
Defines functions n_segments line_segment_lwgeom line_segment_rsgeo use_rsgeo bind_sf make_bidirectional line_segment1.sfc_LINESTRING line_segment1.sf line_segment1 line_segment.sfc_LINESTRING line_segment.sf line_segment line_midpoint angle_diff line_bearing is_linepoint n_vertices.sf n_vertices

Documented in angle_diff bind_sf is_linepoint line_bearing line_midpoint line_segment line_segment1 n_segments n_vertices

# Line functions

#' Retrieve the number of vertices in sf objects
#' Returns a vector of the same length as the number of sf objects.
#' @param l An sf object with LINESTRING geometry
#' @family lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' l <- routes_fast_sf
#' n_vertices(l)
#' n_vertices(zones_sf)
n_vertices <- function(l) {
#' @export
n_vertices.sf <- function(l) {
  sapply(sf::st_geometry(l), function(x) nrow(sf::st_coordinates(x)))

#' Identify lines that are points
#' OD matrices often contain 'intrazonal' flows, where the origin is the same point as the
#' destination. This function can help identify such intrazonal OD pairs, using 2 criteria:
#' the total number of vertices (2 or fewer) and whether the origin and destination are the same.
#' @details
#' Returns a boolean vector. TRUE means that the associated line is in fact a point
#' (has no distance). This can be useful for removing data that will not be plotted.
#' @inheritParams line2df
#' @family lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' islp <- is_linepoint(flowlines_sf)
#' nrow(flowlines_sf)
#' sum(islp)
#' # Remove invisible 'linepoints'
#' nrow(flowlines_sf[!islp, ])
is_linepoint <- function(l) {
  nverts <- n_vertices(l)
  sel <- nverts <= 2
  ldf <- line2df(l)
  ldf$fx == ldf$tx & ldf$fy & ldf$ty & sel
#' Find the bearing of straight lines
#' This function returns the
#' bearing (in degrees relative to north) of lines.
#' @details
#' Returns a boolean vector. TRUE means that the associated line is in fact a point
#' (has no distance). This can be useful for removing data that will not be plotted.
#' @inheritParams line2df
#' @param bidirectional Should the result be returned in a bidirectional format?
#' Default is FALSE. If TRUE, the same line in the oposite direction would have the same bearing
#' @family lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' l <- flowlines_sf[1:5, ]
#' bearings_sf_1_9 <- line_bearing(l)
#' bearings_sf_1_9 # lines of 0 length have NaN bearing
#' b <- line_bearing(l, bidirectional = TRUE)
#' r <- routes_fast_sf[1:5, ]
#' b2 <- line_bearing(r, bidirectional = TRUE)
#' plot(b, b2)
line_bearing <- function(l, bidirectional = FALSE) {
  # Convert to lon/lat data if not already
  is_longlat <- sf::st_is_longlat(l)
  if (!is_longlat) {
    l <- sf::st_transform(l, "EPSG:4326")
  odc <- od::od_coordinates(l)
  bearing <- geosphere::bearing(
    p1 = odc[, 1:2],
    p2 = odc[, 3:4]
  if (bidirectional) {
    bearing <- make_bidirectional(bearing)
#' Calculate the angular difference between lines and a predefined bearing
#' This function was designed to find lines that are close to parallel and perpendicular
#' to some pre-defined route. It can return results that are absolute (contain information
#' on the direction of turn, i.e. + or - values for clockwise/anticlockwise),
#' bidirectional (which mean values greater than +/- 90 are impossible).
#' Building on the convention used in in the `bearing()` function from the
#' `geosphere` package and in many applications,
#' North is definied as 0, East as 90 and West as -90.
#' @inheritParams line_bearing
#' @param absolute If TRUE (the default) only positive values can be returned
#' @param angle an angle in degrees relative to North, with 90 being East and -90 being West.
#'  (direction of rotation is ignored).
#' @family lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' lib_versions <- sf::sf_extSoftVersion()
#' lib_versions
#' # fails on some systems (with early versions of PROJ)
#' if (lib_versions[3] >= "6.3.1") {
#'   # Find all routes going North-South
#'   lines_sf <- od2line(od_data_sample, zones = zones_sf)
#'   angle_diff(lines_sf[2, ], angle = 0)
#'   angle_diff(lines_sf[2:3, ], angle = 0)
#' }
angle_diff <- function(l, angle, bidirectional = FALSE, absolute = TRUE) {
  if (is(object = l, "sf")) {
    line_angles <- line_bearing(l)
  } else {
    line_angles <- l
  angle_diff <- angle - line_angles
  angle_diff[angle_diff <= -180] <- angle_diff[angle_diff <= -180] + 180
  angle_diff[angle_diff >= 180] <- angle_diff[angle_diff >= 180] - 180
  if (bidirectional) {
    angle_diff[angle_diff <= -90] <- 180 + angle_diff[angle_diff <= -90]
    angle_diff[angle_diff >= 90] <- 180 - angle_diff[angle_diff >= 90]
  if (absolute) {
    angle_diff <- abs(angle_diff)
#' Find the mid-point of lines
#' @inheritParams line2df
#' @param tolerance The tolerance used to break lines at verteces.
#'   See [lwgeom::st_linesubstring()].
#' @family lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' l <- routes_fast_sf[2:5, ]
#' plot(l$geometry, col = 2:5)
#' midpoints <- line_midpoint(l)
#' plot(midpoints, add = TRUE)
line_midpoint <- function(l, tolerance = NULL) {
  if (is.null(tolerance)) {
    sub <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(x = l, from = 0, to = 0.5)
  } else {
    sub <- lwgeom::st_linesubstring(x = l, from = 0, to = 0.5, tolerance = tolerance)

