
Defines functions get_study_subtree print.study_meta get_study_meta get_study_tree get_study studies_find_trees print.study_ids studies_find_studies studies_properties

Documented in get_study get_study_meta get_study_subtree get_study_tree studies_find_studies studies_find_trees studies_properties

##' Return the list of study properties that can be used to search
##' studies and trees used in the synthetic tree.
##' The list returned has 2 elements \code{tree_properties} and
##' \code{studies_properties}. Each of these elements lists additional
##' arguments to customize the API request properties that can be used
##' to search for trees and studies that are contributing to the
##' synthetic tree. The definitions of these properties are available
##' from
##' \url{https://github.com/OpenTreeOfLife/phylesystem-api/wiki/NexSON}
##' @title Properties of the Studies
##' @param ...  additional arguments to customize the API request (see
##'     \code{\link{rotl}} package documentation).
##' @return A list of the study properties that can be used to find
##'     studies and trees that are contributing to the synthetic tree.
##' @seealso \code{\link{studies_find_trees}}
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'  all_the_properties <- studies_properties()
##'  unlist(all_the_properties$tree_properties)
##' }

studies_properties <- function(...) {
  res <- .studies_properties(...)
  lapply(res, unlist)

##' Return the identifiers of studies that match given properties
##' @title Find a Study
##' @param exact Should exact matching be used? (logical, default
##'     \code{FALSE})
##' @param property The property to be searched on (character)
##' @param value The property value to be searched on (character)
##' @param detailed If \code{TRUE} (default), the function will return
##'     a data frame that summarizes information about the study (see
##'     \sQuote{Value}). Otherwise, it only returns the study
##'     identifiers.
##' @param verbose Should the output include all metadata (logical
##'     default \code{FALSE})
##' @param ...  additional arguments to customize the API request (see
##'     \code{\link{rotl}} package documentation).
##' @return If \code{detailed=TRUE}, the function returns a data frame
##'     listing the study id (\code{study_ids}), the number of trees
##'     associated with this study (\code{n_trees}), the tree ids (at
##'     most 5) associated with the studies (\code{tree_ids}), the
##'     tree id that is a candidate for the synthetic tree if any
##'     (\code{candidate}), the year of publication of the study
##'     (\code{study_year}), the title of the publication for the
##'     study (\code{title}), and the DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
##'     for the study (\code{study_doi}).
##'     If \code{detailed=FALSE}, the function returns a data frame
##'     with a single column containing the study identifiers.
##' @seealso \code{\link{studies_properties}} which lists properties
##'     against which the studies can be
##'     searched. \code{\link{list_trees}} that returns a list for all
##'     tree ids associated with a study.
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' ## To match a study for which the identifier is already known
##' one_study <- studies_find_studies(property="ot:studyId", value="pg_719")
##' list_trees(one_study)
##' ## To find studies pertaining to Mammals
##' mammals <- studies_find_studies(property="ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName",
##'                                 value="mammalia")
##' ## To extract the tree identifiers for each of the studies
##' list_trees(mammals)
##' ## ... or for a given study
##' list_trees(mammals, "ot_308")
##' ## Just the identifiers without other information about the studies
##' mammals <- studies_find_studies(property="ot:focalCladeOTTTaxonName",
##'                                 value="mammalia", detailed=FALSE)
##' }
studies_find_studies <- function(property = NULL, value = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
                                 exact = FALSE, detailed = TRUE, ...) {
  .res <- .studies_find_studies(
    property = property, value = value,
    verbose = verbose, exact = exact, ...

  res <- vapply(
    function(x) x[["ot:studyId"]],
  if (detailed) {
    dat <- summarize_meta(res)
  } else {
    meta_raw <- .res
    dat <- data.frame(study_ids = res, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    attr(dat, "found_trees") <- paste(
      "If you want to get a list of the",
      "trees associated with the studies,",
      "use", sQuote("detailed = TRUE")
    class(dat) <- c("study_ids", class(dat))
    attr(dat, "metadata") <- meta_raw
  class(dat) <- c("matched_studies", class(dat))

##' @export
print.study_ids <- function(x, ...) {
  print(format(x), ...)

