
Defines functions try_encode_string Encoding_safe is_base64 try_encoding body_from serializable_body

#' @title The request of an HTTPInteraction
#' @description object that handled all aspects of a request
#' @export
#' @keywords internal
#' @examples
#' url <- "https://hb.opencpu.org/post"
#' body <- list(foo = "bar")
#' headers <- list(
#'   `User-Agent` = "libcurl/7.54.0 r-curl/3.2 crul/0.5.2",
#'   `Accept-Encoding` = "gzip, deflate",
#'   Accept = "application/json, text/xml, application/xml, */*"
#' )
#' (x <- Request$new("POST", url, body, headers))
#' x$body
#' x$method
#' x$uri
#' x$host
#' x$path
#' x$headers
#' h <- x$to_hash()
#' x$from_hash(h)
Request <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' @field method (character) http method
    method = NULL,
    #' @field uri (character) a uri
    uri = NULL,
    #' @field scheme (character) scheme (http or https)
    scheme = NULL,
    #' @field host (character) host (e.g., stuff.org)
    host = NULL,
    #' @field path (character) path (e.g., foo/bar)
    path = NULL,
    #' @field query (character) query params, named list
    query = NULL,
    #' @field body (character) named list
    body = NULL,
    #' @field headers (character) named list
    headers = NULL,
    #' @field skip_port_stripping (logical) whether to strip the port
    skip_port_stripping = FALSE,
    #' @field hash (character) a named list - internal use
    hash = NULL,
    #' @field opts (character) options - internal use
    opts = NULL,
    #' @field disk (logical) xx
    disk = NULL,
    #' @field fields (various) request body details
    fields = NULL,
    #' @field output (various) request output details, disk, memory, etc
    output = NULL,

    #' @description Create a new `Request` object
    #' @param method (character) the HTTP method (i.e. head, options, get,
    #' post, put, patch or delete)
    #' @param uri (character) request URI
    #' @param body (character) request body
    #' @param headers (named list) request headers
    #' @param opts (named list) options internal use
    #' @param disk (boolean), is body a file on disk
    #' @param fields (various) post fields
    #' @param output (various) output details
    #' @param skip_port_stripping (logical) whether to strip the port.
    #' default: `FALSE`
    #' @return A new `Request` object
    initialize = function(method, uri, body, headers, opts, disk,
      fields, output, skip_port_stripping = FALSE) {

      if (!missing(method)) self$method <- tolower(method)
      if (!missing(body)) {
        if (inherits(body, "list")) {
          body <- paste(names(body), body, sep = "=", collapse = ",")
        self$body <- body
      if (!missing(headers)) self$headers <- headers
      if (!missing(uri)) {
        if (!skip_port_stripping) {
          self$uri <- private$without_standard_port(uri)
        } else {
          self$uri <- uri
        # parse URI to get host and path
        tmp <- eval(parse(text = vcr_c$uri_parser))(self$uri)
        self$scheme <- tmp$scheme
        self$host <- tmp$domain
        self$path <- tmp$path
        self$query <- tmp$parameter
       if (!missing(opts)) self$opts <- opts
       if (!missing(disk)) self$disk <- disk
       if (!missing(fields)) self$fields <- fields
       if (!missing(output)) self$output <- output

    #' @description Convert the request to a list
    #' @return list
    to_hash = function() {
       self$hash <- list(
         method  = self$method,
         uri     = self$uri,
         body    = serializable_body(self$body, self$opts$preserve_exact_body_bytes %||% FALSE),
         headers = self$headers,
         disk = self$disk

    #' @description Convert the request to a list
    #' @param hash a list
    #' @return a new `Request` object
    from_hash = function(hash) {
        method  = hash[['method']],
        uri     = hash[['uri']],
        # body    = hash[['body']],
        body    = body_from(hash[['body']]),
        headers = hash[['headers']],
        disk = hash[['disk']]
  private = list(
    without_standard_port = function(uri) {
      if (is.null(uri)) return(uri)
      u <- private$parsed_uri(uri)
      if (paste0(u$scheme, if (is.na(u$port)) NULL else u$port) %in% c('http', 'https/443')) {
      u$port <- NA

    parsed_uri = function(uri) {

serializable_body <- function(x, preserve_exact_body_bytes = FALSE) {
  if (is.null(x)) return(x)
  if (preserve_exact_body_bytes) {
    if (can_charToRaw(x)) {
      tmp <- base64enc::base64encode(charToRaw(x))
      base64 <- TRUE
    } else {
      tmp <- x
      base64 <- FALSE
    structure(tmp, base64 = base64)
  } else {

body_from <- function(x) {
  if (is.null(x)) x <- ""
  if (
    (!is.null(attr(x, "base64")) && attr(x, "base64"))
    # (!is.null(attr(x, "base64")) && attr(x, "base64")) || all(is_base64(x))
  ) {
    b64dec <- base64enc::base64decode(x)
    b64dec_r2c <- tryCatch(rawToChar(b64dec), error = function(e) e)
    if (inherits(b64dec_r2c, "error")) {
      # probably is binary (e.g., pdf), so can't be converted to char.
    } else {
      # probably was originally character data, so
      #  can convert to character from binary
  } else {
    # try_encode_string(x, Encoding_safe(x))

try_encoding <- function(x) {
  if (missing(x)) stop("'x' is missing")
  z <- tryCatch(Encoding(x), error = function(e) e)
  if (inherits(z, "error")) "ASCII-8BIT" else z

is_base64 <- function(x, cassette) {
  if (!is.list(x)) {
    if ("base64" %in% names(attributes(x))) {
      return(attr(x, 'base64'))

  # new base64 setup where it is stored in "base64_string"
  hasb64str <- "base64_string" %in% names(x)
  if (hasb64str) return(TRUE)

  if (
    cassette$preserve_exact_body_bytes && "string" %in% names(x)
  ) {
    # old base64 setup where it was stored in "string"
    message("re-record cassettes using 'preserve_exact_body_bytes = TRUE'")
  } else {
    # not using base64

Encoding_safe <- function(x) {
  tryenc <- tryCatch(Encoding(x), error = function(e) e)
  if (inherits(tryenc, "error")) "unknown" else tryenc

b64_pattern <- "^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})$"

try_encode_string <- function(string, encoding) {
  ## FIXME, this function doesn't do anything

  #return string if encoding.nil? || string.encoding.name == encoding
  # if (is.null(encoding) || ) return(string)

  # ASCII-8BIT just means binary, so encoding to it is nonsensical
  # and yet "\u00f6".encode("ASCII-8BIT") raises an error.
  # Instead, we'll force encode it (essentially just tagging it as binary)
  # return string.force_encoding(encoding) if encoding == "ASCII-8BIT"
  if (encoding == "ASCII-8BIT") return(string)

  # FIXME - Encoding() doesn't seem to fail with non-sensical
  # --- find something better
  #res <- tryCatch(Encoding(string) <- encoding, error = function(e) e)
  # rescue EncodingError => e
  #  struct_type = name.split('::').last.downcase
  #  warn "VCR: got `#{e.class.name}: #{e.message}` while trying to encode the #{string.encoding.name} " +
  #   "#{struct_type} body to the original body encoding (#{encoding}). Consider using the " +
  #   "`:preserve_exact_body_bytes` option to work around this."
  #  return(string)
ropenscilabs/vcr documentation built on Feb. 5, 2024, 5:58 p.m.