..assume_lonlat <- function(pr) {
(pr$usr[1] > -300) && (pr$usr[2] < 300) && (pr$yaxp[1] > -200) && (pr$yaxp[2] < 200)
.get_dd <- function(pr, lonlat, d=NULL) {
if (lonlat) {
lat <- mean(pr$usr[3:4])
if (is.null(d)) {
dx <- (pr$usr[2] - pr$usr[1]) / 6
d <- as.vector(distance(cbind(0, lat), cbind(dx, lat), TRUE))
d <- max(1, 5 * round(d/5000))
p <- cbind(0, lat)
dd <- .destPoint(p, d * 1000)
dd <- c(dd[1,1], d)
} else {
if (is.null(d)) {
d <- (pr$usr[2] - pr$usr[1]) / 6
digits <- floor(log10(d)) + 1
d <- round(d, -(digits-1))
dd <- c(d, d)
.get_xy <- function(xy, dx=0, dy=0, pr, defpos="bottomleft", caller="") {
if (is.null(xy)) {
xy <- defpos
if (!is.character(xy)) {
return( cbind(xy[1], xy[2]) )
xy <- tolower(xy)
parrange <- c(pr$usr[2] - pr$usr[1], pr$usr[4] - pr$usr[3])
pad=c(5,5) / 100
if (xy == "bottom") {
xy <- c(pr$usr[1]+0.5*parrange[1]-0.5*dx, pr$usr[3]+(pad[2]*parrange[2])) + c(0,dy)
} else if (xy == "bottomleft") {
xy <- c(pr$usr[1]+(pad[1]*parrange[1]), pr$usr[3]+(pad[2]*parrange[2])) + c(0,dy)
} else if (xy == "bottomright") {
xy <- c(pr$usr[2]-(pad[1]*parrange[1]), pr$usr[3]+(pad[2]*parrange[2])) - c(dx,-dy)
} else if (xy == "topright") {
xy <- c(pr$usr[2]-(pad[1]*parrange[1]), pr$usr[4]-(pad[2]*parrange[2])) - c(dx,dy)
} else if (xy == "top") {
xy <- c(pr$usr[1]+0.5*parrange[1]-0.5*dx, pr$usr[4]-(pad[2]*parrange[2])) - c(0,dy)
} else if (xy == "topleft") {
xy <- c(pr$usr[1]+(pad[1]*parrange[1]), pr$usr[4]-(pad[2]*parrange[2])) - c(0,dy)
} else if (xy == "left") {
xy <- c(pr$usr[1]+(pad[1]*parrange[1]), pr$usr[3]+0.5*parrange[2]-0.5*dy)
} else if (xy == "right") {
xy <- c(pr$usr[2]-(pad[1]*parrange[1])-dx, pr$usr[3]+0.5*parrange[2]-0.5*dy)
} else {
error(caller, 'xy must be a coordinate pair (two numbers) or one of "bottomleft", "bottom", "bottomright", topleft", "top", "topright"')
.destPoint <- function (p, d, b=90, r=6378137) {
toRad <- pi/180
lon1 <- p[, 1] * toRad
lat1 <- p[, 2] * toRad
b <- b * toRad
lat2 <- asin(sin(lat1) * cos(d/r) + cos(lat1) * sin(d/r) * cos(b))
lon2 <- lon1 + atan2(sin(b) * sin(d/r) * cos(lat1), cos(d/r) - sin(lat1) * sin(lat2))
lon2 <- (lon2 + pi)%%(2 * pi) - pi
cbind(lon2, lat2)/toRad
add_N <- function(x, y, asp, label, type=0, user="", angle=0, cex=1, srt=0, xpd=TRUE, ...) {
type <- type[1]
if (type == 0) { symbol = user[1]
} else if (type == 2) { symbol = "\u27A2"
} else if (type == 3) { symbol = "\u2799"
} else if (type == 4) { symbol = "\u27B2"
} else if (type == 5) { symbol = "\u27BE"
} else if (type == 6) { symbol = "\u27B8"
} else if (type == 7) { symbol = "\u27BB"
} else if (type == 8) { symbol = "\u27B5"
} else if (type == 9) { symbol = "\u279F"
} else if (type == 10) { symbol = "\u261B"
} else if (type == 11) { symbol = "\u2708"
} else { symbol = "\u2629"}
if (type == 11) {
rangle <- 45 - angle
mcex <- 1.5
} else {
rangle <- 90 - angle
mcex <- 3
text(x, y, symbol, cex=cex*mcex, srt=rangle, xpd=xpd, ...)
