# Docker container class and functions
# Class ----
#' @name container-class
#' @aliases container-methods
#' @title Docker container class and methods
#' @description Return a list class that describes a Docker container.
#' The resulting class object comes with a series of convenience methods
#' for starting, stopping and interacting with a container.
#' @param pkgnm Package name
#' @param x container
#' @param ... Arguments
#' @return A list of class \code{container} with the following items:
#' \item{pkgnm}{Package name of the outsider module}
#' \item{prgrm}{Command to be called in the container}
#' \item{cntnr}{Unique Docker container name}
#' \item{img}{Image ID}
#' @family private-docker
container_init <- function(pkgnm) {
ids <- docker_ids_get(pkgnm = pkgnm)
res <- list()
res[['cntnr']] <- ids[['cntnr']]
res[['img']] <- ids[['img']]
if (length(ids[['tag']]) == 0) {
stop('Missing docker image. Try reinstalling the module.', call. = FALSE)
res[['tag']] <- ids[['tag']]
res[['pkgnm']] <- pkgnm
structure(res, class = 'container')
# Methods ----
start <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod('start', x)
halt <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod('halt', x)
exec <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod('exec', x)
status <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod('status', x)
copy <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod('copy', x)
run <- function(x, ...) {
UseMethod('run', x)
# Functions ----
#' @rdname container-class
start.container <- function(x) {
args <- c('run', '-t', '-d', '--name', x[['cntnr']], x[['img']])
docker_cmd(args = args, std_out = log_get('docker_out'),
std_err = log_get('docker_err'))
#' @rdname container-class
halt.container <- function(x) {
cntnr <- x[['cntnr']]
args1 <- c('stop', cntnr)
res1 <- docker_cmd(args = args1, std_out = log_get('docker_out'),
std_err = log_get('docker_err'))
args2 <- c('rm', cntnr)
res2 <- docker_cmd(args = args2, std_out = log_get('docker_out'),
std_err = log_get('docker_err'))
res1 & res2
#' @rdname container-class
exec.container <- function(x, ...) {
args <- c('exec', x[['cntnr']], ...)
docker_cmd(args, std_out = log_get('program_out'),
std_err = log_get('program_err'))
#' @rdname container-class
status.container <- function(x) {
check <- function(argmnts) {
res <- sys::exec_internal(cmd = 'docker', args = argmnts)
res[['status']] == 0 && grepl(paste0('\\s+', cntnr, '\n'),
cntnr <- x[['cntnr']]
name_arg <- paste0('name=', cntnr)
# running
res <- check(argmnts = c('ps', '-f', name_arg))
if (res) {
res <- check(argmnts = c('ps', '-a', '-f', name_arg))
if (res) {
'Not running'
#' @rdname container-class
#' @details All outsider modules have a \code{working_dir/} in which generated
#' files are created and initiation files must be for the program to use.
#' Files must be sent to this working directory and then returned before and
#' after the program has run.
#' If no \code{send} or \code{rtrn} specified, returns TRUE.
#' @param send Filepaths to send from host computer to container.
#' @param rtrn Directory on host computer where returning files should be sent.
copy.container <- function(x, send = NULL, rtrn = NULL) {
cntnr <- x[['cntnr']]
if (!is.null(send)) {
res <- TRUE
for (host_flpth in send) {
# TODO: ensure windows files are suitable for linux?
res <- res & docker_cp(origin = host_flpth,
dest = paste0(cntnr, ':', '/working_dir/'))
if (!is.null(rtrn)) {
res <- docker_cp(origin = paste0(cntnr, ':', '/working_dir/.'),
dest = rtrn)
#' @rdname container-class
#' @param cmd Command name, character
#' @param args List or vector of arguments, character
run.container <- function(x, cmd, args) {
success <- tryCatch(expr = {
exec(x = x, cmd, args)},
error = function(e) {
message('Unexpected error has occurred. Safely exiting...')
interrupt = function(e) {
message('User halted. Safely exiting...')
#' @export
print.container <- function(x, ...) {
cat_line(crayon::bold('Docker container details:'))
cat_line('Image ', char(x[['img']]))
cat_line('Container ', char(x[['cntnr']]))
cat_line('Tag ', char(x[['tag']]))
cat_line('Status ', char(status.container(x)))
cat_line(crayon::bold('Outsider module details:'))
cat_line('R package ', char(x[['pkgnm']]))
cat_line('Use: ', func('meta_get'), ' for more details.')
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