
Defines functions flora_europaea

Documented in flora_europaea

#' Check species status (native/exotic) in Flora Europaea
#' @export
#' @param sp character; a vector of length one with a single scientific 
#' species names in the form of \code{c("Genus species")}.
#' @param messages logical; If \code{TRUE} (default), informative messages 
#' printed
#' @param ... curl options passed on to \code{\link[crul]{HttpClient}}
#' @return A list of vectors containing the countries where the species is 
#' native, exotic, ...
#' @description This function check the status (native or exotic) of a species 
#' in each of the eu countries.
#' For that end, it checks Flora Europaea (http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/FE/fe.html) 
#' and scrapes the data from there.
#' Note that the webpage contains more information.
#' As expected, the function is as good as the database is. I think for 
#' native species is robust but new exotic species are not added as to my 
#' knowledge the database is not updated anymore. The database is not able to 
#' recognize species synonyms.
#' See \url{http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/FE/data/countries} for explanation 
#' of the database codes.
#' @author Ignasi Bartomeus \email{nacho.bartomeus@@gmail.com}
#' @examples \dontrun{
#' sp <- c("Lavandula stoechas", "Carpobrotus edulis", "Rhododendron ponticum",
#'        "Alkanna lutea", "Anchusa arvensis")
#' flora_europaea(sp[1])
#' sapply(sp, flora_europaea, simplify = FALSE)
#' flora_europaea('Calendula officinalis')
#' }
flora_europaea <- function(sp, messages = TRUE, ...) {
  #reformat sp list
  if (length(sp) > 1) {
    stop("sp should be a single species", call. = FALSE)
  sp <- as.character(sp)
  genus <- strsplit(sp, " ")[[1]][1]
  species <- strsplit(sp, " ")[[1]][2]
  #create urls to parse
  url <- "http://rbg-web2.rbge.org.uk/cgi-bin/nph-readbtree.pl/feout"
  args <- list(FAMILY_XREF = "", GENUS_XREF = genus,
               SPECIES_XREF = species, TAXON_NAME_XREF = "", RANK = "")
  mssg(messages, paste("Checking", sp))
  #Parse url and extract table
  cli <- crul::HttpClient$new(url = url, opts = list(...))
  url_check <- cli$get(query = args)
  doc <- xml2::read_html(url_check$parse("UTF-8"), encoding = "UTF-8")
  tables <- xml2::xml_find_all(doc, "//table")

  if (length(tables) < 3) {
    mssg(messages, "Species not found")
  } else {
    for(i in seq_along(tables)){
      text <- xml_text(tables[[i]], trim = FALSE)
      if (grepl("Distribution:", text, perl = TRUE)) {break}
    if (!grepl("Distribution:", text, perl = TRUE)) {
      mssg(messages, "Species with no distribution. Probably not native.")
    } else{
      m_nat <- regexpr("Distribution: [A-Za-z ()?*%,]*", text, perl = TRUE)
      distr_nat <- regmatches(text, m_nat)
      distr_status <- regmatches(distr_nat,
                                 gregexpr("[*][A-Z][a-z]", distr_nat, perl = TRUE)) # * Status doubtful; possibly native
      distr_occ <- regmatches(distr_nat,
                              gregexpr("[?][A-Z][a-z]", distr_nat, perl = TRUE)) # ? Occurrence doubtful
      distr_ext <- regmatches(distr_nat,
                              gregexpr("[%][A-Z][a-z]", distr_nat, perl = TRUE)) # % Extinct
      #also deal with Rs(N) extract e.g. Rs(N,B,C,W,K,E)
      distr_nat <- gsub(",", " ", distr_nat)
      distr_nat <- gsub("(", " ", distr_nat, fixed = TRUE)
      distr_nat <- gsub(")", "", distr_nat, fixed = TRUE)
      distr_nat <- gsub("Distribution: ", "", distr_nat)

      nat = exo = stat = oc = ex = NA
      if (distr_nat != "") {
        native <- strsplit(distr_nat, " ")[[1]]
        delete <- which(!native %in% country$short)
        if (length(delete) > 0) native <- native[-delete]
        nat <- sapply(native, function(x) {country[which(x == country$short), "long"]})
      if (length(distr_status[[1]]) > 0) {
        status <- gsub("*", "", distr_status[[1]], fixed = TRUE)
        stat <- sapply(status, function(x) {country[which(x == country$short), "long"]})
      if (length(distr_occ[[1]]) > 0) {
        occ <- gsub("?", "", distr_occ[[1]], fixed = TRUE)
        oc <- sapply(occ, function(x) {country[which(x == country$short), "long"]})
      if (length(distr_ext[[1]]) > 0) {
        ext <- gsub("%", "", distr_ext[[1]], fixed = TRUE)
        ex <- sapply(ext, function(x) {country[which(x == country$short), "long"]})
      #extract exotics
      m_ex <- regexpr("[[][A-Za-z ()?*%,]*", text, perl = TRUE)
      distr_exot <- regmatches(text, m_ex)
      if (length(distr_exot) > 0) {
        #NEED TO ADD * ? % for exotics? I don't think those cases exist. Maybe ?
        exotic <- strsplit(gsub("[", "", distr_exot, fixed = TRUE), " ")[[1]]
        exo <- sapply(exotic, function(x) {country[which(x == country$short), "long"]})
      list(native = as.character(nat), exotic = as.character(exo), status_doubtful = as.character(stat),
           occurrence_doubtful = as.character(oc), extinct = as.character(ex))

#add country short-names translation cheat sheet as dataframe
country <- data.frame(short = c("Al", "Au", "Az", "Be", "Bl", "Br", "Bu", "Co", "Cr", "Cz",
                                "Da", "Fa", "Fe", "Ga", "Ge", "Gr", "Hb",
                                "He", "Ho", "Hs", "Hu", "Is", "It", "Ju",
                                "Lu", "No", "Po", "Rm", "Rs", "Sa","Sb",
                                "Si", "Su", "Tu", "N", "B", "C",
                                "W", "K", "E"),
                      long = c("Albania", "Austria", "Azores", "Belgium", "Islas_Baleares",
                               "Britain", "Bulgaria", "Corse", "Kriti",
                               "Czechoslovakia", "Denmark", "Faroer",
                               "Finland", "France", "Germany", "Greece",
                               "Ireland", "Switzerland", "Netherlands", "Spain",
                               "Hungary", "Iceland", "Italy", "Jugoslavia",
                               "Portugal", "Norway", "Poland", "Romania",
                               "USSR", "Sardegna", "Svalbard", "Sicilia",
                               "Sweden", "Turkey", "USSR_Northern_Division",
                               "USSR_Baltic_Division", "USSR_Central_Division",
                               "USSR_South_western", "USSR_Krym",
                      stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
ropenscilabs/originr documentation built on May 18, 2022, 7:41 p.m.