xs <- graphics::strwidth(symbol,cex=cex*3)
ys <- graphics::strheight(symbol,cex=cex*3)
b <- pi * angle / 180
rxs <- (abs(xs * cos(b)) + abs(ys * sin(b)))# / asp
rys <- (abs(xs * sin(b)) + abs(ys * cos(b)))# * asp
# xoff <- (rxs - xs) / 2
# yoff <- rys + 0.05 * graphics::strheight(label,cex=cex)
xoff = 0.1 * rxs
yoff = 0.8 * rys * max(0.5, abs(cos(angle)))
if (type == 4) {
.halo(x+xoff, y-0.2*yoff, label, cex = cex, srt = srt, xpd = xpd, ...)
} else if (type == 10) {
.halo(x+xoff, y-yoff, label, cex = cex, srt = srt, xpd = xpd, ...)
} else {
text(x+xoff, y+yoff, label, cex = cex, srt = srt, xpd = xpd, ...)
north <- function(xy=NULL, type=1, label="N", angle=0, d, head=0.1, xpd=TRUE, ...) {
pr <- graphics::par()
pr$usr <- unlist(get.clip()[1:4])
pa <- c(pr$usr[2] - pr$usr[1], pr$usr[4] - pr$usr[3])
asp <- pa[2]/pa[1]
if (missing(d)) {
d <- 0.07 * pa[2]
xy <- .get_xy(xy, 0, d, pr, "topright", caller="north")
if (inherits(type, "character")) {
usertype <- type
type = 0
} else {
type <- round(type)
usertype <- ""
if (type == 1) {
if (angle != 0) {
b <- angle * pi / 180;
p2 <- xy + c(d * sin(b), d * cos(b))
b <- b + pi
p1 <- xy + c(d * sin(b), d * cos(b))
if ((p2[1] - p1[1]) > (d/asp)) {
m <- xy[1] #p1[1] + (p2[1] - p1[1]) / 2
slope = (p2[2] - p1[2])/(p2[1] - p1[1])
newx <- m - 0.5 * d / asp
p1[2] <- p1[2] + (newx-p1[1]) * slope
p1[1] <- newx
newx <- m + 0.5 * d / asp
p2[2] <- p2[2] - (p2[1]-newx) * slope
p2[1] <- newx
} else {
p1 <- xy - c(0,d)
p2 <- xy + c(0,d)
lwd <- list(...)$lwd + 2
if (is.null(lwd)) lwd <- 3
graphics::arrows(p1[1], p1[2], p2[1], p2[2], length=head, lwd=lwd, col="white", xpd=xpd)
graphics::arrows(p1[1], p1[2], p2[1], p2[2], length=head, xpd=xpd, ...)
if (label != "") {
if (is.null(list(...)$hw)) {
.halo(xy[1], xy[2], label, hw=.2, xpd=xpd, ... )
} else {
.halo(xy[1], xy[2], label, xpd=xpd, ... )
} else {
add_N(xy[1], xy[2], asp=asp, label=label, angle=angle, type=type, user=usertype, xpd=xpd, ...)
sbar <- function(d, xy=NULL, type="line", divs=2, below="", lonlat=NULL, labels, adj=c(0.5, -1), lwd=2, xpd=TRUE, ticks=FALSE, scaleby=1, halo=TRUE, ...){
stopifnot(type %in% c("line", "bar"))
pr <- graphics::par()
clp <- get.clip()
pr$usr <- unlist(clp[,1:4])
if (is.null(lonlat)) {
lonlat <- isTRUE(clp[[5]])
if (missing(d)) {
labels <- NULL
d <- NULL
dd <- .get_dd(pr, lonlat, d)
d <- dd[2]
dd <- dd[1]
xy <- .get_xy(xy, dd, 0, pr, "bottomleft", caller="sbar")
if (type == "line") {
if (halo) {
lines(matrix(c(xy[1], xy[2], xy[1]+dd, xy[2]), byrow=T, nrow=2), lwd=lwd+1, xpd=xpd, col="white")
lines(matrix(c(xy[1], xy[2], xy[1]+dd, xy[2]), byrow=T, nrow=2), lwd=lwd, xpd=xpd, ...)
