#' Get GitHub metrics on a user or organization's repositories.
#' @import httr
#' @param userorg User or organization GitHub name.
#' @param repo Repository name.
#' @param return_ what to return, one of: show (raw data), allstats, watchers, open_issues, or forks
#' @return json
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' github_auth()
#' options(useragent='ropensci')
#' github_repo(userorg = 'ropensci', repo = 'rmendeley')
#' github_repo(userorg = 'hadley', repo = 'ggplot2')
#' github_repo(userorg = 'hadley', repo = 'ggplot2', 'allstats')
#' github_repo(userorg = 'hadley', repo = 'ggplot2', return_ = 'forks')
#' }
#' @export
github_repo <- function(userorg = NA, repo = NA, return_ = 'show')
useragent <- getOption('useragent')
stop('You must provide a User-Agent string')
access_token <- getOption('github_token')
stop('You must authenticate with Github first, see github_auth()')
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/"
url2 <- paste(url, userorg, '/', repo, sep='')
args <- list(access_token=access_token)
tt = content(GET(url2, add_headers('User-Agent' = useragent), query=args))
# tt = content(GET(url2, session))
if(return_=='show'){tt} else
list('watchers'=tt$watchers, 'open_issues'=tt$open_issues,
'forks'=tt$forks)} else
if(return_=='watchers'){tt$watchers} else
if(return_=='open_issues'){tt$open_issues} else
#' Get GitHub metrics on a user or organization's repositories.
#' @import httr
#' @param userorg User or organization GitHub name.
#' @param type One of user or org (defaults to org)
#' @param repo Repository name.
#' @param per_page (optional) Number of results to return
#' @return Vector of names or repos for organization or user.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' github_auth()
#' options(useragent='ropensci')
#' github_allrepos(userorg = 'ropensci')
#' }
#' @export
github_allrepos <- function(userorg = NA, type = 'org', return_ = 'names', per_page = 100)
useragent <- getOption('useragent')
stop('You must provide a User-Agent string')
access_token <- getOption('github_token')
stop('You must authenticate with Github first, see github_auth()')
url = "https://api.github.com/"
if(type == 'org'){
url2 <- paste0(url, 'orgs/', userorg, '/repos')
} else
{ url2 <- paste0(url, 'users/', userorg, '/repos') }
args <- list(access_token=access_token, per_page=per_page)
tt = content(GET(url2, add_headers('User-Agent' = useragent), query=args))
# url2 <- paste(url, userorg, '/repos?per_page=100', sep='')
# tt = content(GET(url2, config=session, user_agent('rOpenSci')))
# tt = content(GET(url2, user_agent('rOpenSci')))
if(return_=='show'){tt} else
sapply(tt, function(x) x$name)
} else
{ NULL }
#' Authenticate with github
#' @import httr
#' @param client_id Consumer key. can be supplied here or read from Options()
#' @param client_secret Consumer secret. can be supplied here or read from Options()
#' @param scope Comma separated list of scopes. One or more of: user, user:email,
#' user:follow, public_repo, repo, repo:status, delete_repo, notifications, gist
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' github_auth()
#' }
#' @export
github_auth <- function(client_id = NULL, client_secret = NULL, scope = NULL)
if(!is.null(client_id)) {client_id=client_id}
else {client_id = getOption("github_client_id", stop("Missing Github client id"))}
if(!is.null(client_secret)) {client_secret=client_secret}
else {client_secret = getOption("github_client_secret", stop("Missing Github client secret"))}
github_app <- oauth_app("github", key=client_id, secret=client_secret)
github_urls <- oauth_endpoint(NULL, "authorize", "access_token", base_url = "https://github.com/login/oauth")
github_token <- oauth2.0_token(github_urls, github_app, scope = scope)
options(github_token = github_token$access_token)
# github_sign <- httr::sign_oauth2.0(github_token$access_token)
# assign('github_sign', github_sign, envir=sandbox:::GitHubAuthCache)
# message("\n GitHub authentication was successful \n")
# invisible(github_sign)
} else { NULL }
#' Helper function to get authentication
#' The authentication environment is created by new.env function in the zzz.R file.
#' The authentication token 'oauth' is created by the github_auth() function.
#' This helper function lets all other functions load the authentication.
#' @keywords internal
github_get_auth <- function(...)
# if(!exists("github_sign", envir=sandbox:::GitHubAuthCache))
# tryCatch(github_auth(...), error= function(e)
# stop("Requires authentication.
# Are your credentials stored in options?
# See github_auth function for details."))
# get("github_sign", envir=sandbox:::GitHubAuthCache)
#' Get GitHub metrics on a user or organization's repositories.
