
client_id <-
client_secret <- "YH4lh5tlKhktj9xJj5Zv_XD3"

scope_list <- c(
script_app <- httr::oauth_app("google", key = client_id, secret = client_secret)
google_token <-
                       script_app, scope = scope_list, cache = TRUE)

script_app = httr::oauth_app("google", key=client_id, secret=client_secret)
google_token = httr::oauth2.0_token(httr::oauth_endpoints("google"), script_app, scope=scope_list, cache=TRUE)

## now drop this into any future httr calls:
## httr::config(token = google_token)

## JENNY just proving we can now push a rendered Rmd as Google Doc

## upload metadata --> get a fileId (Drive-speak)

## RStudio > File > New File > R Markdown
## select word doc, I guess? I'd prefer to not specify output_format
## and save it as "test.Rmd"

local_rmd_file <- "test.Rmd"
## we'll replace "word_document" with "google_document" here
local_rendered_file <-
  rmarkdown::render(local_rmd_file, output_format = "word_document")

the_body <- list(title = "test",
                 mimeType = "application/")
req <- httr::POST("",
                  httr::config(token = google_token),
                  body = the_body, encode = "json")
rc <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(req, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
(file_id <- rc$id)

## the actual file upload
the_url <-
  file.path("", file_id)
the_url <-
                   query = list(uploadType = "media", convert = TRUE))
req <- httr::PUT(the_url,
                 httr::config(token = google_token),
                 body = httr::upload_file(local_rendered_file))
rc <- jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(req, as = "text", encoding = "UTF-8"))
browseURL(file.path("", rc$id, "edit"))

## via Google Apps script + Execution API
## attach the Rmd to the rendered Doc as a ?custom document property?

## App Script
# function saveRMarkdown(file_id, raw_r_markdown) {
#   var property = {
#     key: "raw_r_markdown",
#     value: raw_r_markdown,
#     visibility: "PUBLIC"
#   };
#   Drive.Properties.insert(property, file_id);
#   return "yay!!!"
# }
script_id = "MlxF1pCyK3ROzBb-Mg-r-u5OP2w2mNFlH"
script_url = paste0("", script_id, ":run")

file_name = "test.Rmd"
raw_text = readChar(file_name,$size)

body = list(
  parameters=c(file_id, raw_text)

req = httr::POST(script_url, httr::config(token=google_token), body=body, encode="json")
rc = jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(req, as="text", encoding="UTF-8"))

## Write raw markdown text to doc

body = list(
 parameters = c(file_id, raw_text)

req = httr::POST(script_url, httr::config(token=google_token), body=body, encode="json")
rc = jsonlite::fromJSON(httr::content(req, as="text", encoding="UTF-8"))

## retrieve the rendered Doc
## read custom document property = the Rmd source
ropenscilabs/gdoc documentation built on May 18, 2022, 7:38 p.m.