if (missing(labels) || is.null(labels)) {
ds <- d / scaleby
if (divs > 2) {
labels <- c(0, round(ds/2, 1), ds)
} else {
labels <- paste(ds)
if (missing(adj)) {
adj <- c(0.5, -0.2-lwd/20 )
tadd <- 0
if (!isFALSE(ticks)) {
if (isTRUE(ticks)) {
tadd <- dd / (15 * diff(pr$usr[1:2]) / diff(pr$usr[3:4]))
} else {
tadd <- ticks
if (length(labels) == 1) {
xtick <- c(xy[1], xy[1]+dd)
} else {
xtick <- c(xy[1], xy[1]+dd/2, xy[1]+dd)
for (i in 1:length(xtick)) {
lines(rbind(c(xtick[i], xy[2]), c(xtick[i], xy[2]+tadd)), lwd=ceiling(lwd/2), ...)
tadd <- max(0, tadd)
if (length(labels) == 1) labels =c("", labels, "")
if (halo) {
.halo(xy[1], xy[2]+tadd,labels=labels[1], xpd=xpd, adj=adj, ...)
.halo(xy[1]+0.5*dd, xy[2]+tadd,labels=labels[2], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
.halo(xy[1]+dd, xy[2]+tadd,labels=labels[3], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
} else {
text(xy[1], xy[2]+tadd,labels=labels[1], xpd=xpd, adj=adj, ...)
text(xy[1]+0.5*dd, xy[2]+tadd,labels=labels[2], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
text(xy[1]+dd, xy[2]+tadd,labels=labels[3], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
xy[2] <- xy[2] - dd/10
} else if (type == "bar") {
stopifnot(divs > 0)
if (missing(adj)) {
adj <- c(0.5, -1 )
lwd <- dd / 25
if (divs==2) {
half <- xy[1] + dd / 2
graphics::polygon(c(xy[1], xy[1], half, half), c(xy[2], xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]), col="white", xpd=xpd)
graphics::polygon(c(half, half, xy[1]+dd, xy[1]+dd ), c(xy[2], xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]), col="black", xpd=xpd)
if (missing(labels) || is.null(labels)) {
labels <- c("0", "", d/scaleby)
text(xy[1], xy[2],labels=labels[1], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
text(xy[1]+0.5*dd, xy[2],labels=labels[2], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
text(xy[1]+dd, xy[2],labels=labels[3], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
} else {
q1 <- xy[1] + dd / 4
half <- xy[1] + dd / 2
q3 <- xy[1] + 3 * dd / 4
end <- xy[1] + dd
graphics::polygon(c(xy[1], xy[1], q1, q1), c(xy[2], xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]), col="white", xpd=xpd)
graphics::polygon(c(q1, q1, half, half), c(xy[2], xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]), col="black", xpd=xpd)
graphics::polygon(c(half, half, q3, q3 ), c(xy[2], xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]), col="white", xpd=xpd)
graphics::polygon(c(q3, q3, end, end), c(xy[2], xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]+lwd, xy[2]), col="black", xpd=xpd)
if (missing(labels) || is.null(labels)) {
ds <- d / scaleby
labels <- c("0", round(0.5*ds), ds)
text(xy[1], xy[2], labels=labels[1], xpd=xpd, adj=adj, ...)
text(half, xy[2], labels=labels[2], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
text(end, xy[2],labels=labels[3], xpd=xpd, adj=adj,...)
if (below != "") {
adj[2] <- -adj[2]
text(xy[1]+(0.5*dd), xy[2], xpd=xpd, labels=below, adj=adj,...)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.