#' @import plyr ggplot2 httr lubridate reshape2
#' @param userorg User or organization GitHub name.
#' @param repo Repository name.
#' @param since Date to start at.
#' @param until Date to stop at.
#' @param author Specify a committer, if none, will return all.
#' @param limit Number of commits to return per call
#' @param sha The commit sha to start returning commits from.
#' @param timeplot Make a ggplot2 plot visualizing additions and deletions by user. Defaults to FALSE.
#' @return data.frame or ggplot2 figure.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' github_commits(userorg = 'ropensci', repo = 'rmendeley')
#' github_commits(userorg = 'ropensci', repo = 'rfigshare', since='2009-01-01T')
#' github_commits(userorg = 'ropensci', repo = 'taxize_', since='2009-01-01T', limit=500, timeplot=TRUE)
#' }
#' @export
github_commits <- function(userorg = NA, repo = NA, since = NULL, until = NULL,
author = NULL, limit = 100, sha = NULL, timeplot = FALSE)
# session = sandbox:::github_get_auth()
useragent <- getOption('useragent')
stop('You must provide a User-Agent string')
access_token <- getOption('github_token')
stop('You must authenticate with Github first, see github_auth()')
url = "https://api.github.com/repos/"
url2 <- paste0(url, userorg, '/', repo, '/commits')
if(limit > 100) {per_page = 100} else {per_page = limit}
if(limit > 100) {
tt <- list()
shavec <- list("youdummy")
iter = 0
iter_ = 1
status = "notdone"
while(status == "notdone"){
iter <- iter + 1
iter_ <- iter_ + 1
args <- compact(list(since = since, until = until, author = author, per_page = per_page, sha = sha, access_token=access_token))
# out <- content(GET(url2, session, query=args))
# tt = content(GET(url2, user_agent('rOpenSci'), query=args))
tt <- content(GET(url2, add_headers('User-Agent' = useragent), query=args))
sha <- out[[length(out)]]$sha; since = NULL; until = NULL
# sha <- out[[length(out)]]$sha
shavec[[iter_]] <- sha
if(shavec[[(length(shavec)-1)]] == shavec[[length(shavec)]]) { status = "done" } else
tt[[iter]] <- out
tt <- do.call(c, tt)
} else
args <- compact(list(since = since, until = until, author = author, per_page = per_page, sha = sha, access_token=access_token))
tt <- content(GET(url2, add_headers('User-Agent' = useragent), query=args))
# tt = content(GET(url2, session, query=args))
# tt = content(GET(url2, user_agent('rOpenSci'), query=args))
shas <- unique(laply(tt, function(x) x$sha))
getstats <- function(x){
# tempist <- content(GET(paste0(url2,"/",x), session))
tempist <- content(GET(paste0(url2,"/",x), user_agent('rOpenSci')))
c(tempist$sha, tempist$stats[[2]], tempist$stats[[3]])
stats <- llply(shas, getstats)
statsdf <- ldply(stats)
statsdf <- colClasses(statsdf, c("character","numeric","numeric"))
forceit <- function(x){
dd <- c(x$sha, x$commit$committer[["date"]], x$committer$login)
if(!length(dd)==3){ c(dd, "whoknowshit") } else
{ dd }
temp <- ldply(tt, forceit)
names(temp) <- c("sha","date","name")
temp$name <- as.factor(temp$name)
temp$date <- as.Date(temp$date)
temp <- temp[!duplicated(temp),]
alldat <- merge(statsdf, temp, by.x="V1", by.y="sha")
alldat <- alldat[,-1] # drop sha column
names(alldat)[1:2] <- c("additions","deletions")
alldat_m <- melt(alldat, id=3:4)
if(!timeplot){ alldat_m } else
ggplot(alldat_m, aes(date, value, colour=name)) +
geom_line() +
scale_x_date() +
facet_grid(variable ~ .) +
labs(x="", y="")
#' Create time series bar plot.
