
test_that(".build_uri() requires an endpoint", {
  expect_error(.build_uri(query = c(a = 1, b = 2)))

test_that(".build_uri() returns a URL conforming to the proper scheme", {
      endpoint = "some/endpoint",
      query = c(a = 1, b = "x,y"),
      format = "csv"

test_that(".extract_response_body() errors when status code != 200", {
  resp <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "invalid_id_resp.rds"))
  expect_error(.extract_response_body(resp), regexp = "Error in API response")

test_that(".extract_response_body() returns body when status code == 400", {
  resp <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "valid_id_resp.rds"))
  body <- paste0(
    "{\n\"elapsed_time\":0.00185,\n\"records\": [\n{\"oid\":\"occ:1\",\"cid\":",
    "\"col:1\",\"tna\":\"Australosutura llanoensis\",\"rnk\":3,\"tid\":\"txn:",
  expect_equal(.extract_response_body(resp), body)

test_that(".parse_raw_data() replicates warnings from the API", {
  resp <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "warn_resp.rds"))
  raw_data <- .extract_response_body(resp)
    regexp = "Your query to the PBDB API generated the following warnings:"

test_that(".make_data_frame() warns the user if no records are returned", {
    regexp = "The PBDB API returned no records for this query."

test_that(".make_data_frame() returns a data frame", {
  resp <- readRDS(test_path("fixtures", "valid_id_resp.rds"))
  raw_data <- .extract_response_body(resp)
  data_list <- rjson::fromJSON(raw_data)
  df <- .make_data_frame(data_list$records)
  expect_s3_class(df, "data.frame")
    c("oid", "cid", "tna", "rnk", "tid", "oei",
      "eag", "lag", "rid", "lng", "lat")

test_that(".collapse_array_columns_map() returns a length one character", {
  s <- .collapse_array_columns_map(1:3)
  expect_length(s, 1)
  expect_equal(s, "1;2;3")
ropensci/paleobioDB documentation built on March 5, 2024, 3:08 a.m.