.null(i)) {
wd <- arglist[[i]]
#' @name dirpath_get
#' @title Convert file path to directory path
#' @description Takes a file path and converts it to its directory path by
#' dropping the file name and extension. If \code{flpth} is already a directory
#' path, the argument will be returned unchanged. If nothing is provided,
#' nothing is returned (i.e. \code{character(0)}).
#' @param flpth File path for which directory path will be returned.
#' @return Character
#' @export
#' @example examples/dirpath_get.R
dirpath_get <- function(flpth) {
if (length(flpth) == 0) {
if (dir.exists(flpth)) {
# already a directory
res <- sub(pattern = basename(flpth), replacement = '', x = flpth)
if (res == '') {
# if no path, must be working directory
res <- getwd()
#' @name arglist_parse
#' @title Normalise arguments for docker container
#' @description Utility function for parsing the arguments provided by a user.
#' Drop any specified key:value pairs with \code{keyvals_to_drop} or drop any
#' specific values \code{vals_to_drop}. With \code{normalise_paths} as TRUE,
#' all filepaths in the arglist will be converted to basenames.
#' @details It is important the file paths are normalised, because they will
#' not be available to the Docker container. The only files available will
#' be those that have been transferred to the container as determined through
#' the \code{\link{outsider_init}}. These files will be located in the
#' same directory as where the function is called and require no absolute
#' file path.
#' @param arglist Arguments as character vector
#' @param keyvals_to_drop Argument keys to drop, e.g. -wd.
#' @param vals_to_drop Specific values to drop, e.g. --verbose.
#' @param normalise_paths Reduce paths to basenames? Default, TRUE.
#' @return Character vector
#' @example examples/arglist_parse.R
#' @export
arglist_parse <- function(arglist, keyvals_to_drop = NULL, vals_to_drop = NULL,
normalise_paths = TRUE) {
if (length(arglist) == 0) {
for (each in keyvals_to_drop) {
if (each %in% arglist) {
each_i <- which(arglist == each)
arglist <- arglist[-1 * c(each_i, each_i + 1)]
for (each in vals_to_drop) {
if (each %in% arglist) {
each_i <- which(arglist == each)
arglist <- arglist[-1 * c(each_i)]
if (normalise_paths) {
arglist <- to_basename(arglist)
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