
Defines functions apply_on_pillars relu get_seed translate_parallel

Documented in apply_on_pillars

translate_parallel <- function(parallel) {
    checkmate::check_logical(parallel, len = 1)
  n_cores <- 1
  if (isTRUE(parallel)) {
    n_cores <- parallel::detectCores()
  } else if (is.numeric(parallel)) {
    n_cores <- parallel
    if (n_cores > parallel::detectCores()) n_cores <- parallel::detectCores()

get_seed <- function() sample.int(.Machine$integer.max, 1)

relu <- function(x) ifelse(x >= 0, x, 0)

#' Apply a function to each pillar of a 3-dimensional array.
#' Define a 'pillar' of a 3-dimensional array as pillar `i,j` off array
#' `arr` being `arr[i, j, ]`. This function applies a specified
#' function to each pillar.
#' @param arr3d A 3-dimensional array.
#' @param FUN A function which takes a vector as input and, for a given input
#'   length, outputs a vector of constant length (can be 1).
#' @return If `FUN` is returning length 1 vectors, a matrix whereby
#'   `mat[i, j] = FUN(arr3d[i, j, ])`. If FUN is returning vectors of
#'   length `l > 1`, a 3-dimensional array whereby \code{arr[i, j, ] =
#'   FUN(arr3d[i, j, ])}.
#' @export
apply_on_pillars <- function(arr3d, FUN) {
  apply(arr3d, c(1, 2), FUN) %>% {
    if (length(dim(.)) == 3) {
      aperm(., c(2, 3, 1))
    } else {

#' Construct the bullet point bits for `custom_stop()`.
#' @param string The message for the bullet point.
#' @return A string with the bullet-pointed message nicely formatted for the
#'   console.
#' @noRd
custom_stop_bullet <- function(string) {
  string %<>% strwrap(width = 57)
  string[1] %<>% {
    stringr::str_glue("    * {.}")
  if (length(string) > 1) {
    string[-1] %<>% {
      stringr::str_glue("      {.}")
  stringr::str_c(string, collapse = "\n")

#' Nicely formatted error message.
#' Format an error message with bullet-pointed sub-messages with nice
#' line-breaks.
#' Arguments should be entered as [glue::glue()]-style strings.
#' @param main_message The main error message.
#' @param ... Bullet-pointed sub-messages.
#' @noRd
custom_stop <- function(main_message, ..., .envir = parent.frame()) {
  main_message %<>% glue::glue(.envir = .envir)
  out <- strwrap(main_message, width = 63)
  dots <- list(...) %>%
    unlist() %>%
  if (length(dots)) {
    if (!is.character(dots)) {
      stop("\nThe arguments in ... must all be of character type.")
    dots %<>% purrr::map_chr(glue::glue, .envir = .envir) %>%
    out %<>% {
      glue::glue_collapse(c(., dots), sep = "\n")

get_os <- function() {
  sysinf <- Sys.info()
  if (!is.null(sysinf)) {
    os <- sysinf["sysname"]
    if (os == "Darwin") {
      os <- "osx"
  } else { ## mystery machine
    os <- .Platform$OS.type
    if (grepl("^darwin", R.version$os)) {
      os <- "osx"
    if (grepl("linux-gnu", R.version$os)) {
      os <- "linux"
  if (os == "osx") os <- "mac"
rorynolan/detrendr documentation built on March 9, 2023, 10:26 p.m.