
Defines functions ensemble_eval get_ldata

Documented in ensemble_eval

#### Functions for evaluating ensembles of covid models

### Helper function for ensemble eval:  get observations and predictions by time
### for each ensemble, for a single locality.
get_ldata <- function(m) 
  ensemble_fcst <- m$history[ , c('time', 'id', 'ncase')]
  obsdata <- m$obsdata[ , c('time', 'fips', 'locality', 'ntest', 'npos')]
  obsdata$pop <- vdhcovid::getpop(fips=obsdata$fips)
  rslt <- dplyr::left_join(ensemble_fcst, obsdata, by='time')
  if(!all(complete.cases(rslt))) {
    warning('get_ldata:  Some times missing observations for locality: ', m$obsdata$locality[1])
  rslt[rslt$ntest > 0, ]

#' Evaluate ensemble members according to their agreement with observations.
#' For each ensemble member, compare its predicted number of cases with the
#' observed number of cases and compute a log-likelihood function.
#' Right now we're just looking at number of cases, given the effective number
#' of tests.  Eventually we hope to include the number of UVA hospitalizations
#' as a constraint.
#' @param modlist List of \code{filter-fit} objects. Each fit is for a single 
#' locality.
#' @param mindate Minimum date to consider in the evaluation.  Can be specified
#' either as a number (days since 2020-01-01) or a date.
#' @return Table of ensemble ID numbers and log-likelihood values, along with some
#' diagnostic statistics.
#' @export
ensemble_eval <- function(modlist, mindate=NULL)
  fips <- logl <- id <- meanlogl <- varlogl <- NULL  # silence warnings
  cmpdata <- dplyr::bind_rows(lapply(modlist, get_ldata))
  p <- cmpdata$ncase / cmpdata$ntest
  m <- ceiling(p*cmpdata$pop)
  n <- cmpdata$pop-m
  k <- cmpdata$ntest
  x <- cmpdata$npos
  cmpdata$logl <- dhyper(x, m, n, k, log=TRUE)
  if(!is.null(mindate)) {
    if(!is.numeric(mindate)) {
      mindate <- as.numeric(as.Date(mindate) - as.Date('2020-01-01'))
    cmpdata <- cmpdata[cmpdata$time >= mindate, ]
  ## Aggregate to the county level first so that we can produce some statistics
  ## on whether or not the aggregate log likelihoods are being driven by outlier
  ## counties.
  intermeddata <- 
    dplyr::group_by(cmpdata, fips, locality, pop, id) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(logl = sum(logl)) %>%
  ## We also want to weight by market share adjusted population, so we need to
  ## grab the market share
  mf <- dplyr::filter(marketFractionFinal, TypeAMCDRG == 'fractionAllUVA') %>%
    dplyr::select(locality=Locality, marketShare)
  intermeddata <- dplyr::left_join(intermeddata,
                                   by = 'locality')
  intermeddata$wgt <- intermeddata$marketShare * intermeddata$pop
  dplyr::group_by(intermeddata, id) %>%
    dplyr::summarise(meanlogl = mean(logl),
                     varlogl = var(logl),
                     zm2 = (as.numeric(quantile(logl, pnorm(-2))) - meanlogl) / varlogl,
                     zp2 = (as.numeric(quantile(logl, pnorm(2))) - meanlogl) / varlogl,
                     logl = weighted.mean(logl, wgt)
                     ) %>%
rplzzz/CovMitigation documentation built on June 7, 2021, 8:48 a.m.