calc_PIC <- function(scores_bin, markers) {
message("Se assume que escoreos son diploides y homozigotos han sido escoreados como 2.")
message("Se assume que escoreos no tienen datos faltantes.")
# Remove quality column
# calculate total of diploid markers = 2 * individuals.
sb <- scores_bin[, -c(1)]
total_allels <- 2 * nrow(sb)
freq <- colSums(sb) / total_allels
freq <- freq * freq
marker <- rep(" ", length(freq))
freq <-, marker, freq), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
# grouping preliminaries
for(i in seq_along(markers)) {
has_marker <- stringr::str_detect(freq[, 1], markers[i])
freq[has_marker, "marker"] <- markers[i]
freq$freq <- as.numeric(freq$freq)
freq <- freq %>% dplyr::group_by(marker) %>% dplyr::summarise(1 - sum(freq))
names(freq)[2] <- "PIC"
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