
Defines functions tika_fetch

Documented in tika_fetch

#' Fetch Files with the Content-Type Preserved in the File Extension
#' On the Internet, Content-Type information is mainly communicated via the server's headers.
#' This is an issue if a file is saved to disk without examining the headers.
#' The file can have a missing or incorrect file extension.
#' For example, a URL ending in a slash (\code{/}) can produce file with the Content-Type of  \code{text/html}.
#' The same URL might also produce a \code{image/jpeg} or \code{application/pdf} file.
#' URLs ending in \code{.php}, \code{.cfm} can produce any Content-Type.
#' The downloaded file will lose the server's declared Content-Type unless its appended as a file extension.
#' \code{tika_fetch()} gets a file from the URL, examines the server headers,
#' and appends the matching file extension
#' from Tika's database.
#' @param urls Character vector of one or more URLs to be downloaded.
#' @param download_dir Character vector of length one describing the path to the directory to save the results.
#' @param ssl_verifypeer Logical, with a default of TRUE. Some server SSL certificates might not be recognized by the host system, and in these rare cases the user can ignore that if they know why.
#' @param retries Integer of the number of times to retry each url after a failure to download.
#' @param quiet Logical if download warnings should be printed. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return Character vector of the same length and order as input with the paths describing the locations of the downloaded files. Errors are returned as NA.
#' @examples
#' \donttest{
#' tika_fetch('https://tika.apache.org/')
#' # a unique file name with .html appended to it
#' }
#' @export
tika_fetch <- function(urls,
                       download_dir = tempdir(),
                       quiet=TRUE) {
  download_dir <- normalizePath(
    winslash = "/"

  # tika/tika-core/src/main/java/org/apache/tika/io/TikaInputStream.java
  # https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/Security/Securing_your_site/Configuring_server_MIME_types
  # https://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec10.html#sec10.2
  # https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_HTTP_status_codes#2xx_Success

  # get output vector to be length of input
  out <- character(length(urls))
  failure <- as.character(NA)
  out[out == ""] <- failure

  for (i in seq_along(urls)) {

    # file_name must be available
    file_name <- tempfile("rtika_file", tmpdir = download_dir)

    # first try for this url
    this_try <- 1

    # while tries are less than default retries
    while (this_try <= retries) {

      # if we must verify ssl works
      if (ssl_verifypeer) {
        req <- tryCatch(
          curl::curl_fetch_disk(url = urls[i], path = file_name),
          error = function(e) {
            return(list(status_code = 418))
      } else {
        # else will ignore ssl
        handle <- curl::new_handle()
        curl::handle_setopt(handle, ssl_verifypeer = 0L)
        req <- tryCatch(
          curl::curl_fetch_disk(url = urls[i], path = file_name, handle = handle),
          error = function(e) {
            return(list(status_code = 418))

      # count this as an attempt
      this_try <- this_try + 1

      #  these success headers that indicate response data was sent back.
      if (!req$status_code %in% c(200, 203, 206, 207, 226)) {
        if (!quiet) {
          if (this_try <= retries) {
            message("Retrying::curl_fetch_disk: ", urls[i])
          } else {
            warning("Could not download with curl::curl_fetch_disk: ", urls[i])

      # put headers into character vector
      headers <- curl::parse_headers(req$headers)

      # find any lines that have content type declared
      ctype <- headers[grepl("^content-type", headers, ignore.case = TRUE)]

      # if there are any content-type headers
      if (length(ctype) > 0) {
        # use first line in case multiple lines from server.
        ctype <- ctype[1]

        # remove anything before and after first semicolon
        ctype <- sub("\\s*;.*$", "", ctype)

        # trim end if last did not match
        ctype <- sub("\\s*$", "", ctype)

        # remove first part of line.
        ctype <- sub("^Content-Type:\\s*", "", ctype, ignore.case = TRUE)

        # make lowercase for case insensitive match with lowercase tika_mimetype$type
        ctype <- tolower(ctype)
        # max length of known types is 73.
        # tika_mimetypes is loaded in this package namespace
        # it is found in sysdata.rda

        if (nchar(ctype > 0) & nchar(ctype) < 74) {
          found <- match(
          if (length(found) > 0) {

            # shouldn't be multiple, but get first
            found <- found[1]

            file_name_with_extension <- paste0(
              tika_mimetype[found, ][1, ]$file_extension

            # renaming might not be possible on some systems
            renamed <- file.rename(file_name, file_name_with_extension)
            if (renamed) {
              file_name <- file_name_with_extension
      out[i] <- file_name

ropensci/rtika documentation built on May 11, 2023, 5:38 p.m.