##' Return a list of studies for which trees match a given set of
##' properties
##' The list of possible values to be used as values for the argument
##' \code{property} can be found using the function
##' \code{\link{studies_properties}}.
##' @title Find Trees
##' @param property The property to be searched on (character)
##' @param value The property-value to be searched on (character)
##' @param verbose Should the output include all metadata? (logical,
##'     default \code{FALSE})
##' @param exact Should exact matching be used for the value?
##'     (logical, default \code{FALSE})
##' @param detailed Should a detailed report be provided? If
##'     \code{TRUE} (default), the output will include metadata about
##'     the study that include trees matching the property. Otherwise,
##'     only information about the trees will be provided.
##' @param ... additional arguments to customize the API request (see
##'     \code{\link{rotl}} package documentation).
##' @return A data frame that summarizes the trees found (and their
##'     associated studies) for the requested criteria. If a study has
##'     more than 5 trees, the \code{tree_ids} of the first ones will
##'     be shown, followed by \code{...} to indicate that more are
##'     present.
##'     If \code{detailed=FALSE}, the data frame will include the
##'     study ids of the study (\code{study_ids}), the number of trees
##'     in this study that match the search criteria
##'     (\code{n_matched_trees}), the tree ids that match the search
##'     criteria (\code{match_tree_ids}).
##'     If \code{detailed=TRUE}, in addition of the fields listed
##'     above, the data frame will also contain the total number of
##'     trees associated with the study (\code{n_trees}), all the tree
##'     ids associated with the study (\code{tree_ids}), the tree id
##'     that is a potential candidate for inclusion in the synthetic
##'     tree (if any) (\code{candidate}), the year the study was
##'     published (\code{study_year}), the title of the study
##'     (\code{title}), the DOI for the study (\code{study_doi}).
##' @seealso \code{\link{studies_properties}} which lists properties
##'   the studies can be searched on. \code{\link{list_trees}} for
##'   listing the trees that match the query.
##' @export
##' @importFrom stats setNames
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' res <- studies_find_trees(property="ot:ottTaxonName", value="Drosophila",
##'                           detailed=FALSE)
##' ## summary of the trees and associated studies that match this criterion
##' res
##' ## With metadata about the studies (default)
##' res <- studies_find_trees(property="ot:ottTaxonName", value="Drosophila",
##'                           detailed=TRUE)
##' ## The list of trees for each study that match the search criteria
##' list_trees(res)
##' ## the trees for a given study
##' list_trees(res, study_id = "pg_2769")
##' }
studies_find_trees <- function(property = NULL, value = NULL, verbose = FALSE,
                               exact = FALSE, detailed = TRUE, ...) {
  .res <- .studies_find_trees(
    property = property, value = value,
    verbose = verbose, exact = exact, ...
  study_ids <- vapply(
    function(x) x[["ot:studyId"]],
  n_matched_trees <- vapply(
    function(x) length(x[["matched_trees"]]),
  match_tree_ids <- lapply(
    function(x) {
        function(y) y[["ot:treeId"]]
  # this one doesn't return all of the treeids. confusing, bc trees are what is wanted
  # tree_str <- vapply(match_tree_ids, limit_trees, character(1))
  tree_str <- sapply(match_tree_ids, function(x) paste(x, collapse = ", "))
  res <- data.frame(study_ids, n_matched_trees,
    match_tree_ids = tree_str,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE
  if (detailed) {
    meta <- summarize_meta(study_ids)
    # the next bit seems really slow (JWB)
    res <- merge(meta, res)
    attr(res, "metadata") <- attr(meta, "metadata")
  } else {
    attr(res, "metadata") <- .res
  attr(res, "found_trees") <- stats::setNames(match_tree_ids, study_ids)
  class(res) <- c("matched_studies", class(res))