#' Divide an sf object with LINESTRING geometry into regular segments
#' This function keeps the attributes.
#' Note: results differ when `use_rsgeo` is `TRUE`:
#' the `{rsgeo}` implementation is faster and more reliably
#' keeps returned linestrings below a the `segment_length` value.
#' @inheritParams line2df
#' @param segment_length The approximate length of segments in the output (overides n_segments if set)
#' @param use_rsgeo Should the `rsgeo` package be used?
#'  If `rsgeo` is available, this faster implementation is used by default.
#'  If `rsgeo` is not available, the `lwgeom` package is used.
#' @param debug_mode Should debug messages be printed? Default is FALSE.
#' @family lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' library(sf)
#' l <- routes_fast_sf[2:4, ]
#' l_seg_multi <- line_segment(l, segment_length = 1000, use_rsgeo = FALSE)
#' plot(l_seg_multi, col = seq_along(l_seg_multi), lwd = 5)
#' round(st_length(l_seg_multi))
#' # Test rsgeo implementation:
#' # rsmulti = line_segment(l, segment_length = 1000, use_rsgeo = TRUE)
#' # plot(rsmulti, col = seq_along(l_seg_multi), lwd = 5)
#' # round(st_length(rsmulti))
#' # waldo::compare(l_seg_multi, rsmulti)
line_segment <- function(
    segment_length = NA,
    use_rsgeo = NULL,
    debug_mode = FALSE) {
#' @export
line_segment.sf <- function(
    segment_length = NA,
    use_rsgeo = NULL,
    debug_mode = FALSE) {
  if (is.na(segment_length)) {
      "`segment_length` must be set.",
      call = rlang::caller_env()
  # Decide whether to use rsgeo or lwgeom, if not set:
  if (is.null(use_rsgeo)) {
    use_rsgeo <- use_rsgeo(l)
  if (use_rsgeo) {
    # If using rsgeo, we can do the whole thing in one go:
    segment_lengths <- as.numeric(sf::st_length(l))
    n_segments <- n_segments(segment_lengths, segment_length)
    res <- line_segment_rsgeo(l, n_segments = n_segments)
  n_row_l <- nrow(l)
  if (n_row_l > 1) {
    res_list <- pbapply::pblapply(seq(n_row_l), function(i) {
      if (debug_mode) {
        message(paste0("Processing row ", i, " of ", n_row_l))
      l_segmented <- line_segment1(l[i, ], n_segments = NA, segment_length = segment_length)
      res_names <- names(sf::st_drop_geometry(l_segmented))
      # Work-around for https://github.com/ropensci/stplanr/issues/531
      if (i == 1) {
        res_names <<- names(sf::st_drop_geometry(l_segmented))
      l_segmented <- l_segmented[res_names]
    res <- bind_sf(res_list)
  } else {
    # If there's only one row:
    res <- line_segment1(l, n_segments = NA, segment_length = segment_length)

#' @export
line_segment.sfc_LINESTRING <- function(
    segment_length = NA,
    use_rsgeo = NULL,
    debug_mode = FALSE) {
  l <- sf::st_as_sf(l)
  res <- line_segment(l, segment_length = segment_length, use_rsgeo, debug_mode)

