
Defines functions replace_text pre_filter_html spell_check_file_pdf spell_check_file_plain spell_check_file_knitr spell_check_file_md spell_check_file_rd spell_check_description_text spell_check_file_text spell_check_plain spell_check_text spell_check_file_one spell_check_files

Documented in spell_check_files spell_check_text

#' Spell Check
#' Perform a spell check on document files or plain text.
#' This function parses a file based on the file extension, and checks only
#' text fields while ignoring code chunks and meta data. It works particularly
#' well for markdown, but also latex, html, xml, pdf, and plain text are
#' supported.
#' For more information about the underlying spelling engine, see the
#' [hunspell package](https://docs.ropensci.org/hunspell/articles/intro.html#hunspell-dictionaries).
#' @rdname spell_check_files
#' @family spelling
#' @inheritParams spell_check_package
#' @param path path to file or to spell check
#' @param ignore character vector with words which will be added to the [hunspell::dictionary]
#' @export
#' @examples # Example files
#' files <- list.files(system.file("examples", package = "knitr"),
#'   pattern = "\\.(Rnw|Rmd|html)$", full.names = TRUE)
#' spell_check_files(files)
spell_check_files <- function(path, ignore = character(), lang = "en_US"){
  lang <- normalize_lang(lang)
  dict <- hunspell::dictionary(lang, add_words = ignore)
  path <- sort(normalizePath(path, mustWork = TRUE))
  lines <- lapply(path, spell_check_file_one, dict = dict)
  summarize_words(path, lines)

spell_check_file_one <- function(path, dict){
  if(grepl("\\.r?q?md$",path, ignore.case = TRUE))
    return(spell_check_file_md(path, dict = dict))
  if(grepl("\\.rd$", path, ignore.case = TRUE))
    return(spell_check_file_rd(path, dict = dict))
  if(grepl("\\.(rnw|snw)$",path, ignore.case = TRUE))
    return(spell_check_file_knitr(path = path, format = "latex", dict = dict))
  if(grepl("\\.(tex)$",path, ignore.case = TRUE))
    return(spell_check_file_plain(path = path, format = "latex", dict = dict))
  if(grepl("\\.(html?)$", path, ignore.case = TRUE)){
      path <- pre_filter_html(path)
    return(spell_check_file_plain(path = path, format = "html", dict = dict))
  if(grepl("\\.(xml)$",path, ignore.case = TRUE))
    return(spell_check_file_plain(path = path, format = "xml", dict = dict))
  if(grepl("\\.(pdf)$",path, ignore.case = TRUE))
    return(spell_check_file_pdf(path = path, format = "text", dict = dict))
  return(spell_check_file_plain(path = path, format = "text", dict = dict))

#' @rdname spell_check_files
#' @export
#' @param text character vector with plain text
spell_check_text <- function(text, ignore = character(), lang = "en_US"){
  lang <- normalize_lang(lang)
  dict <- hunspell::dictionary(lang, add_words = ignore)
  bad_words <- hunspell::hunspell(text, dict = dict)
  words <- sort(unique(unlist(bad_words)))
  out <- data.frame(word = words, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  out$found <- lapply(words, function(word) {
    which(vapply(bad_words, `%in%`, x = word, logical(1)))

spell_check_plain <- function(text, dict){
  bad_words <- hunspell::hunspell(text, dict = dict)
  vapply(sort(unique(unlist(bad_words))), function(word) {
    line_numbers <- which(vapply(bad_words, `%in%`, x = word, logical(1)))
    paste(line_numbers, collapse = ",")
  }, character(1))

spell_check_file_text <- function(file, dict){
  spell_check_plain(readLines(file), dict = dict)

spell_check_description_text <- function(file, dict){
  lines <- readLines(file)
  lines <- gsub("<http\\S+>", "", lines)
  spell_check_plain(lines, dict = dict)

spell_check_file_rd <- function(rdfile, macros = NULL, dict) {
  text <- if (!length(macros)) {
  } else {
    tools::RdTextFilter(rdfile, macros = macros)
  Encoding(text) <- "UTF-8"
  spell_check_plain(text, dict = dict)

spell_check_file_md <- function(path, dict){
  words <- parse_text_md(path)

  # Filter out citation keys, see https://github.com/ropensci/spelling/issues/9
  words$text <- gsub("\\S*@\\S+", "", words$text, perl = TRUE)
  words$startline <- vapply(strsplit(words$position, ":", fixed = TRUE), `[[`, character(1), 1)
  bad_words <- hunspell::hunspell(words$text, dict = dict)
  vapply(sort(unique(unlist(bad_words))), function(word) {
    line_numbers <- which(vapply(bad_words, `%in%`, x = word, logical(1)))
    paste(words$startline[line_numbers], collapse = ",")
  }, character(1))

spell_check_file_knitr <- function(path, format, dict){
  latex <- remove_chunks(path)
  words <- hunspell::hunspell_parse(latex, format = format, dict = dict)
  text <- vapply(words, paste, character(1), collapse = " ")
  spell_check_plain(text, dict = dict)

spell_check_file_plain <- function(path, format, dict){
  lines <- readLines(path, warn = FALSE, encoding = 'UTF-8')
  words <- hunspell::hunspell_parse(lines, format = format, dict = dict)
  text <- vapply(words, paste, character(1), collapse = " ")
  spell_check_plain(text, dict = dict)

spell_check_file_pdf <- function(path, format, dict){
  lines <- pdftools::pdf_text(path)
  words <- hunspell::hunspell_parse(lines, format = format, dict = dict)
  text <- vapply(words, paste, character(1), collapse = " ")
  spell_check_plain(text, dict = dict)

# TODO: this does not retain whitespace in DTD before the <html> tag
pre_filter_html <- function(path){
  doc <- xml2::read_html(path, options = c("RECOVER", "NOERROR"))
  src_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(doc, ".//*[@src]")
  xml2::xml_set_attr(src_nodes, 'src', replace_text(xml2::xml_attr(src_nodes, 'src')))
  script_nodes <- xml2::xml_find_all(doc, "(.//script|.//style)")
  xml2::xml_set_text(script_nodes, replace_text(xml2::xml_text(script_nodes)))
  tmp <- file.path(tempdir(), basename(path))
  xml2::write_html(doc, tmp, options = 'format_whitespace')

# This replaces all text except for linebreaks.
# Therefore line numbers in spelling output should be unaffected
replace_text <- function(x){
  gsub(".*", "", x, perl = TRUE)
ropensci/spelling documentation built on Sept. 17, 2024, 10:22 a.m.