##' Returns the trees associated with a given study
##' If \code{file_format} is missing, the function returns an object
##' of the class \code{phylo} from the \code{ape} package
##' (default), or an object of the class \code{nexml} from the
##' \code{RNeXML} package.
##' Otherwise \code{file_format} can be either \code{newick},
##' \code{nexus}, \code{nexml} or \code{json}, and the function will
##' generate a file of the selected format. In this case, a file name
##' needs to be provided using the argument \code{file}. If a file
##' with the same name already exists, it will be silently
##' overwritten.
##' @title Get all the trees associated with a particular study
##' @param study_id the study ID for the study of interest (character)
##' @param object_format the class of the object the query should
##'     return (either \code{phylo} or \code{nexml}). Ignored if
##'     \code{file_format} is specified.
##' @param file_format the format of the file to be generated
##'     (\code{newick}, \code{nexus}, \code{nexml} or \code{json}).
##' @param file the file name where the output of the function will be
##'     saved.
##' @param ...  additional arguments to customize the API request (see
##'     \code{\link{rotl}} package documentation).
##' @return if \code{file_format} is missing, an object of class
##'     \code{phylo} or \code{nexml}, otherwise a logical indicating
##'     whether the file was successfully created.
##' @seealso \code{\link{get_study_meta}}
##' @export
##' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' that_one_study <- get_study(study_id="pg_719", object_format="phylo")
##' if (require(RNeXML)) { ## if RNeXML is installed get the object directly
##'    nexml_study <- get_study(study_id="pg_719", object_format="nexml")
##' } else { ## otherwise write it to a file
##'    get_study(study_id="pg_719", file_format="nexml", file=tempfile(fileext=".nexml"))
##' }
##' }
get_study <- function(study_id = NULL, object_format = c("phylo", "nexml"),
                      file_format, file, ...) {
  object_format <- match.arg(object_format)
  if (!missing(file)) {
    if (!missing(file_format)) {
      file_format <- match.arg(file_format, c("newick", "nexus", "nexml", "json"))
      res <- .get_study(study_id, format = file_format)
      if (identical(file_format, "json")) {
        cat(jsonlite::toJSON(res), file = file)
      } else {
        cat(res, file = file)
    } else {
      stop(sQuote("file_format"), " must be specified.")
  } else if (identical(object_format, "phylo")) {
    file_format <- "newick"
    res <- .get_study(study_id = study_id, format = file_format, ...)
    res <- phylo_from_otl(res)
  } else if (identical(object_format, "nexml")) {
    file_format <- "nexml"
    res <- .get_study(study_id = study_id, format = file_format, ...)
    res <- nexml_from_otl(res)
  } else {
    stop("Something is very wrong. Contact us.")

##' Returns a specific tree from within a study
##' @title Study Tree
##' @param study_id the identifier of a study (character)
##' @param tree_id the identifier of a tree within the study
##' @param object_format the class of the object to be returned
##'     (default and currently only possible value \code{phylo} from
##'     the \code{ape} package).
##' @param tip_label the format of the tip
##'     labels. \dQuote{\code{original_label}} (default) returns the
##'     original labels as provided in the study,
##'     \dQuote{\code{ott_id}} labels are replaced by their ott IDs,
##'     \dQuote{\code{ott_taxon_name}} labels are replaced by their
##'     Open Tree Taxonomy taxon name.
##' @param file_format the format of the file to be generated
##'     (\code{newick} default, \code{nexus}, or \code{json}).
##' @param file the file name where the output of the function will be
##'     saved.
##' @param deduplicate logical (default \code{TRUE}). If the tree
##' returned by the study contains duplicated taxon names, should they
##' be made unique? It is normally illegal for NEXUS/Newick tree
##' strings to contain duplicated tip names. This is a workaround to
##' circumvent this requirement. If \code{TRUE}, duplicated tip labels
##' will be appended \code{_1}, \code{_2}, etc.
##' @param ...  additional arguments to customize the API request (see
##'     \code{\link{rotl}} package documentation).
##' @return if \code{file_format} is missing, an object of class
##'     \code{phylo}, otherwise a logical indicating whether the file
##'     was successfully created.
##' @export
##' @importFrom jsonlite toJSON
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##'  tree <- get_study_tree(study_id="pg_1144", tree_id="tree2324")
##'  ## comparison of the first few tip labels depending on the options used
##'  head(get_study_tree(study_id="pg_1144", tree_id="tree2324", tip_label="original_label")$tip.label)
##'  head(get_study_tree(study_id="pg_1144", tree_id="tree2324", tip_label="ott_id")$tip.label)
##'  head(get_study_tree(study_id="pg_1144", tree_id="tree2324", tip_label="ott_taxon_name")$tip.label)
##' }

