
Defines functions est_herit

Documented in est_herit

#' Estimate heritability with a linear mixed model
#' Estimate the heritability of a set of traits via a linear mixed
#' model, with possible allowance for covariates.
#' @param pheno A numeric matrix of phenotypes, individuals x phenotypes.
#' @param kinship A kinship matrix.
#' @param addcovar An optional numeric matrix of additive covariates.
#' @param weights An optional numeric vector of positive weights for the
#' individuals. As with the other inputs, it must have `names`
#' for individual identifiers.
#' @param reml If true, use REML; otherwise, use maximimum likelihood.
#' @param cores Number of CPU cores to use, for parallel calculations.
#' (If `0`, use [parallel::detectCores()].)
#' Alternatively, this can be links to a set of cluster sockets, as
#' produced by [parallel::makeCluster()].
#' @param ... Additional control parameters (see details).
#' @return A vector of estimated heritabilities, corresponding to the
#' columns in `pheno`. The result has attributes `"sample_size"`,
#' `"log10lik"` and `"resid_sd"`.
#' @details
#' We fit the model \eqn{y = X \beta + \epsilon}{y = Xb + e} where
#' \eqn{\epsilon}{e} is multivariate normal with mean 0 and covariance
#' matrix \eqn{\sigma^2 [h^2 (2 K) + I]}{sigmasq*[hsq*2*K+I]} where
#' \eqn{K} is the kinship matrix and \eqn{I} is the identity matrix.
#' If `weights` are provided, the covariance matrix becomes
#' \eqn{\sigma^2 [h^2 (2 K) + D]}{sigmasq*[hsq*2*K+D]} where
#' \eqn{D} is a diagonal matrix with the reciprocal of the weights.
#' For each of the inputs, the row names are used as
#' individual identifiers, to align individuals.
#' If `reml=TRUE`, restricted maximum likelihood (reml) is used
#' to estimate the heritability, separately for each phenotype.
#' Additional control parameters include `tol` for the tolerance
#' for convergence, `quiet` for controlling whether messages will
#' be display, `max_batch` for the maximum number of phenotypes
#' in a batch, and `check_boundary` for whether the 0 and 1
#' boundary values for the estimated heritability will be checked
#' explicitly.
#' @examples
#' # read data
#' iron <- read_cross2(system.file("extdata", "iron.zip", package="qtl2"))
#' \dontshow{iron <- iron[,c("19","X")] # subset to two chromosomes}
#' # insert pseudomarkers into map
#' map <- insert_pseudomarkers(iron$gmap, step=1)
#' # calculate genotype probabilities
#' probs <- calc_genoprob(iron, map, error_prob=0.002)
#' # kinship matrix
#' kinship <- calc_kinship(probs)
#' # grab phenotypes and covariates; ensure that covariates have names attribute
#' pheno <- iron$pheno
#' covar <- match(iron$covar$sex, c("f", "m")) # make numeric
#' names(covar) <- rownames(iron$covar)
#' # perform genome scan
#' hsq <- est_herit(pheno, kinship, covar)
#' @export
est_herit <-
    function(pheno, kinship, addcovar=NULL, weights=NULL, reml=TRUE, cores=1, ...)
    if(is.null(pheno)) stop("pheno is NULL")

    dotargs <- list(...)
    tol <- grab_dots(dotargs, "tol", 1e-12)
    stopifnot(tol > 0)
    quiet <- grab_dots(dotargs, "quiet", TRUE)
    max_batch <- grab_dots(dotargs, "max_batch", NULL)
    check_boundary <- grab_dots(dotargs, "check_boundary", TRUE)
    check_extra_dots(dotargs, c("tol", "quiet", "max_batch",

    # force things to be matrices
        pheno <- as.matrix(pheno)
    if(!is.null(addcovar)) {
        if(!is.matrix(addcovar)) addcovar <- as.matrix(addcovar)
        if(!is.numeric(addcovar)) stop("addcovar is not numeric")

    # check that kinship matrices are square with same IDs
    if(!is.matrix(kinship) || nrow(kinship) != ncol(kinship) || any(rownames(kinship) != colnames(kinship)))
        stop("kinship should be a square matrix with common row and column names")
    kinshipIDs <- rownames(kinship)

    # multiply kinship matrix by 2; rest is using 2*kinship
    # see Almasy & Blangero (1998) https://doi.org/10.1086/301844
    kinship <- double_kinship(kinship)

    # square-root of weights
    weights <- sqrt_weights(weights) # also check >0 (and if all 1's, turn to NULL)

    # find individuals in common across all arguments
    # and drop individuals with missing covariates or missing *all* phenotypes
    ind2keep <- get_common_ids(kinshipIDs, addcovar, weights, complete.cases=TRUE)
    ind2keep <- get_common_ids(ind2keep, pheno[rowSums(is.finite(pheno)) > 0,,drop=FALSE])
    if(length(ind2keep)<=2) {
            stop("No individuals in common.")
            stop("Only ", length(ind2keep), " individuals in common: ",
                 paste(ind2keep, collapse=":"))

    # make sure addcovar is full rank when we add an intercept
    addcovar <- drop_depcols(addcovar, TRUE, tol)

    # batch phenotypes by missing values
    phe_batches <- batch_cols(pheno[ind2keep,,drop=FALSE], max_batch)

    # set up parallel analysis
    cores <- setup_cluster(cores)
    if(!quiet && n_cores(cores)>1) {
        message(" - Using ", n_cores(cores), " cores")
        quiet <- TRUE # make the rest quiet

    # to contain the results
    hsq <- rep(NA, ncol(pheno))
    names(hsq) <- colnames(pheno)
    sigma <- n <- nullLL <- hsq

    # loop over batches of phenotypes with the same pattern of NAs
    for(batch in seq_along(phe_batches)) {

        # info about batch
        omit <- phe_batches[[batch]]$omit # ind to omit
        phecol <- phe_batches[[batch]]$cols # phenotype columns in batch

        # individuals to keep in this batch
        these2keep <- ind2keep
        if(length(omit)>0) these2keep <- ind2keep[-omit]
        n[phecol] <- length(these2keep)
        if(length(these2keep) <= 2) next # not enough individuals; skip this batch

        # subset the rest
        K <- kinship[these2keep, these2keep]
        ac <- addcovar; if(!is.null(ac)) { ac <- ac[these2keep,,drop=FALSE]; ac <- drop_depcols(ac, TRUE, tol) }
        ph <- pheno[these2keep,phecol,drop=FALSE]
        wts <- weights; if(!is.null(wts)) { wts <- wts[these2keep] }

        # multiply stuff by the weights
        K <- weight_kinship(K, wts)
        ac <- weight_matrix(ac, wts)
        ph <- weight_matrix(ph, wts)

        # eigen decomposition of kinship matrix
        Ke <- decomp_kinship(K, cores=cores)

        # fit LMM for each phenotype, one at a time
        nullresult <- calc_hsq_clean(Ke=Ke, pheno=ph, addcovar=ac, Xcovar=NULL,
                                     is_x_chr=FALSE, weights=wts, reml=reml, cores=cores,
                                     check_boundary=check_boundary, tol=tol)
        hsq[phecol] <- nullresult$hsq
        nullLL[phecol] <- nullresult$loglik
        sigma[phecol] <- sqrt(nullresult$sigmasq)

    attr(hsq, "sample_size") <- n
    attr(hsq, "log10lik") <- nullLL/log(10)
    attr(hsq, "resid_sd") <- sigma

rqtl/qtl2 documentation built on Aug. 27, 2024, 2:49 a.m.