
#' @include filepath.R

#' Recipe is the root class for all recipes for making a file
Recipe <- R6::R6Class(
  public = list(
    #' run is the main function of a recipe for making a target file from a list of dependences
    #' @param target the file to make
    #' @param depend the list of dependences
    #' @return this function has no return value. It should throw an error and stop if it fails to make the target.
    run = function(target, depend) {

#' parse a target
#' @param target an expression
#' @return a target and its dependences
parseTarget <- function(target, env) {
  switch (
    call = {
      first <- parseTarget(target[[2]], env)
      if (length(target) > 2) second <- parseTarget(target[[3]], env)
      switch (
        "~" = return(list(target=first, depend=second)),
        "+" = return(c(first, second)),
        "/" = return(paste(c(first, second), collapse = .Platform$file.sep)),
        ":" = return(paste(first, second, sep = ":"))
    name = return(if (target==".") c() else as.character(target)),
    "(" = return(eval(target[[2]], env))

#' the base class for make rules
#' It is the root class for both a node and an implicit rule
#' It has the notion of a dependence list, a recipeID, and a timestamp
MakeRule <- R6::R6Class(
  private = list(
    #' a vector of dependent files
    depend = c(),
    #' the recipeID for the recipe to make the target
    recipeID = NULL
  active = list(
    #' the dependences
    dependences = function() { private$depend },
    #' the recipeID
    recipe = function() { private$recipeID }
  public = list(
    #' the time stamp for last scan, NULL if not scanned
    timestamp = NULL,
    #' initializer,
    #' @param depend the dependences, 
    #' @param recipeID a unique recipe ID.
    initialize = function(depend, recipeID) {
      private$depend <- unique(depend)
      if (!is.null(recipeID) && !is.character(recipeID))
        stop("Invalid recipeID ", recipeID, call. = FALSE)
      # for each target, set up a rule
      private$recipeID <- recipeID
      self$timestamp <- NULL
    #' pretty print a makeRule object
    print = function() {
      deps <- self$dependences
      if (length(deps) > 0) {
        for (dep in deps[-1]) cat(" +", dep)

#' a node in the dependence graph
Node <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = MakeRule,
  active = list(
    #' the dependences
    dependences = function() { unique(c(private$depend, self$auto)) }
  public = list(
    #' a vector of automatic dependences
    auto = c()

#' Represents an imlicit rule
ImplicitRule <- R6::R6Class(
  inherit = MakeRule,
  private = list(
    # the pattern for handlable target files
    pattern = NULL
  public = list(
    #' initializer
    #' @param pattern the pattern for the target files
    #' @param depend the patterns for dependences
    #' @param recipeID the recipe ID to generate a target
    initialize = function(pattern, depend, recipeID) {
      super$initialize(depend, recipeID)
      private$pattern <- pattern
    #' match to a file
    #' @param file the file for which to create the rule
    #' @return a Node object or NULL if cannot handle the file
    match = function(file) {
      matched <- match.stem(private$pattern, file)
      if (!matched) return(NULL)
      stem <- attr(matched, "stem")
      deps <- sub("%", stem, private$depend)
      Node$new(deps, private$recipeID)
    #' pretty print a makeRule object
    print = function() {
      cat(private$pattern, "~ ")
#' create a make rule
#' @param target a formula specifying target ~ dependences, the dependences are separated by +, or a target name (string), in which case there is no dependence.
#' @param depend the dependences, if target is formula, then depend is appended to the end of the dependences specified in the formula
#' @param recipe a recipe to make the target, either an R function(target, depend), or a Recipe object, or NULL (the rule makes nothing and always success, after successfully checked dependences).
#' @param interpreter f using the first dependent file as a script, this is the interpreter to run the script.
#' @return a MakeRule R6 object
#' @export
makeRule <- function(target,
                     depend = c(),
                     interpreter = NULL,
                     env = parent.frame()) {
  # parse the target
  if (is(target, "formula")) {
    depend <- c(parseTarget(target[[3]], env), depend)
    target <- parseTarget(target[[2]], env)
  pkg.env$maker$addRule(target, depend, recipe)
roverrobot/make documentation built on May 27, 2019, 11:44 p.m.