#' Segment a single line, using lwgeom or rsgeo
#' @inheritParams line_segment
#' @param n_segments The number of segments to divide the line into
#' @family lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' l <- routes_fast_sf[2, ]
#' l_seg2 <- line_segment1(l = l, n_segments = 2)
#' # Test with rsgeo (must be installed):
#' # l_seg2_rsgeo = line_segment1(l = l, n_segments = 2)
#' # waldo::compare(l_seg2, l_seg2_rsgeo)
#' l_seg3 <- line_segment1(l = l, n_segments = 3)
#' l_seg_100 <- line_segment1(l = l, segment_length = 100)
#' l_seg_1000 <- line_segment1(l = l, segment_length = 1000)
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(l_seg2), col = 1:2, lwd = 5)
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(l_seg3), col = 1:3, lwd = 5)
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(l_seg_100), col = seq(nrow(l_seg_100)), lwd = 5)
#' plot(sf::st_geometry(l_seg_1000), col = seq(nrow(l_seg_1000)), lwd = 5)
line_segment1 <- function(
    n_segments = NA,
    segment_length = NA) {

#' @export
line_segment1.sf <- function(
    n_segments = NA,
    segment_length = NA) {
  if (is.na(n_segments) && is.na(segment_length)) {
      "`n_segment` or `segment_length` must be set.",
      call = rlang::caller_env()
  if (is.na(n_segments)) {
    l_length <- as.numeric(sf::st_length(l))
    n_segments <- max(round(l_length / segment_length), 1)
  if (n_segments == 1) {

  res <- line_segment_lwgeom(l, n_segments)

#' @export
line_segment1.sfc_LINESTRING <- function(
    n_segments = NA,
    segment_length = NA) {
  l <- sf::st_as_sf(l)
  res <- line_segment1(l, n_segments, segment_length = segment_length)

make_bidirectional <- function(bearing) {
  is_na_bearings <- is.na(bearing)
  non_na_bearings <- bearing[!is_na_bearings]
  non_na_bearings[non_na_bearings > 90] <- non_na_bearings[non_na_bearings > 90] - 180
  non_na_bearings[non_na_bearings < -90] <- non_na_bearings[non_na_bearings < -90] + 180
  bearing[!is_na_bearings] <- non_na_bearings

#' Rapid row-binding of sf objects
#' @param x List of sf objects to combine
#' @return An sf data frame
#' @family geo
bind_sf <- function(x) {
  if (length(x) == 0) stop("Empty list")
  geom_name <- attr(x[[1]], "sf_column")
  x <- data.table::rbindlist(x, use.names = FALSE)
  # x = collapse::unlist2d(x, idcols = FALSE, recursive = FALSE)
  x[[geom_name]] <- sf::st_sfc(x[[geom_name]], recompute_bbox = TRUE)
  x <- sf::st_as_sf(x)

use_rsgeo <- function(shp) {
  rsgeo_installed <- rlang::is_installed("rsgeo", version = "0.1.6")
  if (!rsgeo_installed) {
    warning("rsgeo not installed, using lwgeom")

line_segment_rsgeo <- function(l, n_segments) {

  crs <- sf::st_crs(l)
  # Test to see if the CRS is latlon or not and provide warning if so
  if (sf::st_is_longlat(l)) {
      "The CRS of the input object is latlon.\n",
      "This may cause problems with the rsgeo implementation of line_segment()."

  # extract geometry and convert to rsgeo
  geo <- rsgeo::as_rsgeo(sf::st_geometry(l))

  # segmentize the line strings
  res_rsgeo <- rsgeo::line_segmentize(geo, n_segments)

  # make them into sfc_LINESTRING
  res <- sf::st_cast(sf::st_as_sfc(res_rsgeo), "LINESTRING")

  # give them them CRS
  res <- sf::st_set_crs(res, crs)

  # calculate the number of original geometries
  n_lines <- length(geo)
  # create index ids to grab rows from
  ids <- rep.int(seq_len(n_lines), n_segments)

  # index the original sf object
  res_tbl <- sf::st_drop_geometry(l)[ids, , drop = FALSE]

  # assign the geometry column

  res_tbl[[attr(l, "sf_column")]] <- res

  # convert to sf and return
  res_sf <- sf::st_as_sf(res_tbl)

line_segment_lwgeom <- function(l, n_segments) {
  from_to_sequence <- seq(from = 0, to = 1, length.out = n_segments + 1)
    line_segment_list <- lapply(seq(n_segments), function(i) {
        x = l,
        from = from_to_sequence[i],
        to = from_to_sequence[i + 1]
  res <- bind_sf(line_segment_list)

#' Vectorised function to calculate number of segments given a max segment length
#' @param line_length The length of the line
#' @param max_segment_length The maximum length of each segment
#' @family lines
#' @export
#' @examples
#' n_segments(50, 10)
#' n_segments(50.1, 10)
#' n_segments(1, 10)
#' n_segments(1:9, 2)
n_segments <- function(line_length, max_segment_length) {
  pmax(ceiling(line_length / max_segment_length), 1)
ropensci/stplanr documentation built on March 15, 2024, 4:32 a.m.