#' @import plyr ggplot2 reshape2 ggthemes
#' @param data Data set to plot with.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' # Run with example data set (commits from the ropensci organization account)
#' github_timeseries()
#' # Get your own data
#' github_auth()
#' mydat <- llply(c('ggplot2','plyr','httr'), function(x) github_commits(userorg='hadley',repo=x,limit=500))
#' mydat <- ldply(mydat)
#' github_timeseries(mydat)
#' }
#' @export
github_timeseries <- function(data = NULL)
data(ropensci_commits) # load data set
ropensci_commits$date <- as.Date(as.character(ropensci_commits$date))
dframe <- ropensci_commits[!ropensci_commits$.id %in% c("citeulike", "challenge", "docs", "ropensci-book",
"usecases", "textmine", "usgs", "ropenscitoolkit", "neotoma", "rEWDB", "rgauges",
"rodash", "ropensci.github.com", "ROAuth"), ]
dframe$.id <- tolower(dframe$.id)
dframe <- ddply(dframe, .(.id, date), summarise, value = sum(value))
mindates <- llply(unique(dframe$.id), function(x) min(dframe[dframe$.id == x, "date"]))
names(mindates) <- unique(dframe$.id)
mindates <- sort(do.call(c, mindates))
dframe$.id <- factor(dframe$.id, levels = names(mindates))
ggplot(dframe, aes(date, value, fill = .id)) +
geom_bar(stat = "identity", width = 0.5) +
geom_rangeframe(sides = "b", colour = "grey") +
theme_bw(base_size = 9) +
scale_x_date(labels = date_format("%Y"), breaks = date_breaks("year")) +
scale_y_log10() +
facet_grid(.id ~ .) +
labs(x = "", y = "") +
theme(axis.text.y = element_blank(),
axis.text.x = element_text(colour = "black"),
axis.ticks.y = element_blank(),
strip.text.y = element_text(angle = 0, size = 8, ),
strip.background = element_rect(size = 0),
panel.grid.major = element_blank(),
panel.grid.minor = element_blank(),
legend.text = element_text(size = 8),
legend.position = "none",
panel.border = element_blank())
#' Create a new github repo.
#' @import plyr httr
#' @param userorg User or organization GitHub name.
#' @param name Your new repo name. Required
#' @param description Description of repo. Optional
#' @param homepage Homepage for repo. Optional
#' @param private Make the repo private? Creating private repositories requires a paid GitHub account.
#' @param has_issues true to enable issues for this repository, false to disable them.
#' @param has_wiki true to enable the wiki for this repository, false to disable it
#' @param has_downloads true to enable downloads for this repository, false to disable them.
#' @param team_id The id of the team that will be granted access to this repository. This is only valid when creating a repo in an organization.
#' @param auto_init true to create an initial commit with empty README. Default is False.
#' @param gitignore_template See \link{https://github.com/github/gitignore}
#' @param session (optional) the authentication credentials from \code{\link{github_auth}}.
#' If not provided, will attempt to load from cache as long as github_auth has been run.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' github_auth(scope='repo')
#' options(useragent='ropensci')
#' github_create_repo(user='schamberlain', name='test')
#' github_create_repo(user='schamberlain', name='test', description='testing', homepage='http://schamberlain.github.com/scott/')
#' }
#' @export
github_create_repo <- function(user=NULL, org=NULL, name=NULL, description=NULL,
homepage=NULL, private='False', has_issues='True', has_wiki='True',
has_downloads='True', team_id=NULL, auto_init='False',
message("this function doesn't currently work")
# session = sandbox:::github_get_auth(scope='repo')
# useragent <- getOption('useragent')
# if(is.null(useragent))
# stop('You must provide a User-Agent string')
# access_token <- getOption('github_token')
# if(is.null(access_token))
# stop('You must authenticate with Github first, see github_auth()')
# url = "https://api.github.com/"
# if(!is.null(user))
# # url2 <- paste(url, user, '/repos', sep='')
# url2 <- paste0(url, 'user/repos?access_token=', access_token)
# if(!is.null(org))
# url2 <- paste0(url, 'orgs/', org, '/repos?access_token=', access_token)
# args <- compact(list(name=name, description=description, homepage=homepage,
# private=private, has_issues=has_issues, has_wiki=has_wiki,
# has_downloads=has_downloads, team_id=team_id, auto_init=auto_init,
# gitignore_template=gitignore_template, access_token=access_token))
# tt <- content(POST(url2, config=add_headers('User-Agent' = useragent), body=args))
# return( tt )
#' Coerces data.frame columns to the specified classes
#' @param d A data.frame.
#' @param colClasses A vector of column attributes, one of:
#' numeric, factor, character, etc.
#' @examples
#' dat <- data.frame(xvar = seq(1:10), yvar = rep(c("a","b"),5)) # make a data.frame
#' str(dat)
#' str(colClasses(dat, c("factor","factor")))
#' @export
colClasses <- function(d, colClasses) {
colClasses <- rep(colClasses, len=length(d))
d[] <- lapply(seq_along(d), function(i) switch(colClasses[i],
Date=as.Date(d[[i]], origin='1970-01-01'),
POSIXct=as.POSIXct(d[[i]], origin='1970-01-01'),
as(d[[i]], colClasses[i]) ))
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