#' create a project_template
#' @param project_path Folder where project will be located
#' @param ... parameters passed through to other functions
#' @export
project_template_VA <- function(project_path, ...) {
# ensure path exists
dir.create(project_path, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE)
# generate header for file
header <- c(
"# This file was generated by a call to 'RPamisc::project_template_VA()'.",
"# The following inputs were received:",
# collect inputs and paste together as 'Parameter: Value'
dots <- list(...)
text <- lapply(seq_along(dots), function(i) {
key <- names(dots)[[i]]
val <- dots[[i]]
paste0(key, ": ", val)
# collect into single text string
contents <- paste(
paste(header, collapse = "\n"),
paste(text, collapse = "\n"),
sep = "\n"
# write to index file
writeLines(contents, con = file.path(project_path, "INDEX"))
## VA Project structure
# create folders
fs::dir_create(fs::path(project_path, "Data"))
fs::dir_create(fs::path(project_path, "Data", "RawData"))
fs::dir_create(fs::path(project_path, "Data", "FinalData"))
fs::dir_create(fs::path(project_path, "Pipelines"))
fs::dir_create(fs::path(project_path, "R"))
fs::dir_create(fs::path(project_path, "Reports"))
fs::dir_create(fs::path(project_path, "Resources"))
fs::dir_create(fs::path(project_path, "SQL"))
# .keep files (empty directories in git repo)
fs::file_create(fs::path(project_path, "Data",".keep"))
fs::file_create(fs::path(project_path, "Data", "RawData", ".keep"))
fs::file_create(fs::path(project_path, "Data", "FinalData", ".keep"))
fs::file_create(fs::path(project_path, "Pipelines",".keep"))
fs::file_create(fs::path(project_path, "R",".keep"))
fs::file_create(fs::path(project_path, "Reports",".keep"))
fs::file_create(fs::path(project_path, "Resources",".keep"))
fs::file_create(fs::path(project_path, "SQL",".keep"))
# copy files
fs::file_copy(fs::path_package("RPamisc", "rstudio", "templates", "project", "README.md"), project_path)
fs::file_copy(fs::path_package("RPamisc", "rstudio", "templates", "project", "config.yml"), project_path)
fs::file_copy(fs::path_package("RPamisc", "rstudio", "templates", "project", "Data", "README.md"), fs::path(project_path, "Data"))
fs::file_copy(fs::path_package("RPamisc", "rstudio", "templates", "project", ".gitignore"), project_path)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.