.one.density <- function(x, maxcells=100000, plot=TRUE, ...) {
d <- values(x)
d <- stats::density(stats::na.omit(d))
if (plot) {
plot(d, ...)
} else {
setMethod("density", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, maxcells=100000, plot=TRUE, main, ...) {
x <- spatSample(x, maxcells, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
res <- list()
nl <- nlyr(x)
if (missing(main)) {
} else {
main <- rep(main, length.out=nl)
if (nl==1) {
res[[1]] <- .one.density(x, plot=plot, maxcells=maxcells, main=main, ...)
} else {
if (nl > 16) {
warn("density", "only the first 16 layers are plotted")
nl <- 16
x <- x[[1:16]]
nc <- ceiling(sqrt(nl))
nr <- ceiling(nl / nc)
mfrow <- graphics::par("mfrow")
spots <- mfrow[1] * mfrow[2]
if (spots < nl) {
old.par <- graphics::par(no.readonly = TRUE)
graphics::par(mfrow=c(nr, nc))
for (i in 1:nlyr(x)) {
res[[i]] <- .one.density(x[[i]], maxcells=maxcells, main=main[i], plot=plot, ...)
if (plot) return(invisible(res))
else return(res)
setMethod("persp", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, maxcells=100000, ...) {
x <- spatSample(x, size=maxcells, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
value <- t(as.matrix(x, wide=TRUE)[nrow(x):1,])
y <- yFromRow(x, nrow(x):1)
x <- xFromCol(x, 1:ncol(x))
graphics::persp(x=x, y=y, z=value, ...)
.plot.filled.contour <- function(x, maxcells=100000, ...) {
x <- spatSample(x[[1]], maxcells, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
X <- xFromCol(x, 1:ncol(x))
Y <- yFromRow(x, nrow(x):1)
Z <- t( matrix( values(x), ncol=ncol(x), byrow=TRUE)[nrow(x):1,] )
if (is.null(list(...)$asp)) {
asp <- ifelse(is.lonlat(x, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE), 1/cos((mean(as.vector(ext(x))[3:4]) * pi)/180), 1)
graphics::filled.contour(x=X, y=Y, z=Z, asp=asp, ...)
} else {
graphics::filled.contour(x=X, y=Y, z=Z,...)
setMethod("contour", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, maxcells=100000, filled=FALSE, ...) {
if (filled) {
.plot.filled.contour(x, maxcells=maxcells, ...)
} else {
x <- spatSample(x[[1]], maxcells, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
if (is.null(list(...)$asp)) {
asp <- ifelse(is.lonlat(x, perhaps=TRUE, warn=FALSE), 1/cos((mean(as.vector(ext(x))[3:4]) * pi)/180), 1)
graphics::contour(x=xFromCol(x,1:ncol(x)), y=yFromRow(x, nrow(x):1), z=t(as.matrix(x, wide=TRUE)[nrow(x):1,]), asp=asp, ...)
} else {
graphics::contour(x=xFromCol(x,1:ncol(x)), y=yFromRow(x, nrow(x):1), z=t(as.matrix(x, wide=TRUE)[nrow(x):1,]), ...)
setMethod("as.contour", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, maxcells=100000, ...) {
x <- spatSample(x[[1]], size=maxcells, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
z <- grDevices::contourLines(x=xFromCol(x,1:ncol(x)), y=yFromRow(x, nrow(x):1), z=t(as.matrix(x, wide=TRUE)[nrow(x):1,]), ...)