get_study_tree <- function(study_id = NULL, tree_id = NULL, object_format = c("phylo"),
                           tip_label = c("original_label", "ott_id", "ott_taxon_name"),
                           file_format, file, deduplicate = TRUE, ...) {
  object_format <- match.arg(object_format)
  tip_label <- match.arg(tip_label)
  tip_label <- switch(tip_label,
    original_labels = "ot:originallabel",
    ott_id = "ot:ottid",
    ott_taxon_name = "ot:otttaxonname"
  if (!missing(file)) {
    if (!missing(file_format)) {
      file_format <- match.arg(file_format, c("newick", "nexus", "json"))
      if (missing(file)) stop("You must specify a file to write your output")
      res <- .get_study_tree(
        study_id = study_id, tree_id = tree_id,
        format = file_format, tip_label = tip_label, ...
      if (identical(file_format, "json")) {
        cat(jsonlite::toJSON(res), file = file)
      } else {
        cat(res, file = file)
    } else {
      stop(sQuote("file_format"), " must be specified.")
  } else if (identical(object_format, "phylo")) {
    file_format <- "newick"
    res <- .get_study_tree(
      study_id = study_id, tree_id = tree_id,
      format = file_format, tip_label = tip_label, ...
    res <- phylo_from_otl(res, dedup = deduplicate)
  } else {
    stop("Something is very wrong. Contact us.")

##' Retrieve metadata about a study in the Open Tree of Life datastore.
##' \code{get_study_meta} returns a long list of attributes for the
##' studies that are contributing to the synthetic tree. To help with
##' the extraction of relevant information from this list, several
##' helper functions exists: \itemize{
##'   \item {get_tree_ids} { The identifiers of the trees
##'   associated with the study }
##'   \item {get_publication} { The citation information of the
##'   publication for the study. The DOI (or URL) for the study is
##'   available as an attribute to the returned object (i.e.,
##'   \code{attr(object, "DOI")} ) }.
##'   \item {candidate_for_synth} { The identifier of the tree(s) from
##'   the study used in the synthetic tree. This is a subset of the
##'   result of \code{get_tree_ids}.
##'   \item {get_study_year} { The year of publication of the study. }
##'   }
##' }
##' @title Study Metadata
##' @param study_id the study identifier (character)
##' @param ...  additional arguments to customize the API request (see
##'     \code{\link{rotl}} package documentation).
##' @param sm an object created by \code{get_study_meta}
##' @return named-list containing the metadata associated with the
##'     study requested
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' req <- get_study_meta("pg_719")
##' get_tree_ids(req)
##' candidate_for_synth(req)
##' get_publication(req)
##' get_study_year(req)
##' }
get_study_meta <- function(study_id, ...) {
  res <- .get_study_meta(study_id = study_id, ...)
  class(res) <- "study_meta"
  attr(res, "study_id") <- study_id

##' @export
print.study_meta <- function(x, ...) {
  cat("Metadata for OToL study ", attr(x, "study_id"), ". Contents:\n", sep = "")
  cat(paste0("  $nexml$", names(x$nexml)), sep = "\n")

