Man pages for rqtl/qtl2scan
Genome Scans for QTL Experiments

batch_colsBatch columns by pattern of missing values
bayes_intCalculate Bayes credible intervals
calc_sdpCalculate strain distribution pattern from SNP genotypes
cbind.scan1Join genome scan results for different phenotypes.
cbind.scan1permCombine columns from multiple scan1 permutation results
chr_lengthsCalculate chromosome lengths
decomp_kinshipCalculate eigen decomposition of kinship matrix
est_heritEstimate heritability with a linear mixed model
find_peaksFind peaks in a set of LOD curves
fit1Fit single-QTL model at a single position
genoprob_to_snpprobConvert genotype probabilities to SNP probabilities
get_common_idsGet common set of IDs from objects
index_snpsCreate index of equivalent SNPs
interp_mapInterpolate between maps
invert_sdpCalculate SNP genotype matrix from strain distribution...
lod_intCalculate LOD support intervals
mat2strataDefine strata based on rows of a matrix
maxlodOverall maximum LOD score
max_scan1Find position with maximum LOD score
pick_marker_subsetIdentify the largest subset of markers that are some distance...
print.summary.scan1permPrint summary of scan1perm permutations
qtl2scan-packageqtl2scan: Genome Scans for QTL Experiments
rbind.scan1Join genome scan results for different chromosomes.
rbind.scan1permCombine data from scan1perm objects
scan1Genome scan with a single-QTL model
scan1blupCalculate BLUPs of QTL effects in scan along one chromosome
scan1coefCalculate QTL effects in scan along one chromosome
scan1permPermutation test for genome scan with a single-QTL model
scan1snpsSingle-QTL genome scan at imputed SNPs
subset_scan1Subset scan1 output
summary_scan1permSummarize scan1perm results
top_snpsCreate table of top snp associations
rqtl/qtl2scan documentation built on May 28, 2019, 2:36 a.m.