y <- lapply(1:length(z), function(i) cbind(z[[i]]$level, i, z[[i]]$x, z[[i]]$y))
y <- do.call(rbind, y)
y[] <- as.numeric(y)
u <- unique(y[,1])
y[,1] <- match(y[,1], u)
colnames(y)[3:4] <- c("x", "y")
vect(y, "lines", atts=data.frame(level=u), crs=crs(x))
setMethod("pairs", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, hist=TRUE, cor=TRUE, use="pairwise.complete.obs", maxcells=100000, ...) {
if (nlyr(x) < 2) {
error("x must have at least two layers")
if (nlyr(x) < 2) {
error("x must have at least two layers")
panelhist <- function(x,...) {
usr <- graphics::par("usr")
graphics::par(usr = c(usr[1:2], 0, 1.5) )
h <- hist(x, plot = FALSE)
breaks <- h$breaks
nB <- length(breaks)
y <- h$counts
y <- y/max(y)
graphics::rect(breaks[-nB], 0, breaks[-1], y, col="green")
panelcor <- function(x, y,...) {
usr <- graphics::par("usr")
graphics::par(usr = c(0, 1, 0, 1))
r <- abs(stats::cor(x, y, use=use))
txt <- format(c(r, 0.123456789), digits=2)[1]
text(0.5, 0.5, txt, cex = max(0.5, r * 2))
if (hist) {dp <- panelhist} else {dp <- NULL}
if (cor) {up <- panelcor} else {up <- NULL}
d <- spatSample(x, maxcells, method="regular", as.raster=FALSE, warn=FALSE)
dots <- list(...)
cex <- dots$cex
main <- dots$main
if (is.null(cex)) cex <- 0.5
if (is.null(main)) main <- ""
graphics::pairs(d, main=main, cex=cex, upper.panel=up, diag.panel=dp)
.textbox <- function(x, y=NULL, labels, col="black", hc="white", hw=0.1, ... ) {
xy <- grDevices::xy.coords(x, y)
hw <- hw[1]
n <- nchar(labels)
x0 <- hw * graphics::strwidth("A")
y0 <- hw * graphics::strheight("A")
x1 <- n * x0
v <- vect(cbind(xy$x + c(0, x1), xy$y), crs="local")
b <- buffer(v, y0)
.halo <- function(x, y=NULL, labels, col="black", hc="white", hw=0.1, ... ) {
xy <- grDevices::xy.coords(x, y)
hw <- hw[1]
xo <- hw * graphics::strwidth("A")
yo <- hw * graphics::strheight("A")
n <- nchar(labels)
fact <- 100 * max(1, hw*2)
theta <- seq(pi/4, 2*pi, length.out=hw*fact)
for (i in theta) {
text( xy$x + cos(i)*xo, xy$y + sin(i)*yo, labels, col=hc, ... )
graphics::text(xy$x, xy$y, labels, col=col, ... )
halo <- function(x, y=NULL, labels, col="black", hc="white", hw=0.1, ... ) {
.halo(x=x, y=y, labels=labels, col=col, hc=hc, hw=hw, ...)
setMethod("text", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, labels, digits=0, halo=FALSE, hc="white", hw=0.1, ...) {
if (missing(labels)) {
labels <- 1
if (length(labels) != ncell(x)) {
labels <- labels[1]
if (is.character(labels)) {
i <- which(labels == names(x))
if (i == 0) {
i <- 1
x <- x[[labels]]
labels <- as.data.frame(x)[,1]
p <- as.points(x, values=TRUE)
} else {
p <- as.points(x, values=FALSE, na.rm=FALSE)
xy <- geom(p)[, c("x", "y"), drop=FALSE]
if (is.factor(labels)) {
labels <- substr(as.character(labels), 1, max(1, digits))
} else if (is.numeric(labels)) {
labels <- as.character(round(labels, digits=digits) )
if (length(labels) < nrow(xy)) {
labels <- rep(labels, nrow(xy))
# if (!overlap) {
# xy <- getLabelXY(xy, labels, cex)
# }
if (halo && (isTRUE(hw > 0))) {
.halo(xy[,1], xy[,2], labels, hc=hc, hw=hw, ...)
