
Defines functions worms_children_all worms_children worms_downstream

Documented in worms_downstream

#' Retrieve all taxa names downstream in hierarchy for WORMS
#' @export
#' @param id (integer) One or more AphiaID's
#' @param downto (character) The taxonomic level you want to go down to. 
#' See examples below. The taxonomic level IS case sensitive, and you do have 
#' to spell it correctly. See [rank_ref_zoo] for spelling.
#' @param intermediate (logical) If `TRUE`, return a list of length two 
#' with target taxon rank names, with additional list of data.frame's of
#' intermediate taxonomic groups. Default: `FALSE`
#' @param start (integer) Record number to start at
#' @param ... crul options passed on to [worrms::wm_children()], including the
#' parameters `marine_only` and `offset`, see `?worrms::wm_children` for 
#' details
#' @return data.frame of taxonomic information downstream to family from e.g.,
#' Order, Class, etc., or if `intermediated=TRUE`, list of length two,
#' with target taxon rank names, and intermediate names.
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' ## the genus Gadus
#' worms_downstream(id = 125732, downto="species")
#' worms_downstream(id = 125732, downto="species", intermediate=TRUE)
#' worms_downstream(id = 51, downto="class")
#' worms_downstream(id = 51, downto="subclass", intermediate=TRUE)
#' worms_downstream(id = 105, downto="subclass")
#' # marine_only parameter
#' worms_downstream(545470, downto = "species")
#' worms_downstream(545470, downto = "species", marine_only = FALSE)
#' }
worms_downstream <- function(id, downto, intermediate = FALSE, start = 1, 
  ...) {

  should_be('intermediate', intermediate, 'logical')

  downto <- tolower(downto)
  poss_ranks <- unique(do.call(c,
    sapply(taxize_ds$rank_ref_zoo$ranks, strsplit, split = ",",
      USE.NAMES = FALSE)))
  downto <- match.arg(downto, choices = poss_ranks)
  torank <- sapply(taxize_ds$rank_ref_zoo[which_rank(downto, zoo=TRUE), "ranks"],
    function(x) strsplit(x, ",")[[1]][[1]], USE.NAMES = FALSE)

  stop_ <- "not"
  notout <- data.frame(rank = "", stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
  out <- list()
  if (intermediate) intermed <- list()
  iter <- 0
  while (stop_ == "not") {
    iter <- iter + 1
    tt <- dt2df(lapply(id, function(x)
      worms_children(x, start = start, ...)), idcol = FALSE)
    tt <- prune_too_low(tt, downto, zoo = TRUE, ignore_missing_rank = TRUE)

    if (NROW(tt) == 0) {
      out[[iter]] <- data.frame(stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      stop_ <- "nodata"
    } else {
      if (intermediate) intermed[[iter]] <- tt
      if (NROW(tt[tt$rank == downto, ]) > 0) {
        out[[iter]] <- tt[tt$rank == downto, ]
      if (NROW(tt[!tt$rank == downto, ]) > 0) {
        notout <- tt[!tt$rank %in% torank, ]
      } else {
        notout <- data.frame(rank = downto, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

      if (all(notout$rank == downto)) {
        stop_ <- "fam"
      } else {
        id <- notout$id
        stop_ <- "not"
  } # end while loop

  tmp <- dt2df(out, idcol = FALSE)
  if (intermediate) {
    list(target = tmp, intermediate = intermed)
  } else {

worms_children <- function(x, start = 1, ...) {
  bb <- tryCatch(
    worms_children_all(x, start, ...),
    error = function(e) e
  if (inherits(bb, "error")) return(data.frame(NULL))
  # handle missing rank information
  if (all(is.na(bb$rank))) {
    # drop rank column with no data
    bb$rank <- NULL
    bb <- merge(bb, taxize_ds$worrms_ranks, by.x = "taxonRankID", by.y = "id")
  bb$rank <- tolower(bb$rank)
  # clean up rank names
  if (any(grepl("phylum \\(division", bb$rank))) {
    bb$rank[grep("phylum \\(division", bb$rank)] <- "phylum"
  if (any(grepl("subphylum \\(subdivision", bb$rank))) {
    bb$rank[grep("subphylum \\(subdivision", bb$rank)] <- "subphylum"
  names(bb)[names(bb) %in% "AphiaID"] <- "id"
  names(bb)[names(bb) %in% "scientificname"] <- "name"
  bb[c('id', 'name', 'rank')]

worms_children_all <- function(id, start=1, ...) {
  out <- worrms::wm_children(as.numeric(id), start=start, ...)
  out <- list(out)
  i <- 1
  while (NROW(out[[length(out)]]) == 50) {
    i <- i + 1
    tmpres <- tryCatch(
        offset = sum(unlist(sapply(out, NROW))),
      error = function(e) e
    out[[i]] <- if (inherits(tmpres, "error")) data.frame() else tmpres
  res <- df2dt2tbl(out)
ropensci/taxize documentation built on Sept. 9, 2024, 11:36 p.m.