##' Retrieve subtree from a specific tree in the Open Tree of Life data store
##' @title Study Subtree
##' @param study_id the study identifier (character)
##' @param tree_id the tree identifier (character)
##' @param object_format the class of the object returned by the
##'     function (default, and currently only possibility \code{phylo}
##'     from the \code{ape} package)
##' @param tip_label the format of the tip
##'     labels. \dQuote{\code{original_label}} (default) returns the
##'     original labels as provided in the study,
##'     \dQuote{\code{ott_id}} labels are replaced by their ott IDs,
##'     \dQuote{\code{ott_taxon_name}} labels are replaced by their
##'     Open Tree Taxonomy taxon name.
##' @param file_format character, the file format to use to save the
##'     results of the query (possible values, \sQuote{newick} or
##'     \sQuote{nexus}).
##' @param file character, the path and file name where the output
##'     should be written.
##' @param deduplicate logical (default \code{TRUE}). If the tree
##'     returned by the study contains duplicated taxon names, should
##'     they be made unique? It is normally illegal for NEXUS/Newick
##'     tree strings to contain duplicated tip names. This is a
##'     workaround to circumvent this requirement. If \code{TRUE},
##'     duplicated tip labels will be appended \code{_1}, \code{_2},
##'     etc.
##' @param subtree_id, either a node id that specifies a subtree or
##'     \dQuote{ingroup} which returns the ingroup for this subtree.
##' @param ...  additional arguments to customize the API request (see
##'     \code{\link{rotl}} package documentation).
##' @export
##' @examples
##' \dontrun{
##' small_tr <- get_study_subtree(study_id="pg_1144", tree_id="tree5800", subtree_id="node991044")
##' ingroup  <- get_study_subtree(study_id="pg_1144", tree_id="tree5800", subtree_id="ingroup")
##' nexus_file <- tempfile(fileext=".nex")
##' get_study_subtree(study_id="pg_1144", tree_id="tree5800", subtree_id="ingroup", file=nexus_file,
##'                   file_format="nexus")
##' }
get_study_subtree <- function(study_id, tree_id, subtree_id, object_format = c("phylo"),
                              tip_label = c("original_label", "ott_id", "ott_taxon_name"),
                              file_format, file, deduplicate = TRUE, ...) {
  object_format <- match.arg(object_format)
  tip_label <- match.arg(tip_label)
  tip_label <- switch(tip_label,
    original_labels = "ot:originallabel",
    ott_id = "ot:ottid",
    ott_taxon_name = "ot:otttaxonname"
  if (!missing(file)) {
    if (!missing(file_format)) {
      if (missing(file)) stop("You must specify a file to write your output")
      file_format <- match.arg(file_format, c("newick", "nexus"))
      res <- .get_study_subtree(
        study_id = study_id, tree_id = tree_id,
        subtree_id = subtree_id, format = file_format,
        tip_label = tip_label, ...
      cat(res, file = file)
    } else {
      stop(sQuote("file_format"), " must be specified.")
  } else if (identical(object_format, "phylo")) {
    file_format <- "newick"
    res <- .get_study_subtree(
      study_id = study_id, tree_id = tree_id,
      subtree_id = subtree_id, format = file_format,
      tip_label = tip_label, ...
    res <- phylo_from_otl(res, dedup = deduplicate)
    ## NeXML should be possible for both object_format and file_format but it seems there
    ## is something wrong with the server at this time (FM - 2015-06-07)
    ## } else if (identical(object_format, "nexml")) {
    ##    file_format <- "nexml"
    ##    res <- .get_study_subtree(study_id, tree_id, subtree_id, format=file_format)
    ##    res <- nexml_from_otl(res)
  } else {
    stop("Something is very wrong. Contact us.")
ropensci/rotl documentation built on June 27, 2023, 4:55 p.m.