} else {
text(xy[,1], xy[,2], labels, ...)
setMethod("text", signature(x="SpatVector"),
function(x, labels, halo=FALSE, inside=FALSE, hc="white", hw=0.1, ...) {
if (missing(labels)) {
labels <- 1:nrow(x)
} else if (length(labels) == 1) {
if (nrow(x) > 1) {
labels <- as.data.frame(x)[,labels]
} else {
if (is.numeric(labels)) {
if (labels %in% 1:ncol(x)) {
labels <- x[[labels]][,1]
} else if (labels %in% names(x)) {
labels <- x[[labels]][,1]
xy <- geom(centroids(x, inside=inside))[,c("x","y"),drop=FALSE]
if (halo && (isTRUE(hw > 0))) {
.halo(xy[,1], xy[,2], labels, hc=hc, hw=hw, ...)
} else {
text(xy[,1], xy[,2], labels, ...)
setMethod("boxplot", signature(x="SpatRaster"),
function(x, y=NULL, maxcell=100000, ...) {
if (is.null(y)) {
cn <- names(x)
if ( ncell(x) > maxcell) {
warn("boxplot", "taking a sample of ", maxcell, " cells")
x <- spatSample(x, maxcell, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
names(x) <- cn
boxplot(values(x), ...)
} else {
s <- c(x[[1]], y[[1]])
if ( ncell(x) > maxcell) {
warn("boxplot", "taking a regular sample of ", maxcell, " cells")
s <- spatSample(s, maxcell, method="regular", as.raster=TRUE, warn=FALSE)
s <- values(s, dataframe=TRUE)
cn <- colnames(s)
if (is.null(cn)) cn <- c("", "")
colnames(s)[cn==""] <- c("layer1", "layer2")[cn==""]
f <- try(stats::as.formula(paste(cn[1], '~', cn[2])), silent=TRUE)
if (inherits(f, "try-error")) {
colnames(s) <- c("layer1", "layer2")
f <- layer1 ~ layer2
boxplot(f, data=s, ...)
setMethod("barplot", "SpatRaster",
function(height, maxcell=1000000, digits=0, breaks=NULL, col, ...) {
if (missing(col)) {
height <- height[[1]]
f <- is.factor(height)
# x <- spatSample(height[[1]], maxcell, method="regular", as.raster=FALSE, as.df=f)
x <- spatSample(height[[1]], maxcell, method="regular", as.raster=FALSE, as.df=FALSE, warn=FALSE)
adj <- nrow(x) / ncell(height)
if (adj < 1) {
warn("barplot", "a sample of ", round(100*adj, 1), "% of the raster cells were used to estimate frequencies")
if (!f) {
if (!is.null(digits)) {
x <- round(x, digits)
if (!is.null(breaks)) {
x <- cut(x, breaks)
x <- table(x) / adj
if (is.function(col)) {
col <- col(length(x))
barplot(x, col=col, ...)
shade <- function(slope, aspect, angle=45, direction=0, normalize=FALSE, filename="", overwrite=FALSE, ...) {
stopifnot(inherits(slope, "SpatRaster"))
opt <- spatOptions(filename, overwrite=overwrite, ...)
slope@pntr <- slope@pntr$hillshade(aspect@pntr, angle, direction, normalize[1], opt)
messages(slope, "shade")
map.pal <- function(name, n=50, ...) {
n <- round(n)
if (n < 1) {
error("map.pal", "n should be >= 1")
f <- system.file("colors/palettes.rds", package="terra")
v <- readRDS(f)
if (missing(name)) {
if (name %in% names(v)) {
v <- v[[name]]
if ((n > 0) && ((length(v) != n))) {
grDevices::colorRampPalette(v, ...)(n)
} else {
} else if (name == "random") {
if (n > 433) {
warning("map.pal", "you cannot get > 433 random colors; using n=433 instead")
n <- 433
s <- sample(grDevices::colors()[grep('gr(a|e)y', grDevices::colors(), invert = TRUE)], n)
} else {
error("map.pal", paste(name, "is not a known palette"))
map.leg <- function(name) {
f <- system.file("colors/legends.rds", package="terra")
v <- readRDS(f)
if (name %in% names(v)) {
} else {
error("map.leg", paste(name, "is not a known legend"))
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.