# uses JSON format to interact with FindZebra API
#' Query FindZebra for differential diagnosis generation
#' Queries the FindZebra website and returns a data frame containing properly
#' formatted results, including the relevant rare medical conditions and
#' associated genes.
#' See FindZebra API <http://www.findzebra.com/about> for more information.
#' @param query a character vector in which each symptom is an element and
#' multiple words within a symptom are separated by spaces
#' @param num_rows maximum number of desired rare conditions
#' @param fields character vector containing a subset of the following:
#' `display_title`, `content`, `associated_gene`, `symptom`, `retrieved_date`,
#' `source_url`, `source`, `cui`, `score`.
#' @return data frame with 1 row per rare condition and 1 column per field
#' (see `fields` parameter)
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' query_fz(query = c("muscle pain", "fatigue"))
#' }
query_fz <- function(query, num_rows = 20, fields = c("display_title",
"score")) {
# base URL for API with JSON format
base_url <- "http://www.findzebra.com/api/call/json/query?"
# make sure parameters are correctly formatted
# at least length 1 for each
valid_fields <- c("display_title", "content", "associated_gene", "symptom",
"retrieved_date", "source_url", "source", "cui", "score")
if (length(query) < 1) {
stop("Cannot have an empty query")
if (length(fields) < 1) {
stop("Cannot have empty fields")
} else if (sum(fields %in% valid_fields) < length(fields)) {
stop(paste("Invalid field included. See fields parameter under",
"?query_fz for more information."))
num_rows <- as.integer(num_rows)
if (num_rows < 1) {
stop("Cannot ask for less than 1 row of data")
# query must have only alphabetic and space chars
# fields all elements must be from fixed list that FZ API accepts
# format params correctly for URL - separate words in term with '+' and separate terms with '%2C+'
query_corr <- paste(gsub(pattern = " ", replacement = "+", query, fixed = TRUE),
collapse = "%2C+")
fields_corr<- paste(fields, collapse = ",%20")
# build url request from FZ API
query_url <- paste(base_url,
num_rows, sep = "")
# get JSON from FZ
query_json <- jsonlite::fromJSON(query_url)
# return JSON
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